HJM Volume 1, 1975 | HJM Volume 2, 1976 | HJM Volume 3, 1977 | HJM Volume 4, 1978 | HJM Volume 5, 1979 |
Karol Borsuk | On a Class of Compacta | 1 | 1 (1) 1975 |
Maurice Chacron, I. N. Herstein | Powers of Skew and Symmetric Elements in Division Rings | 15 | 1 (1) 1975 |
Morton Curtis, Alan Wiederhold | A Note on the Cartan Integers | 29 | 1 (1) 1975 |
Charles L. Hagopian | Homogeneous Plane Continua | 35 | 1 (1) 1975 |
Karl Heinrich Hofmann, Michael Mislove, Albert Stralka | On the Dimensional Capacity of Compact Semilattices | 43 | 1 (1) 1975 |
F. Burton Jones | Use of a New Technique in Homogeneous Continua | 57 | 1 (1) 1975 |
Irving Kaplansky | Three-Dimensional Division Algebras. II | 63 | 1 (1) 1975 |
Victor Klee | A d-Pseudomanifold With fO Vertices Has At Least dfO-(d-1)(d+2) d-Simplices | 81 | 1 (1) 1975 |
J. Lambek, B. A. Rattray | Localization and Duality in Additive Categories | 87 | 1 (1) 1975 |
S. McAdam, L. J. Ratliff, Jr. | Polynomial Rings and Hi-Local Rings (II) | 101 | 1 (1) 1975 |
Kiiti Morita | The Hopf Extension Theorem for Topological Spaces | 121 | 1 (1) 1975 |
Masayoshi Nagata | Some Types of Simple Ring Extensions | 131 | 1 (1) 1975 |
R. C. Thompson | Dissipative Matrices and the Matrix A-1A* | 137 | 1 (1) 1975 |
Howard G. Tucker | On Moments of Distribution Functions Attracted to Stable Laws | 149 | 1 (1) 1975 |
Alexandra Bellow (A. Ionescu Tulcea) | An Lp-Inequality With Application to Ergodic Theory | 153 | 1 (1) 1975 |
HJM Volume 1, 1975 | HJM Volume 2, 1976 | HJM Volume 3, 1977 | HJM Volume 4, 1978 | HJM Volume 5, 1979 |
George E. Andrews | On Identities Implying the Rogers-Ramanujan Identities | 289 | 2 (3) 1976 |
Michael Anshel, Peter Stebe | Conjugate Powers in Free Products With Amalgamation | 139 | 2 (2) 1976 |
Jimmy T. Arnold, Robert Gilmer | The Dimension Theory of Commutative Semigroup Rings` | 299 | 2 (3) 1976 |
Daniel Asimov | On Volume-Preserving Homeomorphisms of the Open n-Disk | 1 | 2 (1) 1976 |
J. B. Baillon, H. Brezis | Une Remarque sur le Comportement Asymptotique des Semigroupes Non Lineaires | 5 | 2 (1) 1976 |
John W. Bales | Representable and Strongly Locally Homogeneous Spaces and Strongly n-Homogeneous Spaces | 315 | 2 (3) 1976 |
B. Banaschewski, H. Herrlich | Subcategories Defined by Implications | 149 | 2 (2) 1976 |
Richard Bellman, E. Stanley Lee | Modeling and Optimization in Energy Systems I. Coal Gasification Modeling | 329 | 2 (3) 1976 |
Leon Bernstein | Zeros of Combinatorial Functions and Combinatorial Identities | 9 | 2 (1) 1976 |
Robert F. Brown, Alfred W. Hales | Exact Completeness of Compact Lie Groups | 17 | 2 (1) 1976 |
L. Carlitz | Polynomial Representations and Compositions I | 23 | 2 (1) 1976 |
L. Carlitz | Polynomial Representations and Compositions II. Q-Analogs | 345 | 2 (3) 1976 |
Bang-Yen Chen | On Todd Genus of 3-Dimensional Complex Manifolds | 449 | 2 (4) 1976 |
P. M. Cohn | The Cayley-Hamilton Theorem in Skew Fields | 49 | 2 (1) 1976 |
Stephen D. Comer | Multi-Valued Loops, Geometries, and Algebraic Logic | 373 | 2 (3) 1976 |
S. W. Davis, G. M. Reed, M. L. Wage | Further Results on Weakly Uniform Bases | 57 | 2 (1) 1976 |
