Scientific Computing Seminars
Thursday 3-4 pm, 634 S&R1,
Roland Glowinski
(Department of Mathematics, Univ. of Houston):
Numerical Investigation of a Conjecture of B.Dacorogna in Nonlinear Elasticity
Dietrich Braess
(Institute of Mathematics, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Germany):
A Cascadic Multigrid Algorithm for Variational Inequalities
Alexandre Caboussat
(Department of Mathematics, Univ. of Houston):
Computational Methods for Two Minimization Problems in Air Quality Modeling
Mary F. Wheeler
Departments of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics,
Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, and Mathematics,
The University of Texas at Austin):
Mathematical and Computational Modeling of Multiphysics Couplings
Jacques Rappaz
(Chair of Numerical Analysis and simulation,
Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, EPFL, Switzerland):
Finite Element Method with Patches and Applications
Lisa Fauci
(Department of Mathematics, Tulane University):
Integrative models of microorganism motility
Carsten Carstensen
(Department of Mathematics, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Germany):
Averaging techniques for a posteriori finite element error control
Jim Douglas, Jr.
(Department of Mathematics, Purdue University):
A New Algorithm for Simulation of Transitional Waves in Three-Phase Immiscible
Displacement in Porous Media
Jiwen He
(Department of Mathematics, University of Houston):
Modeling and Computation of the Physical State of Atmospheric Particles and Application to 3D Air
Quality Models
Ekkehard W. Sachs
(Department of Mathematics, Virginia Tech.):
Modelling Optimization Algorithms for Applications
P. Bochev
(Computational Mathematics and Algorithms, Sandia National Laboratories):
On least-squares principles for the Poisson equation
and their connection to the Dirichlet and Kelvin principles,
or how to do least-squares finite elements right.
Olivier Pironneau
(Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Universite Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, France):
Identification of Discontinuous coefficients in first and second order
distributed systems
Gabriel Wittum
(The Simulation in Technology Center, IWR, University of Heidelberg, Germany):
Towards Simulation of Neuronal Signal Processing