[*] = journal publication
- D. Labate and J. Shi,
"Optimal Approximation of Smooth Functions on Riemannian Manifolds Using Deep Relu Neural Networks" (2024).
[preprint SSRN link] [*]
Tatiana A. Bubba, Tommi Heikkila, Demetrio Labate, Luca Ratti, "Regularization with optimal space-time priors" (2024).
[arXiv link] [*]
D. Kim, D. Labate, K. Mily, A. Quaini, "Data driven learning to enhance a kinetic model of distressed crowd dynamics" to appear in Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (2025).
[arXiv link] [*]
D. Jayasundara, H. Zhao, D. Labate, V. Patel, "MIRE: Matched Implicit Neural Representations",
The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2025 (CVPR), Nashville TN, June 11-15, 2025 (2025).
[PDF file]
D. Jayasundara, H. Zhao, D. Labate, V. Patel, "PIN: Implicit Neural Representations with Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions",
The International Conference on Learning Representations
(ICLR), Singapore, Apr 24-28, 2025 (2025).
[PDF file]
Jessica Di Re, Michela Marini, Syed Ibrar Hussain, Aditya K Singh, Akshaya Venkatesh, Musaad A Alshammari, Tahani K Alshammari, Abdul-Rizaq Ali Hamoud, Ali Sajid Imami, Zahra Haghighijoo, Nickolas Fularcyzk, Laura Stertz, Angela Mosebarger,
Jordan Jernigan, Claire Chaljub, Consuelo Walss-Bass, Anton Schulmann, Marquis P. Vawter, Robert McCullumsmith, Robert D Damoiseaux, Agenor Limon, Demetrio Labate, Michael F Wells and Fernanda Laezza,
"βIV Spectrin Abundancy, Cellular Distribution and Sensitivity to AKT/GSK3 Regulation in Schizophrenia", Molecular Psychiatry ( (2025).
[publisher link] [*]
Yewen Huang, Syed Ibrar Hussain, Demetrio Labate, Robert Azencott, Paul Thompson, Bhim Adhikari, Peter Kochunov,
"Exploring the Granularity of the Illnesses-Related Changes in Regional Homogeneity in Major Depressive Disorder using the UKBB Data",
Proceedings of Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2025, 30: 647-663 (2025).
[PDF file]
- Fabio Stossi, Pankaj K. Singh, Michela Marini, Kazem Safari, Adam T. Szafran, Alejandra Rivera
Tostado, Christopher D. Candler, Maureen G. Mancini, Elina A. Mosa, Michael J. Bolt, Demetrio
Labate, Michael A. Mancini, "SPACe (Swift Phenotypic Analysis of Cells): an open-source, single cell analysis of Cell Painting data", Nature Communications 15, 10170 (
024-54264-4) (2024).
[publisher link] [BioRXiv link] [*]
- D. Labate and J. Shi,
"Low dimensional approximation and generalization of multivariate functions on smooth manifolds using deep ReLU neural networks", Neural Networks 174, Article Number
106223 (
[publisher link] [PDF file] [*]
- D. Labate and H. Zhao, "Integration of model- and learning-based methods in image restoration"
in "Data-driven models in inverse problems" (Bubba Ed.), RICAM series, DeGruyter
(ISBN 978-3-11-125003-8) (2024).
[PDF file]
J. Di Re, M. Marini, M. Alshammari, T. Alshammari, A. Hamoud, A. Imami, N. Fularcyzk, L. Stertz, A. Mosebarger, J. Jernigan, C. Chaljub, C. Walss-Bass, A. Schulmann, S. Marenco, M. Vawter, D. Labate, R. McCullumsmith, A. Limon, F. Laezza,
"βIV spectrin abundancy, cellular distribution, and sensitivity to AKT regulation are associated with schizophrenia", ACNP 62nd Annual Meeting (Tampa, Florida December 3-6, 2023), Neuropsychopharmacology (2023).
F. Stossi, P. Singh, K. Safari, M. Marini, D. Labate, M. Mancini, "High throughput microscopy and single cell phenotypic image-based analysis in toxicology and drug discovery",
115770, Biochemical Pharmacology (doi: 10.1016/j.bcp.2023.115770)(2023).