J. B. Diaz | An Elementary Calculus Exposition of the Lagrange Multiplier Rule | 65 | 2 (1) 1976 |
R. J. Duffin, L. A. Karlovitz | Orbits of Most Action on a Convex Billiard Table | 453 | 2 (4) 1976 |
P. Erdos, R. R. Hall | Probabilistic Methods in Group Theory II | 173 | 2 (2) 1976 |
Edward Fadell | Natural Fiber Splittings and Nielsen Numbers | 71 | 2 (1) 1976 |
James Austin French | Some Completely Normal Spaces in Which Small and Large Inductive Dimension Coincide | 181 | 2 (2) 1976 |
E. Fried, G. Gratzer | Partial and Free Weakly Associative Lattices | 501 | 2 (4) 1976 |
J. J. Ganci, J. D. Lawson | Principal Semigroup Bundles | 471 | 2 (4) 1976 |
R. W. Heath, W. F. Lindgren | Weakly Uniform Bases | 85 | 2 (1) 1976 |
Christian Herrmann | On Modular Lattices Generated by Two Complemented Pairs | 513 | 2 (4) 1976 |
Peter Hilton, Joseph Roitberg | Generalized C-Theory and Torsion Phenomena in Nilpotent Spaces | 525 | 2 (4) 1976 |
Peter Hilton, Urs Stammbach | On Localization and Isolators | 195 | 2 (2) 1976 |
W. B. Jurkat, D. A. Lutz, A. Peyerimhoff | Birkhoff Invariants and Effective Calculations for Meromorphic Linear Differential Equation, II | 207 | 2 (2) 1976 |
J. Krasinkiewicz | On One-Point Union of Two Circles | 91 | 2 (1) 1976 |
Kyung Whan Kwun, Jeffrey L. Tollefson | Involutions of 3-Manifolds With Almost Tame Fixed Point Sets Are PL | 381 | 2 (3) 1976 |
Matthew Liu, B. E. Rhoades | Some Properties of Generalized Hausdorff Matrices | 239 | 2 (2) 1976 |
Marston Morse | Frechet Numbers in Global Variational Analysis | 387 | 2 (3) 1976 |
Sam B. Nadler, Jr. | Concerning Completeness of the Space of Confluent Mappings | 561 | 2 (4) 1976 |
T. Nishiura, E. D. Tymchatyn | Hereditarily Locally Connected Spaces | 581 | 2 (4) 1976 |
James M. Parks | On a Construction of Classification Spaces | 601 | 2 (4) 1976 |
James M. Parks | On a Particular Completion Involving the Space of Self-Homotopy Equivalences | 405 | 2 (3) 1976 |
R. S. Pierce | The Global Dimension of Commutative Regular Rings | 97 | 2 (1) 1976 |
L. J. Ratliff, Jr. | On the Integral Closure of a Ring in an Over-Ring | 111 | 2 (1) 1976 |
Peter Roquette | On the Division Fields of an Algebraic Function Field of One Variable. An Estimate for Their Degree of Irrationality | 251 | 2 (2) 1976 |
Mary Ellen Rudin, Phillip Zenor | A Perfectly Normal Nonmetrizable Manifold | 129 | 2 (1) 1976 |
E. T. Schmidt | On the Variety Generated by All Modular Lattices of Breadth Two | 415 | 2 (3) 1976 |
Peter F. Stebe | Nests in Nilpotent Groups | 419 | 2 (3) 1976 |
R. C. Thompson, Z. Gordon | Sections of Matrix Pairs: The Second Interlacing Principle | 427 | 2 (3) 1976 |
Steven H. Weintraub | Some Connections Between Differential Geometry and the Study of Involutions | 135 | 2 (1) 1976 |
David G. Wright | Pushing a Cantor Set Off Itself | 439 | 2 (3) 1976 |
HJM Volume 1, 1975 | HJM Volume 2, 1976 | HJM Volume 3, 1977 | HJM Volume 4, 1978 | HJM Volume 5, 1979 |
Christopher Allday | Rational Whitehead Products and a Spectral Sequence of Quillan, II | 301 | 3 (3) 1977 |
Zvi Arad, Marcel Herzog | On Fundamental Subgroups of Order Divisible by Three | 309 | 3 (3) 1977 |
