
Differential Equations and their Applications


In honor of

Jacques-Louis Lions'

70th birthday

University of Houston, Hilton Conference Center


October 7-9, 1999


The conference will feature lectures that address recent advances and current research in the following areas:

Due to the tight schedule, we will not be able to have sessions for contributed papers. All who are interested are welcome to attend. For additional information about this conference, please contact

Drs. G.E. Etgen and R. Glowinski
Department of Mathematics
University of of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-3476

Principal Organizers:

G.E. Etgen
R. Glowinski

Organizing Committee:

G. Auchmuty
J. Bear
W. Fitzgibbon
H. Kawarada
C. Mosser
J. Periaux
A. Vailas

This conference is sponsored by the University of Houston, the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications at the University of Minnesota, and Dassault Aviation.

Date of last change: September 23, 1999