Computational Science for the 21st century
Conference in honor of Professor Roland Glowinski on the occasion of his 60th
May 5-7, 1997
Tours (France)
Organization: INRIA, University of Houston and GAMNI/SMAI
Monday, May 5
- 08h00-09h00
- Registrations - Welcome Coffee
- 09h00-10h00
- Opening Session
- Représentants des collectivités locales
- H. MOURAY (Président de l'Université de Tours, France)
- J.P. CONTZEN (Commission Européenne, Belgique)
- M. RIVIER (Consulat de France à Houston, USA)
- G. ETGEN (University of Houston, USA)
- J.L. LIONS (Président de l'Académie des Sciences & Collège de
France, France)
- W. FITZGIBBON (University of Houston, USA)
- J. PERIAUX (Dassault Aviation, France)
- 10h00-10h15
- J. CEA - Université de Nice, France
- Variations without Calculus
- 10h15-10h45
- Break
- Session 1: Analysis and Modelling
(Chairperson: M-O. Bristeau)
- 10h45-11h05
- J. RAPPAZ - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
- Analysis and Numerical Simulation for Models of Binary Alloy Solidification
- 11h05-11h25
- P. JOLY - INRIA Rocquencourt, France
- Matériaux ferromagnétiques et couches minces : modélisation mathématique et numérique
- 11h25-11h45
- L. JOHNSSON - University of Houston, USA
- On the Accuracy of Multipole-like Methods for Electrostatic Fields
- 11h45-12h05
- T. HUGHES - Stanford University, USA
- The Variational Multiscale Method: A Paradigm for Subgrid-Scale Modelling and Computational Fluid Mechanics
- 12h05-12h25
- A. JAMESON - Princeton University, USA
- Aerodynamic Design
- 12h25-14h00
- Lunch
- Session 2: Numerical Linear Algebra
(Chairman: W. Fitzgibbon)
- 14h00-14h20
- Y. KUZNETSOV - Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
- Iterative Analysis of Finite Element Problems with Lagrange Multipliers
- 14h20-14h40
- D. SORENSEN - Rice University, USA
- New Approaches to Large Scale Eigenanalysis
- 14h40-15h00
- R. TAPIA - Rice University, USA
- On the Fundamental Role of Interior Point Methodology in Constrained Optimization
- 15h00-15h20
- H. WALKER - Utah State University, USA
- An Approach to Continuation using Krylov Subspace Methods
- 15h20-15h50
- Break
- Session 3: Domain Decomposition / Fictitious Domain Methods & Multigrids
(Chairman: P. Le Tallec)
- 15h50-16h10
- Z.C. SHI - Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- Multigrid Methods for Nonconforming Finite Elements on Nonnested Meshes
- 16h10-16h30
- O. STENBACH, W. WENDLAND - University of Stuttgart, Germany
- On the Coupling of Fictitious Domains and Boundary Elements
- 16h30-16h50
- J. DOUGLAS - Purdue University, USA
- An Analytical Basis for Multigrid Methods for Stabilized Finite Element Methods for the Stokes Problem
- 16h50-17h10
- H. FUJITA - Meiji University, Japan, H. KAWARADA - University of Chiba, Japan
- An Analytical Study of Optimal Speed of Convergence of Iterations in DDM under Certain Shape Assumptions of Domains
- 17h10-17h30
- V. GIRAULT - Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France
- Une méthode de domaine fictif pour le problème de Navier-Stokes
- 19h00-20h00
- Welcome drink at the City Hall of Tours
Tuesday, May 6
- Session 4: Mathematical Analysis
(Chairman: O. Pironneau)
- 08h30-08h50
- S. ABARBANEL - University of Tel Aviv, Israël
- Bounded Error Algorithms for Solving Partial Differential Equations on Complex Domains
- 08h50-09h10
- C. MORAWETZ - New York University, USA
- Existence for Transonic Flow: the Present Situation
- 09h10-09h30
- L. TARTAR - Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- Approximation of H-measures
- 09h30-09h50
- L. TA TSIEN - Fudan University, China
- Global Solutions to the System of the Motion of Elastic Strings
- 09h50-10h20
- Break
- Session 5: Mathematical Physics
(Chairperson: M.F. Wheeler)
- 10h20-10h40
- P. PERRIER - Dassault Aviation, France