Willem J. Blok, Peter Kohler | The Semigroup of Varieties of Generalized Interior Algebras | 315 | 3 (3) 1977 |
H. Bresinsky, M. J. Fuller | Minimal Bases of Polynomial Ideals | 453 | 3 (4) 1977 |
Ronald E. Bruck, Simeon Reich | Nonexpansive Projections and Resolvents of Accretive Operators in Banach Spaces | 459 | 3 (4) 1977 |
Vincent J. Bruno | On the Continuity of Polynomial Integral Operators | 153 | 3 (2) 1977 |
Bang-Yen Chen | On Einstein-Kaehler Surfaces | 1 | 3 (1) 1977 |
David Chillag | On Transitive Permutation Groups With an Imprimitivity Block of Prime Length | 329 | 3 (3) 1977 |
Leo P. Comerford, Jr. | A Note on Power-Conjugacy | 337 | 3 (3) 1977 |
D. W. Curtis, J. Quinn, R. M. Shori | The Hyperspace of Compact Convex Subsets of a Polyhedral 2-Cell | 7 | 3 (1) 1977 |
C. H. Dowker, D. Strauss | Sums in the Category of Frames | 17 | 3 (1) 1977 |
Richard Durrett | On Lie Generators for One Parameter Semigroups | 163 | 3 (2) 1977 |
Ronald J. Evans | Generalizations of a Theorem of Chowla on Gaussian Sums | 343 | 3 (3) 1977 |
Daniel L. Everett | Embedding Theorems for Decomposition Spaces | 351 | 3 (3) 1977 |
George K. Francis, Stephanie F. Troyer | Excellent Maps With Given Folds and Cusps | 165 | 3 (2) 1977 |
L. Fuchs | Cotorsion Modules Over Noetherian Hereditary Rings | 33 | 3 (1) 1977 |
Donald Geman | Local Times for Vector Functions: Energy Integrals and Local Growth Rates | 195 | 3 (2) 1977 |
Gerhard Gierz, Klaus Keimel | A Lemma on Primes Appearing in Algebra and Analysis | 207 | 3 (2) 1977 |
Robert Gilmer, Mark L. Teply | Idempotents of Commutative Semigroup Rings | 369 | 3 (3) 1977 |
Gary Gruenhage, Phillip Zenor | Proto-Metrizable Spaces | 47 | 3 (1) 1977 |
Charles L. Hagopian, James T. Rogers, Jr. | A Classification of Homogeneous, Circle-Like Continua | 471 | 3 (4) 1977 |
R. R. Hall | Extensions of a Theorem of Erdos-Renyi in Probabilistic Group Theory | 225 | 3 (2) 1977 |
Peter Hilton, Joseph Roitberg | On the Finitude of Counterimages in Maps of Functions-Spaces: Correction to ``Generalized C-Theory and Torsion Phenomena in Nilpotent Spaces'' | 235 | 3 (2) 1977 |
W. Holsztynski, W. Kuperberg, J. Mycielski | On Compact Families of Nowhere Dense Subsets of Rn | 475 | 3 (4) 1977 |
W. B. Johnson, L. Tzafriri | Some More Banach Spaces Which Do Not Have Local Unconditional Structure | 55 | 3 (1) 1977 |
Thomas A. Keagy | Summability of Certain Category Two Classes | 61 | 3 (1) 1977 |
Surjit Singh Khurana | Bounded Sequences in L1mu for Vector Measures | 477 | 3 (4) 1977 |
Thomas G. Kurtz | Applications of an Abstract Perturbation Theorem to Ordinary Differential Equations | 67 | 3 (1) 1977 |
Kyung Whan Kwun | Tameness of Ends in Covering Projections | 387 | 3 (3) 1977 |
Norman Levitt | On a Sigma-Spectrum Related to G/Top | 481 | 3 (4) 1977 |
L. D. Loveland | Metric Spaces With Connected Midsets | 495 | 3 (4) 1977 |
Coy L. May | Cyclic Autoomorphism Groups of Compact Bordered Klein Surfaces | 395 | 3 (3) 1977 |
Louis F. McAuley | Dyadic Coverings and the Existence of Dyadic Actions | 239 | 3 (2) 1977 |
Lee Mohler | Sigmad-Spaces Are Planar | 407 | 3 (3) 1977 |
