Congress venue
The conference will be held on May 5 to 7, 1997 in Tours at the International Congress Center "Vinci", France in the Touraine region, country of famous French personalities as Rabelais, Descartes, Balzac, of the Loire Valley Castles, and huge family properties. Some of the most important events of the history of France occured on the banks of the Loire river. This famous region is particularly dear to Roland Glowinski who lived there for part of his youth. The city of Tours is about 230 kms south of Paris.
Access to Tours
By train:
Tours may be reached from Paris - Gare Montparnasse (around 1h) or
Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport (around 95 minutes) on the French high speed
train (TGV).
The schedule is available.
By car:
From Paris to Tours, take the motorway A10 (go along Palaiseau, Orsay,
Orléans and Blois). Take the exit number 21 Tours-Centre, St Pierre-des-Corps
and join the secondary D751 up to Tours.
The Congress Center offers a large panel of hotels with different categories of
comfort and price near the Congress Center.
If you are interested, please fill in the enclosed booking form
and return it before April 5th 1997 directly to the Congress Center.
Student accommodation is available (single room for around 55 FF per night).
Public bus transportation to the conference site is available.
If you are interested, please fill in the enclosed booking form
and return it before April 10th 1997 directly to:
Résidence universitaire de Grandmont
Parc de Grandmont
Secrétariat Bâtiment A
37200 Tours (France)
Tel.: +33 2 47 25 13 43 - Fax: +33 2 47 71 07 47.
Social events
Entry visa
Participants requiring a visa for entry to France are strongly advised to make their application in their home countries at least two months prior to the intended date of travel.
Official languages
The conference languages are English and French. Simultaneous translation will only be provided for the opening session.
Special requirements
For participants who have special requirements with respect to diet or other matters, arrangements can be made, provided that applications have been received at the conference secretariat before April 15th 1997.
Tours and its surroundings: a selection of tours and excursions are available. Please contact:
Office de Tourisme de Tours
78 rue B. Palissy
37000 Tours - France
Tel.: +33 2 47 70 37 34
Fax: +33 2 47 61 14 22.
An Email room will be set up during the conference.
You will be reached during the conference at the following telephone and fax numbers:
Tel.: +33 2 47 70 75 65
Fax: +33 2 47 70 75 55.
For further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the secretariat of the conference: