UH Summer school in dynamics: Project
properties in hyperbolic dynamics
Rufus Bowen,
Markov partitions for Axiom
A diffeomorphisms, Amer. J. Math.
(1970), p. 725-747.
This paper proves that uniformly hyperbolic
systems can be modeled with subshifts of
finite type.
C. Liverani,
limit theorem for deterministic systems
Once it has
been proved that correlations decay quickly
enough, the CLT can be derived using
martingale approximations.
Carlangelo Liverani,
Decay of correlations in
piecewise expanding maps,
Journal of Statistical Physics
78 (1995),
p. 1111-1129.
Carlangelo Liverani, Benoit Saussol, and Sandro
A probabilistic approach
to intermittency. Ergodic
Theory Dynam. Systems 19 (1999), no. 3, 671-685.
The first paper carries out the details of the
proof of decay of correlations using the
method of cones and the Hilbert metric, which
was discussed in Will Ott's lectures.
The second extends this to some
non-uniformly hyperbolic dynamical systems,
which display "intermittent" chaotic behavior.
hyperbolic dynamics
P1. An
expository paper on results about stable
Burns, Keith ; Pugh, Charles ; Shub, Michael ;
Wilkinson, Amie.
results about stable ergodicity.
Smooth ergodic theory and its applications
(Seattle, WA, 1999), 327-366, Proc. Sympos. Pure
Math., 69, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI,
Bonatti, Christian ; Matheus, Carlos ; Viana,
Marcelo ; Wilkinson, Amie.
Abundance of stable
ergodicity. Comment.
Math. Helv. 79 (2004), no. 4, 753-757.
Abstract: We
consider the set of volume preserving
partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms on a
compact manifold having \(1\)-dimensional
center bundle. We show that the volume
measure is ergodic, and even Bernoulli, for
any \(C^2\) diffeomorphism in an open and
dense subset. This solves a conjecture of
Pugh and Shub, in this setting.
Burns, Keith ; Hertz, Federico Rodriguez ;
Hertz, Maria Alejandra Rodriguez ; Talitskaya,
Anna ; Ures, Raul.
of accessibility for partially hyperbolic
diffeomorphisms with one-dimensional
center. Discrete Contin.
Dyn. Syst. 22 (2008), no. 1-2, 75-88.
Abstract: It
is shown that stable accessibility property
is \(C^r\)-dense among partially hyperbolic
diffeomorphisms with one-dimensional center
bundle, for \(r\ge 2\), volume preserving or
not. This answers a conjecture by Pugh and
Shub for these systems.
Wilkinson, Amie.
partially hyperbolic dynamics. Proceedings
of the International Congress of Mathematicians.
Volume III, 1816-1836, Hindustan Book Agency,
New Delhi, 2010.
Abstract: We
discuss recent progress in understanding the
dynamical properties of partially hyperbolic
diffeomorphisms that preserve volume. The
main topics addressed are density of stable
ergodicity and stable accessibility, center
Lyapunov exponents, pathological foliations,
rigidity, and the surprising
interrelationships between these notions.
methods in Diophantine approximation
Bourgain, Jean ; Lindenstrauss, Elon ; Michel,
Philippe ; Venkatesh, Akshay.
Some effective results
for \(\times a\times b\). Ergodic
Theory Dynam. Systems 29 (2009), no. 6,
The authors
prove quantitative results on the rate at
which the sequence \(\{a^nb^kx\}\) becomes
dense, for \(a, b\) fixed multiplicatively
independent integers and
\(x\in\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}\). The proofs
use techniques from entropy theory and
harmonic analysis, together with lower
bounds for linear forms in logarithms due to
Baker and Wustholz.
Einsiedler, Manfred ; Fishman, Lior ; Shapira,
approximations on fractals.
Geom. Funct. Anal. 21 (2011), no. 1, 14-35.
Focus on
Theorems 1.5 and 1.11, which use dynamics in
the space of unimodular lattices to derive
what seem to be highly non-trivial results
about Diophantine approximation properties
of integer multiples of real numbers.
Einsiedler, Manfred ; Ward, Thomas.
Ergodic theory with a
view towards number theory, Chapter 9:
Geodesic flow on quotients of the
hyperbolic plane. Graduate
Texts in Mathematics, 259. Springer-Verlag
London, Ltd., London, 2011.
This chapter
provides a very clear introduction to the
basics of dynamics and ergodic theory in
closed linear groups and their quotients.
Some of the highlights are a proof of the
ergodicity of the geodesic flow on quotients
of \(\mathrm{PSL}_2(\mathbb{R})\) by
lattices, and a detailed explanation of the
connection between the geodesic flow and the
Gauss map on the unit interval.
