Seminar on Complex
Analysis and Complex Geometry - Fall 2012
Wednesday, September 19, 2012, 11am, PGH 646
Title: On a conjecture of Demailly-Peternell-Schneider
Speaker: Qi Zhang, University of Missouri-Columbia
Abstract: Projective varieties with numerically effective anticanonical bundles appear naturally in the Minimal Model Program. In the surface case, these objects include del-Pezzo surfaces, K3 surfaces, Abelian surfaces and so on. In this talk, we give an affirmative answer to an open question posed by Demailly-Peternell-Schneider in 2001. Let $f:X\rw Y$ be a surjective morphism from a log canonical pair $(X,D)$ onto a $\bQ$-Gorenstein variety $Y$. If $-(K_X+D)$ is nef, we show that $-K_Y$ is pseudo-effective. This is a joint work with M. Chen.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012, 3pm, Colloquium, PGH 646
Title: On projective varieties with nef anti-canonical divisor
Speaker: Qi Zhang, University of Missouri-Columbia
Abstract: A projective variety X over an algebraically closed field k is the zero-locus of some finite family of homogeneous polynomials with coefficients in k. It turns out that the geometrical (topological) properties of a projective variety are closely related to its algebraic structure of the meromorphic functions--the Kodaira dimension. In this talk, we shall discuss some recent development on the projective varieties with non-positive Kodaira dimension, in particular, the varieties with nef
anti-canonical divisor.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012, 11am, PGH 646
Title: Distribution of rational points on algebraic varieties
Speaker: Sho Tanimoto, Rice University
Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce Manin's conjecture and theory of Height zeta functions.
Then I will discuss some geometric issues arising in this context and introduce the notion of balanced line bundles.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012, 11am, PGH 646
Title: Ample, big, nef: the concepts and criteria
Speaker: Min Ru, UH
Abstract: This will be an introductory lecture on notions of positivity in complex geometry, aimed at graduate students.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 11am, PGH 646
Title: Application of Representation Theory to Punctual Hilbert Schemes of K3 Surfaces
Speaker: Letao Zhang, Rice University
Abstract: We compute the graded character formula of the Mumford-Tate group representation on the cohomology ring of the Hilbert schemes of n points on K3 surfaces. Also, we find the way to compute the generating series for the number of canonical Hodge classes of degree 2n.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012, 11am, PGH 646
Title: Ample, big, nef: the concepts and criteria, II
Speaker: Min Ru, UH
Abstract: This will be an introductory lecture on notions of positivity in complex geometry, aimed at graduate students.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012, 11am, PGH 646
Title: Ample, big, nef: the concepts and criteria, III
Speaker: Min Ru, UH
Abstract: This will be an introductory lecture on notions of positivity in complex geometry, aimed at graduate students.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012, 11am, PGH 646
Title: Ample, big, nef: the concepts and criteria, IV
Speaker: Min Ru, UH
Abstract: This will be an introductory lecture on notions of positivity in complex geometry, aimed at graduate students.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012, 11am, PGH 646
Title: Bubbles in Complex Algebraic Geometry
Speaker: Steven Lu, University of Quebec at Montreal
Abstract: In analysis, the failure in ``compactness"
in some space of maps to a compact analytic object
$X$ is explained by the existence of bubbles in $X$.
In holomorphic geometry (resp. algebraic geometry)
bubbles are given by nonconstant holomorphic
functions from $\bf C$, i.e. Brody curves, (resp.
from ${\bf CP}^1$, i.e. rational curves) to $X$.
We will discuss a non compact version of bubbles
for quasi projective varieties $X$ and their effect
on the Ricci curvature of $X$. This is joint work
with De-Qi Zhang.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012, 3pm, Colloquium, PGH 646
Title: Generalizing the Little Picard Theorem
Speaker: Steven Lu, University of Quebec at Montreal
Abstract: The Little Picard Theorem says
that a complex analytic function defined
everywhere on $\bf C$, can miss
at most one complex value. Its standard
proofs are all based on the fact that
$\C$ minus two point is hyperbolic (in
the sense of negative curvature as is
the case of the unit disk). The higher
dimensional generalization of hyperbolicity,
at least in the birational context, is that of
general type (almost everywhere negative
curvature). We will define the opposite
notion to that of general type, that of being
special, and discuss our result that any
object defined by complex polynomials (a
variety) $X$ has a decomposition as a fiber
space over a base object of general type
whose fibers are special. A conjectural
generalization of the Little Picard theorem
would then be that there exist an entire
function with values in $X$ not contained
in any subvariety in $X$ if and only if $X$
is special. We will conclude by our verification
of the conjecture for $X$ that is of maximal
albanese dimension, which is the case for
$\C$ minus two points. This is joint work
with Jorg Winkelmann.
Current Address: Department of Mathematics, PGH Building, University of Houston, Houston, Texas 77204-3008
Phone: (713) 743-3500 - Fax: (713) 743-3505