[paper link] [PDF file] [*]
D. Labate and T. Bubba, "Leveraging model and data-driven methods in medical imaging", Report of BIRS-UBCO Workshop 23w5042, June 25 to June 30, 2023
[PDF file]
T. Bubba, G. Easley, T. Heikkila, D. Labate and J. Rodriguez Ayllon,
"Efficient representation of spatio-temporal data using cylindrical
shearlets”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 429, 115206 (doi: 10.1016/
[online link] - [PDF file] [*]
D. Labate, C. Kayasandik,
"Advances in quantitative analysis of astrocytes using machine learning", Neural Regeneration Research 18(2), pp.313-314 (doi:10.4103/1673-5374.346474)
[online link] - [PDF file] [*]
J. Schmalfuss, E. Scheurer, H. Zhao, N. Karantzas, A. Bruhn and D. Labate, "Blind Image Inpainting with Sparse Directional Filter
Dictionaries for Lightweight CNNs", Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 65(2), pp 323-339 (doi:10.1007/s10851-022-01119-6)(2023)
[PDF file] [*]
Y. Huang, A. Kruyer, S. Syed, C. Kayasandik, M. Papadakis and D. Labate,
"Automated detection of GFAP-labeled astrocytes in micrographs using YOLOv5",
Scientific Reports 12, Article number: 22263, (doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-26698-7) (2022).
[online link] - [PDF file] [*]
- D. Labate, "Remarks about Guido Weiss' contributions to wavelets", La Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Espanola
[PDF file]
N. Fularczyk, J. Di Re, L. Stertz, C. Walss-Bass, F. Laezza, D. Labate,
"A learning based framework for disease prediction from images of human-derived pluripotent stem cells of schizophrenia patients", Neuroinformatics 20(2), pp.513-523 (doi:10.1007/s12021-022-09561-y)
[online link] - [PDF file] [*]
J. Di Re, W. Jim Hsu, C. B. Kayasandik, N Fularczyk, T F James, M. Nenov, P. Negi, M Marosi, F. Scala, S. Prasad, D. Labate, F. Laezza,
"Inhibition of AKT signaling alters beta-IV spectrin distribution at the AIS and increases neuronal excitability", Frontiers In Molecular Neuroscience 14, 643860 (doi:10.3389/fnmol.2021.643860)
[online link] [*]
- C. Conti, M. Cotronei, D. Labate, W. Molina, "Stable recovery of planar regions with algebraic boundaries in Bernstein form", Advances in Computational Mathematics
[PDF file] [*]
G. Easley, K. Guo, D. Labate, B. R. Pahari, "Optimally sparse representations of cartoon-like cylindrical data", The Journal of Geometric Analysis 31, pp. 8926–8946
[PDF file] [*]
K. Safari, S. Prasad, D. Labate, "A multiscale deep learning approach for high-resolution hyperspectral image classification",
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 18(1) Jan. 2021 (doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2020.2966987)(2021).
[PDF file] [*]
K. Guo, D. Labate, J. P. Rodriguez Ayllon, "Image inpainting using sparse multiscale representations: image recovery performance guarantees",
Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal. 49(2), pp. 343-380 (doi:10.1016/j.acha.2020.05.001) (2020)
[PDF file] [*]
D. Labate, B. R. Pahari, S. Hoteit, M. Mecati, "Quantitative methods in ocular fundus imaging:
Analysis of retinal microvasculature", in "Landscapes of Time-Frequency Analysis - ATFA 2019", Boggiato et al. eds., pp. 157-174, Birkhauser, 2020.
[PDF file]
C. Kayasandik, W. Ru and D. Labate,
"A multistep deep learning framework for the automated detection and segmentation of astrocytes in fluorescent images of brain tissue",
Scientific Reports 10, Article number: 5137 (doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-61953-9) (2020).
[online link] - Errata corrige - [PDF file] [*]
- B. Goossens, D. Labate and B Bodmann,
"Robust and stable region-of-interest tomographic reconstruction using a robust
width prior", Inverse Problems and Imaging 14(2) pp. 291-316 (doi: 10.3934/ipi.2020013) (2020).
[PDF file] [*]
- D. Labate, K. Safari, N. Karantzas, S. Prasad, F. Foroozandeh Shahraki, "Structured Receptive Field Networks and applications to hyperspectral image classification",
Proc. SPIE 11138, Wavelets and Sparsity XVIII, 111380O (9 September 2019) (
[PDF file]
- B. G. Bodmann, D. Labate, B. R. Pahari, "Smooth projections and the construction of smooth Parseval frames of shearlets",
Advances in Computational Mathematics 45 pp. 3241–3264 (doi: 10.1007/s10444-019-09736-3) (2019).
