- Research interests: Fluid/particle interaction, Blood cell motion in microchannel, Computational fluid dynamics, Scientific Computing, Numerical Analysis.
- Research funding.
- Animations of simulation results of particulate flow and blood cell motion.
We gratefully acknowledge the support of the NSF.
Teaching in Spring, 2025:
- Math 4364: Intro. to Numerical Analysis in Scientific Computing (MW: 4PM-5:30PM at SEC 206)
(It is an one semester course starting from Fall 2015 and a good choice for satisfying the Math minor requirement.)
- Prerequisites:
- Either Math 3331 (Differential Equations) or Math 3321 (Engineering Mathematics).
- Ability to do computer assignments in Matlab, or consent of instructor.
- Reference book : Numerical Analysis (9th edition) by RL Burden and JD Faires.
My Ph.D. Students (I have also supervised many M.S. students):
- Graduated Ph.D. students:
Jian Hao (2007), Tong Wang (2008), Lingling Shi (2013), Yao Yu (2013), Xingting Niu (2014),
Shihai Zhao (2014), Aixia Guo (2017, co-supervised with Prof. Jiwen He), Shang-Huan Chiu (2017),
Ang Li (2021).
Seminars and Conferences:
- Scientific computing seminar: Thursdays, 1 PM- 2 PM, Room 646 PGH.
- April 15 and 16, 2011: Workshop on Advances in Numerical Analysis
and Scientific Computing on Occasion of the 60th Anniversary of Ronald H.W. Hoppe
July 9 - 12, 2008: International conference on modeling and simulation, Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an, Shaanxi, China.
March 9 and 10, 2007: France - USA Conference on
Applied and Numerical PDEs at 232 PGH, University of Houston.
March 2 and 3, 2007: 2007 Texas Finite Element Rodeo
at 232 PGH, University of Houston.