Notice that this course cannot be used for MATH 3336,
Very Important: This course does not have a WEB CT or Vista account. All information will be made available only on this WEB page.
Book: Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, Kenneth H.
Rosen, seventh edition, McGraw Hill, ISBN-13 978-0-07-288008-3, ISBN-10
Plus: My own Notes on the Zermelo-Fraenkel Axioms and Equivalence of Sets.
If you bought Edition 6, you can still use it.
On this webpage, modifications are in red. For example, Chapter 9 of the seventh
edition is Chapter 8 of the sixth edition. Section 1.3 of the seventh edition,
is section 1.2 in the sixth edition. And instead of problem 1.1, problem 17, do
problem 13 etc. My notes assume that you are using the seventh edition.
Syllabus: Chapter 1: 1.1, 1.3, 1.4 -1.6 (all of
Chapter 1) , Chapter 2 (2.1-2.3), Chapter 5: 5.1-5.3 (Chapter
4: 4.1-4.3), Chapter 9 (Chapter 8)
The Zermelo Fraenkel Axioms; Equivalence of Sets
in form of my notes.
Grading: Midterm is worth 40%, the final is worth 40% and Homework is worth 20%.
For turning in Homework, you need to get the software program Scientific Notebook.
All homework has to be submitted by e-mail to
as a Scientific Notebook (SN) attachment. For details concerning SN, scroll further down.
Your e-mail message should have the subject field completed like
Subject: Your name, HW # , for example
Subject: John Smith , HW 1
and file name should be
which will have the extension .tex
Each home assignments must be submitted as one single file even if it covers several sections. And it must be submitted to and not to any other of my e-mail addresses.
Notes, Comments and HW:
Logic and Proofs, Sets and Functions (SN LaTex
file); Logic and
Proofs, Sets and Functions (PDF file);
Induction (SN LaTeX file); Induction (PDF file);
Relations (SN LaTeX file); Relations (PDF file)
The Zermelo-Fraenkel Axioms (PDF file)
Equivalence of Sets (PDF file)
Homework Problems:
HW1: Monday, June 9
1.1: 1, 3,17 (13), 25 (21); 1.3
(1.2): 16, 23, 24, 25; 1.4(1.3): 16, 43, 45, 46,
HW2: Monday, June 16
1.5(1.4): 9,19; 1.6(1.5): 3,7; 2.1: 1,2,5(3),23(21),27(23); 2.2: 20, 46(44), 47(45),
59(57); 2.3: 1,10, 12, 14,16,40; 5.1(4.1): 25, 32, 35, 51(47);
Wednesday, June 18, 18-20 o'clock, PGH 646, help session for the Midterm.
Midterm: Saturday, June 21, 11-13 o'clock, PGH 646
Practice Test for Midterm
HW3: Monday, June 23
9.1(8.1): 1, 26(24), 32(30), 49(47),55(53); 9.4(8.4): 1, 2, 3, 22,
23; 9.5(8.5): 3, 16, 41, 55, 57; 9.6(8.6):
5,12,15,33,62, 66(64)
HW4: Saturday, July 5
Finish reading set theory notes.
Final: Monday, July 7, 18-20 o'clock, PGH 646
Practice Sheet for Final
Taking tests off-campus:
UH DE request that students provide at least three institutions near them. In turn, UH DE will contact those institutions and confirm if they have proctoring services and gather any other important details students need.
DE students wishing to have their exams proctored must contact
Program Coordinator
Scott Mason
by e-mail
or by phone:
However, if possible you should take tests on campus. Online graduate courses are not meant to save you time and gasoline. Living in nearby cities, like Katy, Humble, Sugarland or the Woodlands should not be a reason to take tests off campus. If you have to take the tests off campus, then certain WebCT Testing Center Policies must be obeyed:
1. Introduce yourself to the proctor and be prepared to show a valid photo id.
2. Once you have started a test, you cannot leave the testing room for any reason. If you decide to leave the testing room, you have to turn in your test, and the proctor should not allow you to continue the test.
3. You should take a test at the scheduled day. If this is impossible, then you have to ask me for permission to take it a couple of days earlier or later.
A student who wishes to take a test off campus has to give me notice at least one week
You must make sure that the proctor returns your test by FAX within one workday.
Homework has to be submitted by the deadline. I
do not accept late homework. Always submit what you got, and on time.
If you have problems, feel free to contact me by e-mail. Always include your name in the subject field. Your HW file will be returned
as an annotated PDF file with comments and correction marks.
Organization of the course: You will receive on a regular basis reading assignments together with homework. For most sections of the book, I have added some comments.
Some of my comments are meant to add a graduate course perspective but also to help you with the reading. All homework has to be submitted by e-mail.
Homework has to be submitted by e-mail as a SNB file.
Scientific Notebook (SNB): This program is available for $99 through MacKichan Software at
Comments on Scientific Notebook:
SN is a rather simple word processor meant for text entry together with math. Files are saved in LaTeX but for SN you don't need to know any LaTeX. With SN you can also perform all sorts of mathematical calculations through MuPad. This makes SN a reasonable buy at the price of a graphics calculator.
Why don't we use MS Word with the Equation Editor? Because this is an awful combination and sooner or later I would be forced to accept handwritten HW. It just would take you too long to get any math typed. And there are many other reasons why we should not use Word for documents that contain mathematical formulas.
Can I use SN for my other math courses? Yes. SN provides you with decent looking hard copies. But even if your instructor accepts HW as e-mail attachments, SN files can be opened by LaTeX which is available to every faculty.
Can I save SNB documents as PDF files? Yes, but only if you have the Adobe Acrobat, or equivalent. Just choose "Print" and then ADOBE PDF. UH Students can buy the Adobe Acrobat Professional for $99 at the Cougar Byte store. Or download for free. There are also free PDF file converters available.