[PDF file] [*]
- J. Di Re, C. Kayasandik, G. Botello-Lins, D. Labate, F. Laezza,
"Imaging of the Axon Initiation Segment",
Current Protocols in Neuroscience 89(1) e78 (doi: 10.1002/cpns.78) (2019).
[online link] [*]
C. Kayasandik, K. Guo, and D. Labate,
"Directional multiscale representations and applications
in digital neuron reconstruction" Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 349(15) pp 482-493 (
[PDF file] [*]
K. Guo, and D. Labate,
"Geometric Separation in R3", J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 25(1) pp 108–130
( (2019).
[PDF file] [*]
C. Kayasandik, P. Negi, F. Laezza, M. Papadakis, and D. Labate
"Automated sorting of neuronal trees in fluorescent
images of neuronal networks using NeuroTreeTracer",
Scientific Reports 8, Article number 6450 (doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-24753-w) (2018).
[online link] - [PDF file] [*]
K. Guo, and D. Labate, "Detection of singularities by discrete multiscale transforms",
The Journal of Geometric Analysis 28(3) pp 2102–2128(doi: 10.1007/s12220-017-9897-x) (2018).
[PDF file] [*]
R. Azencott, B. Bodmann, T. Chowdhury, D. Labate, A. Sen, and D. Vera,
"Region-of-Interest reconstruction from truncated cone-beam projections", Inverse Problems and Imaging 12(1), p. 29-57 (doi: 10.3934/ipi.2018002) (2018).
[PDF file] [*]
T.A. Bubba, D. Labate, G. Zanghirati, S. Bonettini,
"Shearlet-based regularized reconstruction in
region-of-interest computed tomography", Math. Model. Nat. Phenom. 13(4) Article number 34 (2018) (
[PDF file] [*]
M. A. Borgi, T. P. Nguyen, D. Labate, C. Ben Amar,
"Statistical binary pattern and post-competitive representation for pattern recognition",
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics 9(6) p. 1023–1038 (doi:10.1007/s13042-016-0625-9) (2018).
[PDF file] [*]
J. Hsu, P. Negi, M. Nenov, F. Thomas, C. Kayasandik, A. Limon, B.E. Hjelm,
M.O. Vawter, S. Prasad, D. Labate, F. Laezza, "Akt Dysfunction Leads to Structure-
Function Changes in the Voltage-Gated Na+ Channel Complex at Axonal Initial
Segment That Mimic Endophenotypes Associated With Schizophrenia", ACNP 56th
Annual Meeting (2017) in Neuropsychopharmacology 2017.
- P. Singh, P. Hernandez-Herrera, D. Labate, M. Papadakis,
"Automated 3-D detection of dendritic spines from in vivo two-photon
image stacks" Neuroinformatics 15(4) pp. 303-319 (doi: 10.1007/s12021-017-9332-2) (2017)
[online link] - [PDF file] [*]
S. Prasad, D. Labate, M. Cui, Y. Zhang,
"Morphologically Decoupled Multi-Scale Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Analysis",
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 55(8), pp. 4355–4366 (doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2017.2691607) (2017)
[PDF file] [*]
- S. Dahlke, F. De Mari, E. De Vito, D. Labate, G. Steidl, G. Teschke and S. Vigogna,
"Coorbit spaces with voice in a Frechet space", J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 23(1), p. 141–206
(doi: 10.1007/s00041-016-9466-x) (2017)
[PDF file] [*]
K. Guo, and D. Labate, "Microlocal analysis of edge flatness through directional
multiscale representations", Advances in Computational Mathematics 43(2), pp. 295-318 (doi: 10.1007/s10444-016-9486-8) (2017).
[PDF file] [*]
S. Prasad, D. Labate, M. Cui, Y. Zhang,
"Rotation invariance through structured sparsity for robust hyperspectral image classification",
ICASSP (2016)
[PDF file]
C. Kayasandik. D. Labate
"Improved detection of soma location and morphology in fluorescence microscopy images of neurons",
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 274 p. 61-70 (doi:10.1016/j.jneumeth.2016.09.007) (2016)
[online link] - [PDF file] [*]
- P. Singh, P. Negi, F. Laezza, M. Papadakis, D. Labate
"Multiscale analysis of neurite orientation and spatial organization in
neuronal images" Neuroinformatics 14(4) p. 465-77 (doi: 10.1007/s12021-016-9306-9) (2016)
[online link] - [PDF file] [*]
T. K. Alshammari, M. A. Alshammari, M. N. Nenov, E. Hoxha, M. Cambiaghi, A. Marcinno, T. F. James, P. Singh, D. Labate, J. Li, H. Y. Meltzer, B. Sacchetti, F. Tempia and F. Laezza, "Genetic deletion of fibroblast growth factor 14 recapitulates phenotypic alterations underlying cognitive impairment associated with schizophrenia",
Translational Psychiatry 6 doi:10.1038/tp.2016.66 (2016)
[PDF file] -
[HTML online] [*]
K. Guo, and D. Labate, "Characterization and analysis of edges in piecewise smooth functions", Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal. 41(1) July 2016 p. 139-163 (doi:10.1016/j.acha.2015.10.007) (2016).
[PDF file] [*]
- R. Houska, and D. Labate,
"Detection of boundary curves on the piecewise smooth boundary surface of three dimensional solids",
Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal. 40(1) p. 137-171 (doi:10.1016/j.acha.2015.01.004) (2016).
[PDF file] [*]
- D. Jimenez, D. Labate, and M. Papadakis,
"Directional analysis of 3D tubular structures via
isotropic well-localized atoms", Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal. 40(3) May 2016, p. 588–599 (doi:10.1016/j.acha.2015.08.011) (2016)
[PDF file] [*]
T. K. Alshammari, M. A. Alshammari, M. N. Nenov, E. Hoxha, M. Cambiaghi, A.
Marcinno, T. F. James, P. Singh, D. Labate, J. Li, H. Y. Meltzer, B. Sacchetti,
F. Tempia, F. Laezza, "Fibroblast Growth Factor 14 is an essential element of the
inhibitory circuit that controls cognitive function associated with schizophrenia", ACNP 54th Annual Meeting (Hollywood, FL, Dec 6-10, 2015), in: Neuropsychopharmacology
(2015) vol. 40, S540.
[PDF file]
S. Dahlke, F. De Mari, P. Grohs and D. Labate, "Harmonic and Applied Analysis: From Groups to Signals",
Birkhäuser, 2015.
[Book Cover, Order from Amazon]
D. Labate, P. Negi, B. Ozcan, M. Papadakis,
"Directional ratio based on parabolic molecules and its application to the analysis of tubular structures",
Wavelets and Sparsity XVI (San Diego, CA, 2015), SPIE Proc. (2015).
[PDF file]
G. R. Easley, M. Barbu-McInnis, D. Labate,
"Image registration using the shearlet transform",
Wavelets and Sparsity XVI (San Diego, CA, 2015), SPIE Proc. (2015).
[PDF file]
T.A. Bubba, D. Labate, G. Zanghirati, S. Bonettini and B. Goossens,
"Shearlet-based regularized ROI reconstruction in fan beam computed tomography",
Wavelets and Sparsity XVI (San Diego, CA, 2015), SPIE Proc. (2015).
[PDF file]
G. Gao, Y. Liu and D. Labate,
"A two-stage shearlet-based approach for the removal of random-valued impulse noise in images",
J. Vis. Commun. Image Represent. 32 p. 83-94 (2015).
[PDF file] [*]
K. Guo, and D. Labate, "Efficient analysis and detection of edges through directional multiscale representations," in: "Harmonic and applied analysis. From groups to signals", Editors: S. Dahlke, F. DeMari, P. Grohs, D. Labate, Birkhäuser, Boston, 2015.
[PDF file]
B. Ozcan, P. Negi, F. Laezza, M. Papadakis, D. Labate,
"Automated detection of soma location and morphology in neuronal network cultures", PLOS ONE 10(4) (2015).
[PDF file] [*]
- D. Jimenez, D. Labate, I. A. Kakadiaris and M. Papadakis,
"Improved automatic centerline tracing for dendritic and axonal structures", Neuroinformatics
13(2) p. 227-244 (2015)
[PDF file] [*]
- T.F. James, M.N. Nenov, N.C. Wildburger, C. Litchi, J. Luisi, F. Vergara, N. Panova-Electronova, C.L. Nilsson, J. Rudra, T. A. Green, D. Labate and F. Laezza,
"The Nav1.2 channel is regulated by glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3)", Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects 1850(4) p. 832-844 (2015)
[PDF file] [*]
K. Guo, and D. Labate, "Geometric separation of singularities using combined
multiscale dictionaries", J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 21(4) p. 667-693 (doi=10.1007/s00041-014-9381-y) (2015).