Robert A. Morris | Representing Co-Semi-Simple Hopf Algebras | 83 | 3 (1) 1977 |
Marston Morse | Uses of Frechet Numbers Ri(Mn) of a Smooth Manifold | 503 | 3 (4) 1977 |
Sam B. Nadler, Jr. | Arcwise Connected Locally Planar Cartesian Products | 409 | 3 (3) 1977 |
Sam B. Nadler, Jr. | Confluent Images of the Sinusoidal Curve | 515 | 3 (4) 1977 |
Philip Olin | Elementary Properties of Distributive Lattice Free Products | 247 | 3 (2) 1977 |
Howard Osborn | The Hopf Ring | 521 | 3 (4) 1977 |
Jingyal Pak | On the Fiber-Preserving Maps on Jiang Spaces | 261 | 3 (2) 1977 |
Judy Kennedy Phelps | A Weaker Form of Countable Dense Homogeneity | 89 | 3 (1) 1977 |
Andrew T. Plant | Stability of Nonlinear Functional Differential Equations Using Weighted Norms | 99 | 3 (1) 1977 |
Fred Richman | Computing Heights in Tor | 267 | 3 (2) 1977 |
James T. Rogers, Jr. | Solenoids of Pseudo-Arcs | 531 | 3 (4) 1977 |
Anna Romanowska, Ralph Freese | Subdirectly Irreducible Modular Double p-Algebras | 109 | 3 (1) 1977 |
Martin Scharlemann | Thoroughly Knotted Homology Spheres | 271 | 3 (2) 1977 |
Jurg Schmid | Nonstandard Constructions for Join-Extensions of Lattices | 423 | 3 (3) 1977 |
C. D. Shannon | Lattice Ideals in the Space of Continuous Functions | 441 | 3 (3) 1977 |
Jesse M. Shapiro | On Domains of Normal Attraction to Stable Distributions | 539 | 3 (4) 1977 |
R. B. Sher | Shape-Docility at Infinity and Shape Retraction | 113 | 3 (1) 1977 |
Martha K. Smith | Central and Invariant Conditions in Group Algebras | 125 | 3 (1) 1977 |
Olga Taussky | Norms From Quadratic Fields and Their Relations to Non Commuting 2 x 2 Matrices II. The Principal Genus | 543 | 3 (4) 1977 |
Rastislav Telgarsky | Topological Games and Analytic Sets | 549 | 3 (4) 1977 |
C. C. Travis, G. F. Webb | Compactness, Regularity, and Uniform Continuity Properties of Strongly Continuous Cosine Families | 555 | 3 (4) 1977 |
E. D. Tymchatyn | Compactifications of Rational Spaces | 131 | 3 (1) 1977 |
Eric K. van Douwen, Howard H. Wicke | A Real, Weird Topology on the Reals | 141 | 3 (1) 1977 |
J. E. Vaughan | Products of [a,b]-Chain Compact Spaces | 569 | 3 (4) 1977 |
John J. Walsh | Extending Mappings to Monotone Mappings | 579 | 3 (4) 1977 |
L. E. Ward, Jr. | An Irreducible Hahn-Mazurkiewicz Theorem | 285 | 3 (2) 1977 |
Roger W. Wardle | On a Property of J. L. Kelley | 291 | 3 (2) 1977 |
Rudolf Wille | A Note on Algebraic Operations and Algebraic Functions of Finite Lattices | 593 | 3 (4) 1977 |
HJM Volume 1, 1975 | HJM Volume 2, 1976 | HJM Volume 3, 1977 | HJM Volume 4, 1978 | HJM Volume 5, 1979 |
D. D. Anderson | Some Finiteness Conditions on a Commutative Ring | 289 | 4 (3) 1978 |
J. M. Anderson, L. A. Rubel | Hypernormal Meromorphic Functions | 301 | 4 (3) 1978 |
Michael Anshel | Decision Problems for HNN Groups and Commutative Semigroups | 137 | 4 (2) 1978 |
Maurizio Badii, Antonio Croce | Perturbations of Linear Operator Sums | 143 | 4 (2) 1978 |
Reinhold Baer | The Embedding Relation Derived From a Formation | 447 | 4 (4) 1978 |
J. B. Baillon, R. E. Bruck, S. Reich | On the Asymptotic Behavior of Nonexpansive Mappings and Semigroups in Banach Spaces | 1 | 4 (1) 1978 |