Host, Bernard.
normaux, entropie, translations.
Israel J. Math. 91 (1995), no. 1-3, 419-428.
Given a measure \(\mu\) on the circle, we
study the relations between the entropy of
the multiplication by an integer p and the
conservativity for the translations by the
\(p\)-adic rational numbers. We get a
criterion for \(\mu\)-almost every point to
be normal in a basis \(q\) prime to \(p\),
and generalizations of the result of D.
Rudolph about measures which are invariant
by multiplication by \(p\) and \(q\).
of group actions on homogeneous spaces
Bombieri, E. ; Vaaler, J.
On Siegel's lemma.
Invent. Math. 73 (1983), no. 1, 11-32.
The authors
develop an adelic formulation of Minkowski's
theorems with nice applications. For
background on the ring of adeles, see Andre
Weil's book "Basic Number Theory".
Howe, Roger ; Tan, Eng-Chye.
Nonabelian harmonic
analysis, Applications of SL(2,R), Chapter
5: Asymptotics of matrix coefficients.
Universitext. Springer-Verlag, New York,
involves a study of basic properties of
unitary representations of \(\mathrm{SL}(2,
\mathbb{R})\), the Harish-Chandra function
of \(\mathrm{SL}(2, \mathbb{R})\)
culminating in a proof of quantitative
estimates for decay of matrix coefficients.
Maucourant, Francois.
Borel-Cantelli lemma for hyperbolic
spaces. Israel J. Math.
152 (2006), 143-155.
This paper studies shrinking target
properties for geodesic flows with targets
inside a hyperbolic manifold.
Sullivan, Dennis.
spheres, approximation by imaginary
quadratic numbers, and the logarithm law
for geodesics. Acta Math.
149 (1982), no. 3-4, 215-237.
This paper
develops logarithm laws using mixing, but in
a different, more geometric way than the
approach used in the lectures.
recurrent systems
L1. Three
papers having to do with dynamics on tiling
Robinson, E. Arthur, Jr.
dynamics and tilings of \(\mathbb{R}^d\).
Symbolic dynamics and its applications,
81-119, Proc. Sympos. Appl. Math., 60, AMS Short
Course Lecture Notes, Amer. Math. Soc.,
Providence, RI, 2004.
introduction to the study of Euclidean
tilings through the use of dynamical systems
and ergodic theory.
B. Solomyak.
of self-similar tilings. Ergodic
Theory Dynam. Systems 17 (1997), no. 3, 695-738.
generalization to the tiling setting of
substitutive symbolic dynamics. An
introduction to dynamical systems arising
from the action by translations on the orbit
closures of self-similar and self-affine
tilings of \(\mathbb{R}^d\). The main focus
is on spectral properties of such systems
which are shown to be uniquely ergodic.
M. I. Cortez, F. Durand, B. Host, A. Maass.
Continuous and
measurable eigenfunctions of linearly
recurrent dynamical Cantor systems.
J. London Math. Soc. (2) 67 (2003), no.
3, 790-804.
This paper
investigates the connection between
topological and measure-theoretical
eigenvalues for linearly recurrent Cantor
Three papers having to do with linearly
repetitive Delone sets.
J. C. Lagarias, Peter A. B. Pleasants.
Repetitive Delone sets
and quasicrystals.
Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 23 (2003), no. 3,
An extension
to the setting of Delone sets of the study
of factor complexity and recurrence.
J. Aliste-Prieto, D. Coronel, M. I. Cortez, F.
Durand, S. Petite.
Delone sets. Mathematics
of aperiodic order, 195-222, Progr. Math., 309,
Birkhauser/Springer, Basel, 2015.
introduction to linearly repetitive Delone
sets and their associated dynamical systems.
A. Haynes, H. Koivusalo, J. Walton.
Linear repetitivity and
subadditive ergodic theorems for cut and
project sets. arXiv:1503.04091.
An extension
of results on the characterization of linear
recurrence for Sturmian words to the
cut-and-project setting.
F. Durand.
recurrent subshifts have a finite number
of non-periodic subshift factors.
Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 20 (2000),
no. 4, 1061-1078, corrigendum and addendum in
(2003), no. 2, 663-669.
M. I. Cortez, F. Durand, S. Petite.
Linearly repetitive
Delone systems have a finite number of
nonperiodic Delone system factors.
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 138 (2010), no.
3, 1033-1046.
The first
paper proves the characterization of
linearly recurrent subshifts as primitive
and proper \(S\)-adic subshifts. The
second extends these symbolic results to
linearly repetitive Delone sets.