[PDF file] [*]
M. A. Borgi, D. Labate, M. El Arbi, C. Ben Amar,
"Sparse Multi-Stage Regularized Feature Learning for robust Face Recognition"
Expert Systems with Applications 42(1) p. 269-279 (2015)
[PDF file] [*]
M. A. Borgi, D. Labate, M. El Arbi, C. Ben Amar,
"Regularized Directional Features Learning For Face
Recognition", Multimedia Tools and Applications 74(24) p. 11281-11295 (2015)
[PDF file] [*]
M. A. Borgi, M. El'Arbi, D. Labate, C. Ben Amar,
"Face, gender and race classification using multi-regularized features learning",
International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), (2014)
[PDF file]
M. A. Borgi, D. Labate, M. El Arbi, C. Ben Amar,
"Sparse multi-regularized shearlet-network using convex relaxation for face recognition",
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), (2014)
[PDF file]
M. A. Borgi, D. Labate, M. El Arbi, C. Ben Amar,
"ShearFace: Efficient extraction of anisotropic
features for face recognition",
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), (2014)
[PDF file]
M. A. Borgi, D. Labate, M. El Arbi, C. Ben Amar,
"Regularized shearlet network for face recognition using single-sample-per-person",
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), (2014)
[PDF file]
X. G. Serra, V. M. Patel, D. Labate and R. Chellappa
"Discrete Shearlet Transform on GPU with
applications in anomaly detection and denoising",
EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process. 2014:64 (10 May 2014) (2014).
[PDF file] [*]
D. Labate, F. Laezza, B. Ozcan, P. Negi, M. Papadakis,
"Efficient processing of fluorescence images
using directional multiscale representations",
Math. Model. Nat. Phenom. 9(5) p. 177-193 (2014).
[PDF file] [*]
K. Guo, R. Houska, and D. Labate,
"Microlocal analysis of singularities from directional multiscale representations",
Proceedings from: Approximation Theory XIV: San Antonio 2013 (April 7-10, 2013, San Antonio, Texas).
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Volume 83, 2014, pp 173-196 .
[PDF file]
G. R. Easley, D. Labate and V. Patel, "Directional multiscale processing of images using wavelets with
composite dilations", J. Math. Imag. Vision 48(1) p. 13-34 (2014).
[PDF file] [*]
H. Dinh, D. Jimenez, E. Papadakis, F. Laezza, and D. Labate,
"Automated quantitative analysis of confocal images of neuronal network cultures",
submitted (2013).
[PDF file]
B. Ozcan, D. Labate, D. Jimenez, and M. Papadakis,
"Directional and non-directional representations for the characterization of neuronal morphology",
Wavelets XV (San Diego, CA, 2013), SPIE Proc. 8858 (2013).
[PDF file]
D. Labate, G. Easley, and K. Guo, "Optimal restoration of noisy 3D X-ray data via shearlet decompositions",
Wavelets XV (San Diego, CA, 2013), SPIE Proc. 8858 (2013).
[PDF file]
M. A. Borgi, D. Labate, M. El Arbi, C. Ben Amar,
"Shearlet-network-based sparse coding augmented by facial texture features for face recognition",
The 17th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP), (2013)
[PDF file]
A. Sen, B. Bodmann, X. Zhou, K. Li, I. Patrikeev, M. Motamedi, D. Labate and R. Azencott,
"Full 3D ROI Image Reconstruction from Highly Collimated Computed Tomography", submitted (2012).
[PDF file]
D. Jimenez, E. Papadakis, D. Labate, and I. A. Kakadiaris, "Improved automatic centerline tracing for dendritic structures", 9th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), (2013).
[PDF file]
D. Labate, G. Weiss, and E. N. Wilson, "Wavelets", Notices of the AMS
60(1) p. 66-76 (2013). [Note: the article also appeared in "Mathematical Advance in Translation", vol. 32, No.4. p. 289-302].
[PDF file] [*]
D. Labate, L. Mantovani, and P. S. Negi, "Shearlet smoothness spaces",
J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 19(3) p. 577-611 (2013).