B. Banaschewski | Hulls, Kernels, and Continuous Lattices | 517 | 4 (4) 1978 |
Matthew G. Brin | Improving 3-Manifold Compactifications of Open 3-Manifolds | 149 | 4 (2) 1978 |
B. C. Burch, Jerome A. Goldstein | Nonlinear Semigroups and a Problem in Heat Conduction | 311 | 4 (3) 1978 |
Stephen L. Campbell, Nicholas J. Rose | Singular Perturbation of Autonomous Linear Systems III | 527 | 4 (4) 1978 |
L. Carlitz | A Set of Polynomials in Three Variables | 11 | 4 (1) 1978 |
Gunnar Carlsson | An Adams-Type Spectral Sequence for Change of Rings | 541 | 4 (4) 1978 |
Bang-Yen Chen | Cobordism, A-Genus and Einstein-Kahler Metrics | 329 | 4 (3) 1978 |
David E. Dobbs | Coherence, Ascent of Going-Down, and Pseudo-Valuation Domains | 551 | 4 (4) 1978 |
Carl Eberhart | Continua With Locally Connected Whitney Continua | 165 | 4 (2) 1978 |
L. C. Evans, F. J. Massey, III | A Remark on the Construction of Nonlinear Evolution Operators | 35 | 4 (1) 1978 |
Jack T. Goodykoontz, Jr. | Local Arcwise Connectedness in 2X and C(X) | 41 | 4 (1) 1978 |
G. R. Gordh, Jr., Lewis Lum | Radially Convex Mappings and Smoothness in Continua | 335 | 4 (3) 1978 |
Daniel Henry Gottlieb | Fibering Suspensions | 49 | 4 (1) 1978 |
J. Grispolakis, E. D. Tymchatyn | Semi-Confluent Mappings and Acyclicity | 343 | 4 (3) 1978 |
David Handelman, John Lawrence, William Schelter | Skew Group Rings | 175 | 4 (2) 1978 |
J. R. Hedstrom, E. G. Houston | Pseudo-Valuation Domains (II) | 199 | 4 (2) 1978 |
D. H. Hyers | A Note on Frechet's Definition of ``Polynomes Abstraits'' | 359 | 4 (3) 1978 |
N. J. Kalton, G. V. Wood | Norm-Decreasing Homomorphisms Between Ideals of C(G) | 363 | 4 (3) 1978 |
T. Katrinak, P. Mederly | Construction of p-Algebras With a Modular Frame | 67 | 4 (1) 1978 |
William F. Keigher | Quasi-Prime Ideals in Differential Rings | 379 | 4 (3) 1978 |
Brian Kuttner, Mangalam R. Parameswaran | On the Generalized Hausdorff and Some Related Matrices | 569 | 4 (4) 1978 |
Alan Lambert, Mary Embry-Wardrop | A Class of Nilpotent Semigroups on Hilbert Space | 389 | 4 (3) 1978 |
Charles Lanski | Gabriel Dimension and Rings With Involution | 397 | 4 (3) 1978 |
Terry Lawson | Decomposing 5-Manifolds As Doubles | 81 | 4 (1) 1978 |
J. W. Lea, Jr. | Quasiplanar Topological Lattices | 85 | 4 (1) 1978 |
Wayne Lewis, John J. Walsh | A Continuous Decomposition of the Plane Into Pseudo-Arcs | 209 | 4 (2) 1978 |
L. D. Loveland | Crumpled Cubes That Are Finite Unions of Cells | 223 | 4 (2) 1978 |
Roger C. Lyndon | Quadratic Equations in Free Products With Amalgamation | 91 | 4 (1) 1978 |
Marvin Marcus | An Inequality for Non-Decomposable Elements in the Grassmann Algebra | 417 | 4 (3) 1978 |
J. F. McClendon | A Homotopy Product | 229 | 4 (2) 1978 |
P. J. McKenna | On the Reduction of a Semilinear Hyperbolic Problem to a Landesman-Lazer Problem | 577 | 4 (4) 1978 |
D. S. Passman | Crossed Products Over Semiprime Rings | 583 | 4 (4) 1978 |
Carl P. Pixley | On Crumpled Cubes in S3 Which Are the Finite Union of Tame 3-Cells | 105 | 4 (1) 1978 |
Frank Quinn | Nilpotent Classifying Spaces, and Actions of Finite Groups | 239 | 4 (2) 1978 |