- Some Problems and Paths to Next Century Unsteady Multiscale CFD
- 10h40-11h00
- D. JOSEPH - University of Minnesota, USA
- Flow Induced Microstructures in Newtonian and Viscoelastic Materials
- 11h00-11h20
- H. B. KELLER - CalTech, USA
- Quantum Chaos: Experiments on the Lattice Problems of Gauss
- 11h20-11h40
- G. MARCHUK - Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
- Computational Mathematics and Solution of Global Problems of Our Planet
- 11h40-12h00
- M. PETTITT - University of Houston, USA
- Computational Challenges in Theoretical Chemistry
- 12h00-12h20
- Quelques aspects mathématiques et numériques de la réduction en cinétique chimique
- 12h20-12h40
- M. GOLUBITSKY - University of Houston, USA
- Spiral Waves
- 12h40-14h00
- Lunch
- 14h00-15h30
- Poster Session and Web Pages Demonstrations
- Session 6: Computers and Systems
(Chairman: J.L. Lions)
- 15h30-15h50
- P. BOHN - Dassault Aviation, France
- Une vision industrielle et peut-être philosophique du Calcul Scientifique
- 15h50-16h10
- P. CASEAU - EDF, France
- Crisis or Mutation in High-Performance Computing
- 16h10-16h30
- R. SCOTT - University of Houston, USA
- Programming Variational Approximations with an Embedded Language
- 16h30-16h50
- P. MALLIAVIN - Académie des Sciences, France
- A Bayesian Point of View in Signal Processing
- 18h00-23h30
- Visit and Gala Dinner at Amboise Castle
Wednesday, May 7
- Session 7: Numerical Schemes and CFD
(Chairman: G. Barles)
- 08h30-08h50
- F. BREZZI - Istituto di Analisi Numerica, Italy
- Discontinuous Mixed - Formulations in Fluid Mechanics
- 08h50-09h10
- J. G. HEYWOOD - University of British Columbia, Canada
- Adaptive Spectral Calculations for the Spatially Periodic Navier-Stokes Equations
- 09h10-09h30
- K. MORGAN - University of Wales, UK
- The Simulation of 3D Unsteady Inviscid Compressible Flows with Moving Boundaries
- 09h30-09h50
- K. W. MORTON - Oxford University Computing Laboratory, UK
- Finite Element and Finite Volume Approximation of Evolution Problems
- 09h50-10h10
- B. PERTHAME - Université Paris 6 - LAN, France
- Progrès récents sur les solveurs de Riemann approchés
- 10h10-10h40
- Break
- Session 8: Applications and CFD
(Chairman: J.A. Désidéri)
- 10h40-11h00
- Crew Return Vehicle Aerodynamics
- 11h00-11h20
- J-P. CHABARD - EDF/DER, France
- Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flows on Unstructured Meshes Using Finite Element Methods
- 11h20-11h40
- D. EWING - Texas A & M University, USA
- Computational Science in Environmental Applications
- 11h40-12h00
- A. QUARTERONI - Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Modelling and Simulation of Blood Flow Problems
- 12h00-12h20
- M.F. WHEELER - University of Texas at Austin, USA
- Domain Decomposition Methods for Modeling Porous Flow
- 12h20-12h40
- A. BAMBERGER - IFP, France
- Simulation d'ondes en géophysique pétrolière
- 12h40-14h00
- Lunch
- Session 9: Optimization and Control
(Chairman: J. Périaux)
- 14h00-14h20
- G. AUCHMUTY - University of Houston, USA
- Control Theory Methods for the Numerical Determination of Special Solutions of Differential Equations
- 14h20-14h40
- Penalization Methods Applied to Nonlinear Elliptic Unilateral Problems
- 14h40-15h00
- J-L. LIONS - Collège de France, France
- On the Approximate Controllability with Global State Constraints
- 15h00-15h20
- P. NEITTAANMAKI - University of Jyväskylä, Finland
- Shape and Material Optimization
- 15h20-15h40
- R. TEMAM - Université Paris-Sud, France
- Quelques remarques sur le contrôle des écoulements turbulents
- 15h40-16h00
- E. ZUAZUA - Universitad de Complutense de Madrid, Spain
- Controllability and Optimal Control for Parabolic Equations
- 16h00-16h30
- Closing Session
- M.F. WHEELER - University of Texas at Austin, USA
- R. GLOWINSKI - University of Houston, USA & Université Paris 6, France