Visco-plastic fluids combine solid-like behavior in the absence of intervention and fluid-like response at stress. The shift between
this two conditions is formalized by yield stress parameter.
$K>0$: consistency parameter,
$\rho$: density of fluid,
$\bf{Du}=\frac{1}{2}[\nabla\mathbf{u} + (\nabla\mathbf{u})^T]$: rate of strain tensor,
$\tau$: deviatoric part of the stress tensor,
For a passively advected free surface $\Gamma(t)$, it holds
v_{\Gamma} = \mathbf{u}|_{\Gamma} \cdot \mathbf{n}_{\Gamma},
where $\mathbf{n}_{\Gamma}$ is the normal vector for $\Gamma(t)$ and $v_{\Gamma}$ is the normal velocity of $\Gamma(t)$.
The balance the surface tension and stress forces gives the second condition on $\Gamma(t)$ :
\boldsymbol{\sigma} \mathbf{n}_{\Gamma} = \varsigma \kappa \mathbf{n}_{\Gamma}
%- p_{\rm ext} \mathbf{n}_{\Gamma}
\quad\text{on}~ \Gamma(t),
$\kappa$ is the sum of the principal curvatures, $\varsigma$ is the surface tension coefficient.
Do not forget initial and boundary conditions. :-)
Examples and illustrations
Computational Herschel-Bulkley fluid flows
The sketch of the flow set-up: viscoplastic fluid flows over incline planes; see [7].
Flow animation: viscoplastic fluid flows over incline planes.
Plots: evolution of the contact line of the free-surface.
Parameters: $\alpha=12^o$, $K\,=47.68 Pa s^{-n}$, $n=0.415$, $\tau_s=89 Pa$.
Compare the numerics with the report of Cochard and Ancey on experimental studies with Carbopol Ultrez 10 gel (flow over an inclined plane, same set-up):
"... we observed two regimes: at the very beginning ($t<1s$), the flow was in an inertial regime; the front velocity was nearly constant. Then, quite abruptly, a
pseudo-equilibrium regime occurred, for which the front velocity decayed as a power-law function of time."
Flow animation: viscoplastic fluid flows over incline planes. The opening gate is now simulated numerically.
Plots: evolution of the midplane flow-depth profile.
Parameters: $\alpha=12^o$, $K\,=47.68 Pa s^{-n}$, $n=0.415$, $\tau_s=89 Pa$.
Computations for Herschel-Bulkley fluid, $n=1\Rightarrow$ Bingham
Freely oscillating droplet problem; see [2] and [7].
The kinetic energy decay (left) and top tip trajectories (right) for different stress yield parameter values,
$$\tau_s\in\{0,\, 0.02,\, 0.03,\, 0.04\}:$$
Few more animations of complex and/or entertaining
fluid flows (computed and rendered by Kirill Nikitin)
For algorithms description see [3-6].
Newtonian fluids:
Sayana-Shushenskaya Dam Break (Newtonian fluid):
Sayana-Shushenskaya Landslide (Herschel-Bulkley fluid). Landslide run-out and kinetic energy evolution:
(real-life topography thanks to Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (NASA))
(H.-B. model coefficients correspond to rheology of Puglia mountains landslides.)
Metro station from "Moscow 2033" novel:
The bibliography
K.D. Nikitin, M.A. Olshanskii, K.M. Terekhov, Yu.V. Vassilevski, R. Yanbarisov,
An adaptive numerical method for free surface flows passing rigidly mounted obstacles,
Computers & Fluids, V. 148 (2017), 56-68,
K.M. Terekhov, K.D. Nikitin, M.A. Olshanskii, Y.V.. Vassilevski, A semi-Largangian method on dynamically adapted octree meshes, Rus.J.Num.Anal.Math.Model.30 (2015), 363-380,
K.D. Nikitin, M.A. Olshanskii, K.M. Terekhov, Yu.V. Vassilevski, A splitting method for numerical simulation of free surface flows of incompressible fluids with surface tension, Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics , 15 (2015), 59-77,
M.A. Olshanskii, K.M. Terekhov, Y.V. Vassilevski, An octree-based solver for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with enhanced stability and low dissipation, Computers & Fluids, 84 (2013), 231-246,
K.D. Nikitin, M.A. Olshanskii, K.M. Terekhov, Yu.V. Vassilevski, A CFD approach to the 3D modelling of large-scale hydrodynamic events and disasters, Rus.J.Num.Anal.Math.Model., 27 (2012), 399-412, pdf-file;
K.D. Nikitin, M.A. Olshanskii, K.M. Terekhov, Yu.V. Vassilevski, A numerical method for the simulation of free surface flows of viscoplastic fluid in 3D, J.Comp.Math., 29 (2011), 605-622,
Department of Mathematics
University of Houston
651 PGH Houston, Texas 77204
tel:+1-713-743 3500