Math 1432 - Online
Section 15891 (lecture) and 15892 (lab)

Instructor: Rebecca George, 609 PGH,

Office Hours: As posted on the class webpage and discussion board and by appointment.

Course Homepage:  

Text: Available online at .

Access Codes: You must purchase an Access Code from the UC Book Store to access the online text, videos, EMCFs and quizzes. After you purchase the Access Code, log into and enter your code. The Deadline is Thursday June 6th. Note that you have an online quiz due on Friday.

Online Live Class Meetings: There will one online live class lecture meeting each week and two online lab options each week. Students are encouraged to attend. Electronic questions will be asked in these online sessions, and students can earn credit for attending these sessions by successfully answering at least 60% of the questions correctly. Students who do NOT receive credit for attending the online live meeting can earn credit by completing an additional assignment that will be listed on the homework page. The online meetings will be held from 6-7:30pm on Tuesday.  A question/answer session will immediately follow the lecture (the question/answer session is optional). Much of the weekly material will be discussed and example problems will be worked during the lectures. Students are expected to spend additional time reading the textbook and watching posted videos. The link to the online meetings will appear on the course homepage by the middle of the first week. All of the online meetings will be recorded, and the videos will be posted on the course homepage.

Recitation: There is no separate recitation grade. You have signed up for both a lecture section and a recitation section. The two sections are interwoven in the course, and a grade will be given for the lecture section which represents the work in the combined classes. The lab session is a problem working session that will meet online.

Homework: Homework will be assigned each week. Multiple choice homework assignments will be submitted online using EMCF on CASA. Written homework will be collected throughout the semester. Students will submit their written homework by scanning their written work and then uploading it using CourseWare. Instructions will be given.

Daily Grades: Daily grades will be given in the online live sessions beginning the first week of class. During that time, students will log into CourseWare and answer questions using an online EMCF.  The EMCF will also be used for electronic homework. As stated above, if a student cannot attend the online session, then they can complete an alternate assignment for their daily grade.

Online Quizzes: Regular online quizzes will be due during the semester. Check the course calendar page for due dates. You can attempt each of these quizzes up to 20 times. The highest grade will be used for your score. You can access the quizzes by logging into CourseWare after June 3rd.

Exams: Proctored midterms and final exams will be given on campus in the CASA testing center. The final exam will be comprehensive.  If you live outside of the Houston area, you may ask for permission to have your exams proctored at a location in your area.  For more information see

Exams for the summer 2013 semester will be given on the following dates:

    Exam 1 (Online only, covers prerequisite material):  June 3-10
    Exam 2:  June 28-29
    Exam 3:  July 19-20
    Final Exam:  August 2-3


Online Quizzes - 10%

Homework – 10%

Daily grades - 10%

Test 1 (online) - 10%

Tests 2 & 3 (15% each) - 30%

Final Exam - 30%


Notice that a portion of your grade will be determined from daily grades, which includes answering EMCF questions correctly in lecture and lab, completing the alternate assignment for that day, and participation on the discussion board.

90% and above - A
at least 80% and below 90%- B
at least 70% and below 80% - C
at least 60% and below 70% - D
below 60% - F

Whenever possible, and in accordance with 504/ADA guidelines, we will attempt to provide reasonable academic accommodations to students who request and require them.




List of discussion/lecture topics


Section 7.1. One-to-One Functions;Inverses
Section 7.2-3. The Logarithm Function
Section 7.4. The Exponential Function
Section 7.5. Arbitrary Powers; Other Bases; Estimating e
Section 7.6. Exponential Growth and Decay
Section 7.7. The Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Section 7.8. The Hyperbolic Sine and Cosine Functions


Section 8.2. Integration by Parts
Section 8.3. Powers and Products of Trigonometric Functions
Section 8.4. Trigonometric Substitutions

Section 8.5. Partial Fractions
Section 8.7. Numerical Integration


Section 9.3. Polar Coordinates
Section 9.4. Graphing in Polar Coordinates
Section 9.5. Area in Polar Coordinates
Section 9.6. Curves Given Parametrically
Section 9.7. Tangents to Curves Given Parametrically
Section 9.8 Arc Length and Speed


Section 10.1-2. The Least Upper Bound Axiom; Sequences of Real Numbers
Section 10.3-4. Limit of a Sequence; Some Important Limits

Section 10.5. The Indeterminate Form (0/0)
Section 10.6. The Indeterminate Form (°/°); Other Indeterminate Forms
Section 10.7. Improper Integrals


Section 11.1. Infinite Series
Section 11.2. The Integral Test; Comparison Theorems
Section 11.3. The Root Test; The Ratio Test
Section 11.4. Absolute and Conditional Convergence; Alternating Series
Section 11.5. Taylor Polynomials in x; Taylor Series in x.
Section 11.6. Taylor Polynomials in x-a; Taylor Series in x-a.
Section 11.7. Power Series
Section 11.8. Differentiation and Integration of Power Series