Andrei Török - Curriculum Vitae
- Research interests:
- dynamical systems:
ergodic theory, statistical properties of dynamical systems,
systems with symmetry
- stochastic processes
- operator algebras
One of my current interests is the area of Dynamical Systems, in
particular: rigidity of group actions on manifolds, cohomology of
hyperbolic actions, ergodic theory, statistical properties of dynamical
systems, systems with symmetry.
I am also studying stochastic processes that can be used to model complex
- Education:
- Ph.D.: Pennsylvania State University, 1995
- M.S.: University of Bucharest, Romania, 1986
- B.S.: University of Timisoara, Romania, 1985
- Professional History:
- 2008 - present: Professor, University of Houston
- 2003 - 2008: Associate Professor, University of Houston
- 1999 - 2003: Assistant Professor, University of Houston
- 1995 - 1999: Instructor, Princeton University
- 1990 - 1995: Teaching Assistant, Pennsylvania State University
- 1988 - 1990: Research Associate, INCREST (now Institute of
Mathematics of the Romanian Academy), Bucharest, Romania
- 1986 - 1988: Teacher, High School Mathematics, Tîrgoviste, Romania
- Publications:
- G. Gunaratne, M. Nicol, L. Seeman, A.
Clustering of volatility in variable diffusion
to appear
in Physica A
- I. Melbourne, V. Nitica, A. Török
Transitivity of
Euclidean-type extensions of hyperbolic systems
to appear in Ergodic
Theory and Dynamical Systems
- M. Holland, M. Nicol, A. Török
Extreme value distributions for non-uniformly hyperbolic dynamical
systems (pdf)
to appear
in Trans. AMS
- M. Field, I. Melbourne, A. Török
Stability of mixing
and rapid mixing for hyperbolic flows (pdf)
Annals of Mathematics
166 (2007), 269-291
- M. Nicol, A. Török
Whitney regularity for solutions to the coboundary equation on Cantor
sets (pdf),
Mathematical Physics
Electronic Journal 13 (2007)
- I. Melbourne, V. Nitica, A. Török
A note about
stable transitivity of noncompact extensions of hyperbolic systems
Discrete and Continuous
Dynamical Systems 14 (2006), 355-363
- K. Josić, A. Török
Network architecture and spatio-temporally symmetric dynamics (pdf)
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
224 (Special Issue: Dynamics on Complex Networks and Applications)
(2006), 52-68
- A. L. Alejandro-Quiñones, K. E. Bassler, M. Field, J. L.
McCauley, M. Nicol, I. Timofeyev, A. Török, G. H. Gunaratne
A theory of fluctuations in stock prices (pdf)
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics
and its Applications 363 (2006), 383-392
- I. Melbourne, V. Nitica, A. Török
Stable transitivity of certain noncompact extensions of hyperbolic
systems (pdf)
Annales Henri Poincaré
6 (2005), 725-746
- G. H. Gunaratne, J. L. McCauley, M. Nicol, A. Török
Variable step random walks and self-similar distributions (pdf)
Journal of Statistical Physics
121 (2005), 887-899
- M. Golubitsky, I. Stewart, A. Török
Patterns of
synchrony in coupled cell networks with multiple arrows (pdf)
SIAM Journal on
Applied Dynamical Systems 4 (2005), 78-100
- M. Field, I. Melbourne, M. Nicol, A. Török
Statistical properties of compact group extensions of hyperbolic
flows and their time one maps (pdf)
Discrete and Continuous
Dynamical Systems 12 (2005), 79-96
- M. Field, I. Melbourne, A. Török
Stable ergodicity
for smooth compact Lie group extensions of hyperbolic basic
sets (pdf)
Theory and Dynamical Systems 25 (2005), 517-551
- I. Melbourne, A. Török
Statistical Limit Theorems for
Suspension Flows (pdf)
Israel Journal of Mathematics 144 (2004), 191-209
- M. Golubitsky, L.-J. Shiau, A. Török
Symmetry and
pattern formation on the visual cortex (pdf)
in Dynamics
and Bifurcation of Patterns in Dissipative Systems, G. Dangelmayr and
I. Oprea (eds.), World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science, vol.
12, World Scientific, Singapore, 2004
- M. Golubitsky, L.-J. Shiau, A. Török
Bifurcation on
the Visual Cortex with Weakly Anisotropic Lateral Coupling (pdf, 10M)
SIAM Journal
on Applied Dynamical Systems 2 (2003), 97-143
- V. Nitica, A. Török
Cocycles over abelian TNS
actions (preliminary version pdf)
Geometriae Dedicata 102 (2003), 65-90
- A. Török
Rigidity of volume preserving partially
hyperbolic actions of property (T) groups (pdf)
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical
Systems 9 (2003), 193-208
- M. Field, I. Melbourne, A. Török
Decay of Correlations,
Central Limit Theorems and Approximation by Brownian Motion for
Compact Lie Group Extensions (pdf)
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical
Systems 23 (2003), 87-110
- I. Melbourne, A. Török
Central Limit Theorems and
Invariance Principles for Time-One Maps of Hyperbolic Flows
(corrected pdf)
Commun. Math. Phys. 229 (2002), 57-71
- V. Nitica, A. Török
On the Cohomology of Anosov
Actions (ps)
in Rigidity
in Dynamics and Geometry (toc) (2002) 343-359; ©
- V. Nitica, A. Török
An open dense set of stably
ergodic diffeomorphisms in a neighborhood of a non-ergodic one
(ps, pdf)
Topology 40 (2001), 259-278
- V. Nitica, A. Török
Local rigidity of certain partially
hyperbolic actions of product type (pdf)
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical
Systems 21 (2001), 1213-1237
- A. Katok, V. Nitica, A. Török
Nonabelian cohomology of
abelian Anosov actions (pdf)
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 20 (2000), 259-288
- V. Nitica, A. Török
Regularity of the transfer map for
cohomologous cocycles (pdf)
Ergodic Theory and
Dynamical Systems 18 (1998), 1187-1209
- V. Nitica, A. Török
Regularity results of the solutions
of the Livsic cohomology equation with values in diffeomorphism
groups (dvi, ps)
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical
Systems 16 (1996), 325-333
- V. Nitica, A. Török
Cohomology of dynamical systems and
rigidity of partially hyperbolic actions of higher rank
lattices (dvi, ps)
Duke Math J. 79 (1995),
- V. Nitica, A. Török
Maximal abelian and singular
subalgebras in L(FN)
J. Operator Theory
30 (1993), 3-19
- V. Nitica, A. Török
The automorphism group of a free
product of groups and simple C*-algebras
J. Operator
Theory 28 (1992), 187-199
- V. Nitica, A. Török
About the automorphism group of
a free products of groups
Archiv der Mathematik 58
(1992), 214-219
- A. Török
AF-algebras with unique trace
Sci. Math. 55 (1991), 129-140
- M. Puta, A. Török
The spectrum of the p-Laplacian on
Kaehler manifolds
Rendiconti di Mathematica e delle sue
Applicationi 11 (1991), 257-271
- M. Puta, A. Török
The spectrum of the 6-Laplacian on
Kaehler manifolds
Casopis pro pestovani matematicy
113 (1988), 246-251
- M. Puta, A. Török
On the spectrum of the Laplacian
on p-forms
Analele Univ. Timisoara 25 (1987),
Last updated: Dec. 2009