My research interest covers the following areas
1). Statistical shrinkage models and variable selection via the Lasso.
Tibshirani's Lasso page and my shooting algorithm.
2). Longitudinal studies,
3). Regressions with singular designs and age-period-cohort (APC) models,
4). Statistical computing and small sample problems,
5). Microarray gene expression data analysis and genetic association studies (SNP data analysis), haplotype analysis and
6). Estimating DNA copy numbers and SNP genotype calling,
My US Patent on DNA copy number-based genotyping.
7) Cancer incidence and mortalty trend, disparities across populations,
8) Cancer screnning effect and testing,
9) Economic and marketing research,
10) Finance and stock market prediction,
11) Sports data and game strategy research,
12) Big data (high dimension and high complexity) modeling and applications to oil-gas industry.
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Statistical sofware: APCG1 - APC Analysis Made Easy |
ASA Computing Committee, 1997, Student Paper Competition Award.
National Cancer Institute / NIH, 2003-2005. Research fellowship (PI: Ray Carroll at TAMU)
Statistical variable selection and Lasso
Knight, K. and Fu, WJ. Asymptotics for Lasso-type estimators, Annals of Statistics, 2000;28:1356-1378. (> 1130 citations) Fu, WJ. Penalized estimating equations, Biometrics, 2003;59:126-132.
Fu, WJ. Nonlinear GCV and quasi-GCV for shrinkage models. Stat. Plan. Infer. 2005.
Fu, WJ and Hall, P. Asymptotic Properties of Estimators in Age-Period-Cohort Analysis.
Statistics and Probability Letters. Fu, WJ Constrained estimators and consistency of a regression model on a Lexis diagram.
J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 2016,111:180-199. Age-Period-Cohort Analysis
Fu, WJ. Ridge estimator in singular design with application to age-period-cohort analysis of disease rates, Comm Statist. Theory Method. 2000, 29(2):263-278. Yang Y. Fu, WJ. and Land K., A methodological comparison for age-period-cohort models:
Fabio, A. Lober, R. Balasubramani,G.K. Roth, J. Fu, WJ. and Farrington, DP. Fu, WJ. A Smoothing Cohort Model in Age-period-cohort Analysis with Applications
to Homicide Arrest Rates and Lung Cancer Mortality Rates.
Yang, Y. Schulhofer-Wohl, S. Fu, WJ and Land, K. The intrinsic estimator for
age-period-cohort analysis: what it is and how to use it. Amer. J. Sociol. 2008, 113, 6:1697-1736.
Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics
Fu, WJ. Dougherty, E.R. Mallick, B. and Carroll, R. How many samples are needed to train a classifier
- a sequential approach. Bioinformatics, 2005.
Fu, WJ. Wang, S. and Carroll, R. Estimating misclassification errors with small samples via bootstrap cross-validation.
Bioinformatics, 2005.
Fu, WJ. Hu, J. Spencer, T. Carroll, R. Wu, G. Statistical Models in assessing fold-change of gene expressions
in real-time RT-PCR experiments.
Cui, Y. Fu, WJ. Sun, K. Romero, R. Wu, R. Mapping Nucleotide Sequences That Encode Complex Binary Disease Traits with HapMap.
Cui, Y. Kang, GL. Sun, R. Romero, R. Qian, M. and Fu, WJ. Gene-centric genomewide association study via entropy. Genetics. 179: 637-650. 2008.
Duan, S. Wan, L. Fu, WJ. Pan, H. Ding, Q. Chen, C. Han, P. Zhu, X. Du, L. Liu, R. Chen, Y. Xie, R. Yan, X. Deng, M. Qian, M.
Fu, WJ. Li, M. Wan, L. Deng, M. Qian, M. On design of oligonucleotide SNP array and methods for genotype calling,
Fu, WJ. Mallick, B. and Carroll, R. Why do we observe classification errors smaller than Bayes error?
Wan, L. Fu, WJ. Deng, M. Qian, M. A method of correcting systematic bias in Affymetrix SNP array.
Molina-Molina, M. Xaubet, A. Li, X. Abdul-Hafez, A. Friderici, K. Jernigan, K. Fu, WJ. Ding, Q. et al.
Wan, L. Li, D. Zhang, D. Liu, X. Fu, WJ. Zhu, L. Deng, M. Sun, F. and Qian, M. Conservation and implications
Jobgen, W. Fu, WJ Gao, H Li, P. Meininger, CJ. Smith, SB. Spencer, TE. Wu, G.
Wan, L. Sun, K. Ding, Q. Cui, Y. Li, M. Wen, Y. Elston, RC. Qian, M. Fu, WJ. Cross-hybridization modeling on oligonucleotide SNP arrays
Fu, WJ. Li, M. Wen, Y. Preeyanon, L. Some critical data quality control issues in oligoarrays, in Frontiers in Computational and Systems Biology,
ed. Feng, Fu and Sun. Springer, 2009.
Selected Publications in Major Research Areas
Fu, WJ. Penalized regressions: the Bridge versus the Lasso, J. Computational
and Graphical Statistics, 1998; 7,3: 397-416. (> 1020 citations)
2006, 76:1925-1929.
the intrinsic estimator method versus conventional generalized linear models, Socialogical Methodology, 2004, 34: 75-110
“Why Some Generations Are More Violent Than Others: Assessment of Age, Period and Cohort Effects.”
American Journal of Epidemiology, 2006, 164:151-160.
Sociological Methods and Research, 2008, 36:327-361.
Computational Biology and Chemistry, 2006.
Current Genomics 8(5): 307-322, 2007.
Nonlinear cooperation between p53 and ING1 induces bax in mouse thymocyte apoptosis: A quantitative approach.
Apoptosis, December, 2008. DOI 10.1007/s10495-008-0288-4
IEEE Computer Science, Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference BMEI 2008, 453-458, 2008.
J. Statist. Comp. Simul., November, 2008. DOI: 10.1080/00949650801905221
IEEE Computer Science, Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference of BMEI, 442-446, 2008.
Angiotensinogen gene G-6A polymorphism influences idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis disease progression, Eur. Respiratory J. 32:1004-1008, 2008.
of eukaryote transcriptional regulatory regions across multiple species, BMC Genomics, December, 2008.
DOI 10.1186/1471-2164-9-623
High fat feeding and dietary L-arginine supplementation differentially regulate gene expression in rat white adipose tissue.
Amino Acid, 37:187-198, 2009. DOI: 10.1007/s00726-009-0246-7.
for accurate DNA copy number estimation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2009, doi:10.1093/nar/gkp559
Book and Conference Proceedings I edited