A circular pattern of a bull head

Description automatically generated with medium confidence


2024 Texas Undergraduate Groups & Dynamics Conference

University of Texas at Austin

April 19-20, 2024


Mark your calendars for the Second Annual Texas Undergraduate Groups and Dynamics Conference April 19-20, 2024 at the University of Texas at Austin.  This 2-day conference will run from Friday evening through Saturday afternoon and is designed to give undergraduates in Texas the opportunity to share their results and experiences, hear from faculty researchers, and build a community of students and faculty working in these fields.


As a reminder, student travel is funded by the conference.  This includes travel to Austin, hotel for Friday night, and food on Friday night, Saturday morning, and Saturday afternoon.  This is for students who plan to present research as well as those who simply want to attend.  There will also be some opportunity for faculty travel support.


We will send out more detailed information on the even in the new year.  For now please save the date and if you have any questions please feel free to reach out via email at any time.  Conference Website


Dr. Theresa Martines

Assistant Professor of Instruction

Department of Mathematics

University of Texas at Austin

2515 Speedway

Austin, TX 78712

PMA 10.108