[PDF file] [*]
G. Easley, D. Labate, and P. S. Negi, "3D data denoising using combined sparse dictionaries",
Math. Model. Nat. Phenom. 8(1) p. 60-74 (2013).
[PDF file] [*]
K. Guo, and D. Labate, "The construction of smooth Parseval frames of shearlets",
Math. Model. Nat. Phenom. 8(1) p. 82-105 (2013).
[PDF file] [*]
K. Guo, and D. Labate, "Optimal recovery of 3D X-ray tomographic
data using the shearlet representation", Advances in Computational Mathematics
39(2) p.227-255 (2013).
[PDF file] [*]
P. Hernandez-Herrera , D. Jimenez, I. A. Kakadiaris, A. Koutsogiannis, D. Labate, F. Laezza and E. Papadakis, "A harmonic analysis view on neuroscienece imaging", in: Excursions in Harmonic Analysis: February Fourier Talks at the Norbert Wiener Center for Harmonic Analysis and Applications. Editors: J. Benedetto, T. Andrews, R. Balan, W. Czaja, K. Okoudjou. Birkhäuser 2012.
[PDF file]
G. R. Easley, D. Labate and V. Patel, "Hyperbolic shearlets", Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Orlando, FL, (2012).
[PDF file]
G. Kutyniok and D. Labate, "Shearlets: Multiscale analysis for multivariate data",
Birkhäuser, 2012.
[Book Cover, Order from Amazon]
G. Kutyniok and D. Labate, "Introduction to shearlets", in: "Shearlets: Multiscale analysis for multivariate data", Editors: G. Kutyniok and D. Labate, Birkhäuser, Boston, 2012.
[PDF file]
K. Guo and D. Labate, "Analysis and identification of multidimensional
singularities using the continuous shearlet
transform", in: "Shearlets: Multiscale Analysis for Multivariate Data",
Editors: G. Kutyniok and D. Labate, Birkhäuser, Boston, 2012.
[PDF file]
G. Easley and D. Labate, "Image processing using shearlets", in: "Shearlets: Multiscale analysis for multivariate data", Editors: G. Kutyniok and D. Labate, Birkhäuser, Boston, 2012.
[PDF file]
K. Guo, and D. Labate, "Characterization of piecewise-smooth surfaces using the 3D continuous shearlet transform", J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 18 p. 488-516 (2012).
[PDF file] [*]
K. Guo, and D. Labate, "Optimally sparse representations
of 3D data with C2 surface singularities using Parseval frames of
shearlets", SIAM J Math. Anal. 44 p. 851-886 (2012).
[PDF file] [*]
P. S. Negi and D. Labate, "3D discrete shearlet transform and video processing",
IEEE Trans. Image Process. 21(6) p. 2944-2954 (2012).
[PDF file] [*]
G. R. Easley, and D. Labate, "Critically sampled wavelets with composite dilations",
IEEE Trans. Image Process., 21(2) p. 550-561 (2012).
[PDF file] [*]
D. Labate and P. S. Negi, "3D discrete shearlet transform and video denoising",
Wavelets XIV (San Diego, CA, 2011), SPIE Proc. 8138 (2011).
[PDF file]
G. R. Easley, D. Labate and V. Patel, "Multi-composite wavelet estimations", Wavelets XIV (San Diego, CA, 2011), SPIE Proc. 8138 (2011).
[PDF file]
R. Azencott, B. Bodmann, D. Labate, A. Sen, K. Li, X. Zhou, "Searchlight CT:
A new reconstruction method for collimated X-ray tomography", Proceedings of NCMIP 2011.
[PDF file]
K. Guo, and D. Labate,
"Optimally sparse shearlet approximations of 3D data", Independent Component Analyses, Wavelets, Neural Networks, Biosystems, and Nanoengineering IX (Orlando, FL, 2011), SPIE Proc. 8058 (2011).
[PDF file]
K. Guo, and D. Labate, "Analysis and detection of surface discontinuities using the 3D continuous shearlet transform",
Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., 30 p. 231-242 (2011).
[PDF file] [*]
G. Kutyniok, and D. Labate, "Shearlets. The first five years",
Oberwolfach Report No. 44/2010 (2010).
