Math 2433
Section 16071

Instructor: Rebecca George, 639 PGH,

Office Hours: 11:00 am - 12:45 pm MW in 639 PGH and online by appointment

Course Homepage:

Course Learning Materials: The textbook, online quizzes, EMCF assignments, and additional help materials will be made available by logging into CourseWare at These first portion of these materials are freely available for the first two weeks of class. All students must purchase a Course Access Code and enter it on CourseWare by the first day of the third week of class to continue accessing the course learning materials. A Course Access Code can be purchased for $47.35 from the University Bookstore. If you want a physical copy of the text for the course, then purchase CALCULUS: ONE AND SEVERAL VARIABLES, 9th edition. Authors: Salas/Hille/Etgen. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Note: You do not need to purchase a physical copy of this text. You will have access to the text electronically on CourseWare once you enter your Course Access Code. Also, even if you purchase a physical copy of the text, you will still need the Course Access Code to access the additional learning materials, including the online electronic quizzes and EMCF assignments.  No extensions will be given for assignments missed before your access code is entered at

List of discussion/lecture topics:

Chapter 12. VECTORS

Section 12.1 Cartesian Space Coordinates
Section 12.2 Displacements and Forces
Section 12.3 Vectors
Section 12.4 The Dot Product
Section 12.5 The Cross Product
Section 12.6 Lines
Section 12.7 Planes


Section 13.1 Vector Functions
Section 13.2 Differentiation Formulas
Section 13.3 Curves
Section 13.4 Arc Length
Section 13.5 Curvilinear Motion; Curvature


Section 14.1 Elementary Examples
Section 14.2 A Brief Catalogue of Quadric Surfaces; Projections
Section 14.3 Graphs; Level Curves and Level surfaces
Section 14.4 Partial Derivatives
Section 14.5 Open and Closed Sets
Section 14.6 Limits and Continuity; Equality of Mixed Partials


Section 15.1 Differentiability and Gradient
Section 15.2 Gradients and Directional Derivatives
Section 15.3 The Mean-Value Theorem; Chain Rules
Section 15.4 The Gradient as a Normal; Tangent Lines and Tangent Planes
Section 15.5 Local Extreme Values
Section 15.6 Absolute Exreme Values
Section 15.7 Maxima and Minima with Side Conditions
Section 15.8 Differentials
Section 15.9 Reconstructing a Function from its Gradient


Section 16.2 The Double Integral
Section 16.3 The Evaluation of Double Integrals by Repeated Integrals
Section 16.4 Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates
Section 16.6 Triple Integrals
Section 16.7 Reduction to Repeated Integrals
Section 16.8 Triple Integrals in Cylindrical Coordinates
Section 16.9 The Triple Integral as a Limit of Riemann Sums; Spherical Coordinates
Section 16.10 Jacobians; Changing Variables in Multiple Integration


Section 17.1 Line Integrals
Section 17.2 The Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals
Section 17.3 Work-Energy Formula; Conservation of Mechanical Energy
Section 17.4 Line Integrals with Respect to Arc Length
Section 17.5 Green's Theorem
Section 17.6 Parameterized Surfaces; Surface Area
Section 17.7 Surface Integrals
Section 17.8 The Vector Differential Operator
Section 17.9 The Divergence Theorem
Section 17.10 Stokes's Theorem

Homework:  Written homework will be turned in online on CourseWare under "Assignments".  To submit written homework, you must scan or take a picture of your homework and upload it as an image or pdf file.  Multiple-choice homework will be answered under "EMCF" tab on CourseWare.  All homework assignments will be posted on the class webpage.

Daily Poppers: Daily grades will be given in lecture and in lab beginning the first week of classes.  You only need to do the poppers for one of the lecture optional times and one of the lab optional times.  If you cannot attend the live sessions, you must do the alternate assignment for lecture and/or lab for the week that you miss.

Online Quizzes: At least one online quiz will be given each week. You can attempt these quizzes up to 20 times, and the highest grade will be used for your score. You can access the quizzes by logging into CourseWare at  Quizzes will not reopen once they have closed.

Exams: There will be two exams and a final exam for this class.  All exams will be given in CASA (located on the second floor of Garrison). You can access the scheduler for these exams by logging into CourseWare at The exams given in CASA will consist of both multiple choice and written questions. The multiple choice questions will be machine graded. The scheduler will be available approximately 2 weeks prior to the start of the exam cycle.  Students who live more than 100 miles from campus will need to contact the distance education department ( to set up remote exam proctoring.

Final Exam: A comprehensive final exam will be given in CASA. You can access the scheduler for this exam by logging into CourseWare at

Daily In-Class EMCF                         45 points
Discussion Board Participation             5 points
Online Quizzes                                  75 points
Homework (written and EMCF)          75 points
Exams 1 & 2 (100 points each)          200 points
Final Exam                                      200 points

Total:                                               600 points

Note: The percentage grade on the final exam can be used to replace your lowest test score.

90% and above - A
at least 80% and below 90%- B
at least 70% and below 80% - C
at least 60% and below 70% - D
below 60% - F

Attendance is Mandatory!! Attendance will be taken through the session chat log and participation in the EMCF questions. There will be two online lecture session options (each covering the same material) and two problem session options every week. The completed notes and links to videos and extra examples will be posted for each section covered.  If you cannot attend either lecture session, there will be an alternate assignment for you to do in place of the daily lecture EMCF questions. If you cannot attend either recitation session, there will be an alternate assignment for you to do in place of the daily lab EMCF questions.  

Whenever possible, and in accordance with 504/ADA guidelines, we will attempt to provide reasonable academic accommodations to students who request and require them.