Andreas Mang Department of Mathematics, University of Houston


I am a member of the Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computing group at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Houston. I am the head of the SCOPA (Scientific Computing, Optimization, and Parallel Algorithms) lab. You can find more detailed information about my group and our research on the SCOPA webpage. Some of the publications of my group and its collaborators can be found here. Broadly speaking, the key areas of research include
  • scientific computing and numerical methods
  • numerical optimization and variational techniques
  • nonlinear optimal control
  • inverse problems (governed by dynamical systems)
  • parallel and distributed-memory algorithms
My primary academic interest is the design, analysis, and deployment of computational and mathematical methods that integrate data with simulation and optimization. My research targets various applications of computational and data-enabled sciences with the ultimate aspiration to (i) aid data analysis, (ii) support decision-making, and (iii) enable (model-based) prediction.

SCOPA Members

Pegah Amiri, PhD Student.
Jannatul Chhoa, PhD Student.
Asikul Islam, PhD Student.
Regmi Samundra, PhD Student (co-advised with Dr. Charon).

Former SCOPA Members

Radmir Sultamuratov, PhD Student (co-advised with Dr. Azencott), 2021—2024.
Mayank Konduri, Highschool Student, 2023–2024.
Anjalee Nair
, Undergraduate Student (2024 SURF Recipient), Summer 2024.
Li Meng
, Graduate Student, 2023—2024.
German Villalobos, PhD Student, 2020—2023.
Brayan Gutierrez, Undergraduate Student (2023 SURF Recipient), Summer 2023.
Jae Youn Kim, PhD Student, 2019–2023.
Danial Khan, Undergraduate Student (2022 SURF Recipient), Summer 2022.
Gundeep Singh, Undergraduate Student (2021 PURS Recipient), Summer 2019 and Fall 2021.
Ali Hamza Abidi Syed, Undergraduate Student (2021 PURS and SURF Recipient), Spring 2021 and Summer 2021.
Hossein Dabirian, Graduate Student (co-advised with Dr. Robert Azencott), 2019–2021.
Yaseen Syed, Undergraduate Student (2021 PURS Recipient), Spring 2021.
Saeed Sarmadi, PhD Student (co-advised with Dr. Robert Azencott), 2017–2020.
Haley Rosso, Undergraduate Student (2020 SURF Recipient), Summer 2020.
James L. Herring, Postdoctoral Researcher, 2018-2019.
Felix Huber, Visiting Graduate Student (co-advised with Dr. Miriam Mehl), 2018-2019.
Erin Gabrysch, Graduate Student (co-advised with Dr. Annalisa Quaini), 2018-2019.
Brenda Gonzalez, Undergraduate Honors Student (2018 SURF Recipient), Summer 2018.
Orion Lowy, Undergraduate Student (co-advised with Dr. Bernhard Bodmann), Summer 2018.

Data-Enabled Science Seminar

I am a co-organizer of the Data-Enabled Science Seminar at our department. The seminar takes place in PGH 646A on Friday, 12 PM CT. More information about our seminar can be found here.


The research of my group has been supported by the SIMONS Foundation (Award 586055, Year 2019), the NVIDIA Corporation, and the National Science Foundation (Awards DMS-1854853 (2019-2022), DMS-2012825 (2020-2023), DMS-2009923 (2020-2023), DMS-2430460 (2025), and DMS-2145845 (CAREER Award; 2022-2027)).