[PDF file]    (Complete Report
of Mini-Workshop Shearlets: [PDF file])
K. Guo, and D. Labate, "Optimally sparse 3D approximations using shearlet representations", Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences, 17 p. 126-138 (2010).
[PDF file] [*]
F. Colonna, G. R. Easley, K. Guo, and D. Labate, "Radon transform inversion using the shearlet
representation", Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., 29(2), p. 232-250 (2010).
[PDF file] [*]
G. R. Easley, and D. Labate, "Critically sampled composite wavelets", Proc. 43rd Asilomar Conf. on Signals,
Systems and Computers, Monterey, November 2009.
[PDF file]
G. R. Easley, F. Colonna, and D. Labate, "Improved Radon based imaging using the shearlet transform",
Independent Component Analyses, Wavelets, Neural Networks, Biosystems, and Nanoengineering VII (Orlando, FL, 2009), SPIE Proc. 7343 (2009).
[PDF file]
G. Easley, K. Guo, and D. Labate,
"Analysis of singularities and edge detection using the shearlet transform",
Proceedings of SAMPTA`09, Marseille 2009.
[PDF file]
K. Guo, and D. Labate, "Characterization and analysis of edges using the continuous shearlet transform",
SIAM on Imaging Sciences 2, p. 959-986 (2009).
[PDF file] [*]
D. Labate, and G. Weiss,
"Continuous and discrete reproducing systems that arise from translations.
Theory and applications of composite wavelets",
pp. 48, in: Four Short Courses on Harmonic Analysis, Birkhauser (2009).
[PDF file]
S. Yi, D. Labate, G. R. Easley, and H. Krim, "A shearlet approach to edge analysis and detection",
IEEE Trans. Image Process. 18 (5) pp. 929-941 (2009). [Awarded the IEEE Young Author Best Paper Award 2011 to S.Y.]
[PDF file] [*]
K. Guo, D. Labate and W. Lim, "Edge analysis and identification using the continuous shearlet transform",
Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., 27(1) pp. 24-46 (2009).
[PDF file] [*]
G. R. Easley, D. Labate, and F. Colonna, "Shearlet based total variation for denoising",
IEEE Trans. Image Process. 18 (2) pp. 260-268 (2009).
[PDF file] [*]
G. Kutyniok and D. Labate,
"Resolution of the wavefront set using continuous shearlets",
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 361 pp. 2719-2754 (2009).
[PDF file] [*]
S. Yi, D. Labate, G. R. Easley, and H. Krim, "Edge detection and processing using shearlets",
Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2008, October 12-15, 2008, San Diego, California, USA, IEEE, pp. 1148-1151 (2008)
[PDF file]
G. Easley, D. Labate and W. Lim, "Sparse directional image representations using the discrete shearlet transform",
Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal. 25 pp. 25-46, (2008).
[PDF file] [*]
K. Guo and D. Labate,
"Representation of Fourier Integral Operators using shearlets",
J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 14 pp. 327-371, (2008).
[PDF file] [*]
K. Guo and D. Labate,
"Sparse shearlet representation of Fourier integral operators",
Electr. Res. Announc. (ERA-MS), 14 pp. 7-19 (2007).
[PDF file] [*]
G. Kutyniok and D. Labate,
"Construction of regular and irregular shearlet frames",
J. Wavelet Theory Appl., 1 pp. 1-10 (2007).
[PDF file] [*]
K. Guo and D. Labate,
"Optimally sparse multidimensional representation using shearlets",
SIAM J Math. Anal., 39 pp. 298-318 (2007).
[PDF file] [*]
G. Easley, D. Labate and W. Lim, "Optimally sparse image representations using shearlets",
Proc. 40th Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems and Computers, Monterey (2006).
[PDF file]
G. Kutyniok, and D. Labate,
"The Theory of
Reproducing systems on locally compact Abelian groups",
Colloq. Mat., 106 , pp. 197-220 (2006).
[ PDF file] [*]
K. Guo and D. Labate,
"Some remarks on the unified characterization of reproducing systems",
Collectanea Math., 57 , pp. 279-293 (2006).
[PDF file] [*]
K. Guo, D. Labate, W. Lim, G. Weiss, and E. Wilson,
"Wavelets with composite dilations and their MRA properties",
Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., 20 , pp. 231-249 (2006).
[PDF file] [*]
K. Guo, D. Labate, W. Lim, G. Weiss, and E. Wilson,
"The theory of wavelets with composite dilations", in: Harmonic Analysis
and Applications, C.~Heil (ed.), pp. 231-249, Birkauser, 2006.
