Don't be lazy! Drop me a line if some links below stop working!
Math related links
Dynamic Conferences list of
Conferences in Dynamical Systems
SIAM SIAM Web page
AMS AMS Web page
Math Soft
GAMS Guide to Available Mathematical Software
Netlib Collection of mathematical software, papers and databases
FFTW Best FFT on the Web. C/Fortran Interface
AUTO Auto Bifurcation Package for ODEs
Latex/Bibtex References
LaTeX Colordvi
LaTeX help 1.1
LaTeX Symbols
LaTeX Symbols
LaTeX Symbols
Comprehensive LaTeX Symbols
Intro to Bibtex
Another Intro to Bibtex
Examples of Bibtex Styles
Collection of Various Styles
Styles which support Eprint References
Unix, C Shell, etc.
Beginner Tutorial about C Shell, Make, VI, GnuPlot
C, Fortran
C/C++ Reference
Beginner C Reference
Programming in C
C++ Reference
Fortran90 Tutorial
Fortran 90 for the Fortran 77 Programmer
User Notes on Fortran Programming
last modified 03/17/06