L. J. Ratliff, Jr., J. C. Robson | Minimal Bases for Modules | 593 | 4 (4) 1978 |
William T. Reid | Ramifications of the Fundamental Lemma of the Calculus of Variations | 249 | 4 (2) 1978 |
Gerhard X. Ritter | Countable Connected Urysohn Spaces Which Are Almost Regular | 113 | 4 (1) 1978 |
Raymond C. Roan | Composition Operators on the Space of Functions With Hp-Derivative | 423 | 4 (3) 1978 |
Jesse M. Shapiro | On the Rate of Convergence of Distribution Functions of Sums of Reciprocals of Random Variables to the Cauchy Distribution | 439 | 4 (3) 1978 |
H. Silverman, E. Silvia | Convex Families of Starlike Functions | 263 | 4 (2) 1978 |
H. Silverman, M. Ziegler | Functions of Positive Real Part With Negative Coefficients | 269 | 4 (2) 1978 |
Martha K. Smith | Derivations of Group Algebras of Finitely-Generated, Torsion-Free, Nilpotent Groups | 277 | 4 (2) 1978 |
David G. Wright | AR's Which Contain Only Trivial ANR's | 121 | 4 (1) 1978 |
D. Zaremba | On Orthogonal Families in the Plane | 129 | 4 (1) 1978 |
HJM Volume 1, 1975 | HJM Volume 2, 1976 | HJM Volume 3, 1977 | HJM Volume 4, 1978 | HJM Volume 5, 1979 |
Shair Ahmad, Alan C. Lazer | On the Role of Hopf's Maximum Principal in Elliptic Sturmian Theory | 155 | 5 (2) 1979 |
Christopher Allday | Rational Homotopy and Torus Actions | 1 | 5 (1) 1979 |
E. Z. Andalafte, J. E. Valentine, S. G. Wayment | Triangle Median Properties Which Characterize Banach Spaces | 307 | 5 (3) 1979 |
David F. Anderson | Comparability of Ideals and Valuation Overrings | 451 | 5 (4) 1979 |
Maurizio Badii, Antonio Croce | Regularity in Abstract Differential Equations | 159 | 5 (2) 1979 |
H. S. Bear, G. N. Hile | Analytic Structure in Function Algebras | 21 | 5 (1) 1979 |
Wayne C. Bell | Hellinger Integrals and Set Function Derivatives | 465 | 5 (4) 1979 |
David P. Bellamy | Homeomorphisms of Composants | 313 | 5 (3) 1979 |
R. P. Boas, Jr., Carl L. Prather | Final Sets for Operators on Finite Fourier Transforms | 29 | 5 (1) 1979 |
Zvonko Cerin | The Shape Category of a Shape Map | 169 | 5 (2) 1979 |
Bang-Yen Chen | Extrinsic Spheres in Riemannian Manifolds | 319 | 5 (3) 1979 |
Lu-San Chen, Cheh-Chih Yeh | On Oscillation of Solutions of Higher Order Differential Retarded Inequalities | 37 | 5 (1) 1979 |
Robert J. Daverman | Shrinking Certain Closed 1-Dimensional Decompositions of Manifolds | 41 | 5 (1) 1979 |
Brian A. Davey | On the Lattice of Subvarieties | 183 | 5 (2) 1979 |
Erik Ellentuck | Sylow Subgroups of a Regressive Group | 49 | 5 (1) 1979 |
Ronald Fintushel, Peter Sie Pao | A Surgery Construction on M3 x S1 | 69 | 5 (1) 1979 |
U. Fixman, L. A. Rubel | Limits of Sequences of Rational Functions and Their Derivatives | 75 | 5 (1) 1979 |
Jo Ford, R. W. Heath | Incompressible Spaces | 193 | 5 (2) 1979 |
Harvey Friedman | On the Naturalness of Definable Operations | 325 | 5 (3) 1979 |
Anthony M. Gaglione | A Commutator Identity Proved by Means of the Magnus Algebra | 199 | 5 (2) 1979 |
William A. Greene | Enveloping Algebras and Projective Limits of Locally Compact Groups | 89 | 5 (1) 1979 |
J. Grispolakis, E. D. Tymchatyn | Confluent Images of Rational Continua | 331 | 5 (3) 1979 |
