Dear Analysts and Probabilists,
The Workshop in Analysis and Probability at Texas A&M University will be in session from July 15 to July 30, 2024.
Summer 2024 Workshop in Analysis and Probability
This year, the main event of the workshop is a 5-day SUMIRFAS (Wednesday July 24-Sunday July 28, 2024)
The week immediately preceding SUMIRFAS 2024 we will have the traditional Workshop in Analysis Seminar Series (July 15-19,
2024). If you would like to propose a seminar talk for the seminar series, there will be an option to do so in the registration form below.
If you have any questions about the Workshop in Analysis and Probability at Texas A&M University, feel free to reach out to Flo Baudier, Irina Holmes Fay, or Bill Johnson.
To register for SUMIRFAS 2024 (and/or the Workshop in Analysis and Probability Seminar Series), you can fill in the centralized registration form via the link below.
All the events are scheduled to happen in person and we hope to see you all in College Station to learn new topics, start collaborating on new projects, and mingle!
Best regards,
Flo Baudier, Irina Holmes Fay, and Bill Johnson.
Florent P. BAUDIER
525J Blocker Building | College Station, TX 77843-3368
Webpage: F. Baudier's webpage | Zoom: F.
Baudier's Zoom room
Associate Professor | Department of Mathematics
Director | Workshop in Analysis and Probability