[PDF file]
K. Guo, G. Kutyniok, and D. Labate,
"Sparse multidimensional representations using anisotropic dilation and shear operators",
in: Wavelets and Splines: Athens 2005 (Proceedings of the International Conference on
the Interactions between Wavelets and Splines. Athens, GA, May 16-19, 2005), G. Chen and M. Lai (eds.)
[ PDF file]
- D. Labate, W. Lim, G. Kutyniok and G. Weiss, and "Sparse multidimensional representation using shearlets",
Wavelets XI (San Diego, CA, 2005), 254-262, SPIE Proc. 5914 , SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2005.
[PDF file]
D. Labate, and G. Weiss,
"Wavelets associated with composite dilations",
in: Matematicas: investigacion y educacion. Un homenaje a Miguel
de Guzman. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Ed.Anaya, Madrid, 2005.
[PDF file]
D. Labate, and E. Wilson,
"Connectivity in the set of Gabor frames",
Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., 18 , pp. 123-136 (2005).
[PDF file] [*]
K. Guo, D. Labate, W. Lim, G. Weiss, and E. Wilson,
"Wavelets with composite dilations", Electr. Res. Ann. AMS, 10 , pp.78-87 (2004).
[PDF file] [*]
D. Labate, G. Weiss and E. Wilson,
"An approach to the study of wave packet systems",
Contemp. Mathematics, Wavelets, Frames and Operator Theory, 345 , pp.215-235 (2004).
[PDF file]
E. Hernandez, D. Labate, G. Weiss and E. Wilson,
"Oversampling, quasi-affine frames and wave packets",
Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal. 16 , pp.111-147 (2004).
[PDF file] [*]
P. Gressman, D. Labate, G. Weiss and E.N. Wilson,
"Affine, quasi-affine and co-affine wavelets",
in: Beyond Wavelets, edited by G.W. Welland, Studies in
Computational Mathematics, Volume 10, Elsevier, pp.215-224, 2003.
[PDF file]
E. Hernandez, D. Labate and G. Weiss,
"A unified characterization of reproducing systems generated by a finite family, II",
J. Geometric Analysis
12(4), pp.615-662 (2002).
[PDF file] [*]
D. Labate,
"A unified characterization of reproducing systems generated by a finite family",
J. Geometric Analysis
12(3) , pp.469-491 (2002).
[PDF file] [*]
D. Labate,
"Pseudodifferential operators on modulation spaces",
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
262, pp.242-255 (2001).
[PDF file] [*]
D. Labate,
"Time-frequency analysis of pseudodifferential operators",
Monatshefte fur Mathematik , 133, pp.143-156 (2001).
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- G.Vecchi, D.Labate, F.G.Canavero,
"Fractal approach to lightning radiation on a tortuous
Radio Science, 29(4), 691-704 (1994).
[PDF file] [*]
- D.Labate, F.G.Canavero, A.De Marchi,
"A comparison of fractal dimension and spectrum coefficient",
Metrologia, 31, pp.51-53 (1994)
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- G.Vecchi, F.G.Canavero, D.Labate,
"Fractal modeling of high-frequency noise due to lightning",
in: Proceedings X RiNEm, Cesena, Italy, September 21-23, 1994.
- B.Dilecce, L.Isnardi, D.Labate, F.G.Canavero,
"Exact Spice model of field coupling to multiconductor transmission
lines", in: Proceedings Int. Symp. EMC 1994, Sendai, Japan,
May 16-20, 1994, pp.12-15.
- G.Vecchi, D.Labate, F.G.Canavero,
"Fractal determination of parameters in lightning and ESD
model" in:
Proceedings of the 1992 International Aerospace and Ground
Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity,
Atlantic City, N.J., USA, October 6-8, 1992.
My research is/was supported by the National Science Foundation (grants DMS 1720487 and 1720452DMS [2017-2022], 1320910 [2013-2016], DMS 1008900 [2010-2014], DMS-Career 0746778 [2008-2014], DMS 0604561 [2006-2010]), the GEAR program (grant 1HOU09 [2012-2013]), the Simon Foundation [2016-2018] the Norman Hackerman Advanced Research Program (grant 003652-0136-2009 [2010-2012]), the Army Research Office (grant W911NF-09-1-0564, [2009-2010])