J. Grispolakis, E. D. Tymchatyn | Continua Which Are Images of Weakly Confluent Mappings Only, (I) | 483 | 5 (4) 1979 |
H. Peter Gumm, Christian Herrmann | Algebras in Modular Varieties: Baer Refinements, Cancellation and Isotopy | 503 | 5 (4) 1979 |
David Handel | Obstructions to 3-Regular Embeddings | 339 | 5 (3) 1979 |
W. Charles Holland, Stephen H. McCleary | Solvability of the Word Problem in Free Lattice-Ordered Groups | 99 | 5 (1) 1979 |
R. B. King | Conjugates of Regular Complete Multipartite Graphs and Hyperpolygonal Graphs | 209 | 5 (2) 1979 |
Peter Kohler | Quasi-Decompositions of Semigroups | 525 | 5 (4) 1979 |
P. Krupski | Continua Which Are Homogeneous With Respect to Continuity | 345 | 5 (3) 1979 |
M. K. Kwong, A. Zettl | Norm Inequalities for Dissipative Operators on Inner Product Spaces | 543 | 5 (4) 1979 |
Jimmie D. Lawson | The Duality of Continuous Posets | 357 | 5 (3) 1979 |
Rebecca H. Lee | Covers and Associated Primes in Noetherian Lattice Modules | 219 | 5 (2) 1979 |
Paul R. Meyer, Richard G. Wilson | Cardinal Functions on Topological Spaces Satisfying Order Conditions | 107 | 5 (1) 1979 |
Charles F. Mills, Jan van Mill | A Nonsupercompact Continuous Image of a Supercompact Space | 241 | 5 (2) 1979 |
T. T. Moh | On a Normalization Lemma for Integers and an Application of Four Colors Theorem | 119 | 5 (1) 1979 |
Sam B. Nadler, Jr. | A Fixed Point Theorem for Hyperspace Suspensions | 125 | 5 (1) 1979 |
Ira J. Papick | When Coherent Pairs Are Noetherian Pairs | 559 | 5 (4) 1979 |
Stephen Pierce | Divisibility Questions in the General Linear Group | 387 | 5 (3) 1979 |
William O. Ray | Zeros of Accretive Operators Defined on Unbounded Sets | 133 | 5 (1) 1979 |
Eric E. Robinson | Inverse Systems for Light-Open Mappings Onto Polyhedra | 395 | 5 (3) 1979 |
Mary Ellen Rudin | The Undecidability of the Existence of a Perfectly Normal Nonmetrizable Manifold | 249 | 5 (2) 1979 |
Walter Rudin | Unitarily Invariant Algebras of Continuous Functions on Spheres | 253 | 5 (2) 1979 |
Junpei Sekino, J. Wolfgang Smith | Homology on the Category of Submersions | 565 | 5 (4) 1979 |
Walter S. Sizer | Group Retractions Induced by a Total Order | 267 | 5 (2) 1979 |
J. Wolfgang Smith | Compactly Generated Submersions | 407 | 5 (3) 1979 |
William W. Smith | Invertible Ideals and Overrings | 141 | 5 (1) 1979 |
William W. Smith | Erratum to ``Invertible Ideals and Overrings'' | 419 | 5 (3) 1979 |
George W. Soules | An Inequality in the Grassman Algebra | 269 | 5 (2) 1979 |
R. C. Thompson | Invariant Factors of Complementary Minors of Integral Matrices | 421 | 5 (3) 1979 |
Constantine Tsinakis | Brouwerian Semilattices Determined by Their Endomorphism Semigroups | 427 | 5 (3) 1979 |
Mary H. Upham | Two Remarks on Duality | 437 | 5 (3) 1979 |
A. Verma, C. M. Joshi | Some Remarks on Summation of Basic Hypergeometric Series | 277 | 5 (2) 1979 |
Bill Watson, Lieven Vanhecke | The Structure Equation of an Almost Semi-Kahler Submersion | 295 | 5 (2) 1979 |
Nick Williams | Universe Developable Spaces | 445 | 5 (3) 1979 |
Walter Taylor | Survey 1979: Equational Logic | 1--83 | 5 (S) 1979 |