< Compressible
Flow Papers (last updated September 2005) >
Two-dimensional Riemann problems
Transonic regular reflection for the nonlinear wave system.
[with K. Jegdic and B. L. Keyfitz]
Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations,
3(3) (2006), 443-375.
A Riemann Problem for the isentropic gas dynamics equations.
[with K. Jegdic and B. L. Keyfitz]
Proceedings of the MSRI/AWM Workshop ``The Legacy of Ladizhenskaya and Oleinik.'', Berkeley, CA,
(2006) 165-170.
Free Boundary Problems for Nonlinear Wave Systems: Interacting Shocks.
[with B. L. Keyfitz and Kim E.H]
SIAM J. Mathematical Analysis
Vol. 37(6) (2006) 1947 -1977 .
Transonic regular reflection for the nonlinear wave system.
[with K. Jegdic and B. L. Keyfitz]
Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations 3(3) (2006),443 -375.
Transonic regular reflection for the Unsteady Transonic Small Disturbance
Equation - details of the subsonic solution.
[with K. Jegdic and B. L. Keyfitz]
Proceedings of the IFIP Conference 2005. Accepted.
Mixed Hyperbolic-Elliptic Systems in Self-Similar Flows
[with B. L. Keyfitz and Kim E.H]
Bulletin of the Brasilian Mathematical Society
Vol. 32(3) (2001).
Self-similar Problems in Multi-dimensional Conservation Laws
[with B. L. Keyfitz and Kim E.H]
Proceedings of IC-SEC Conference on Recent Advance in Computational Science and Engineering,
Singapore , December 2002.
Riemann problems for the
two-dimensional unsteady transonic small disturbance equation [with Keyfitz] (ps)
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics,
Vol. 58(2) (1998).
A numerical study of Riemann problems for the
two-dimensional unsteady transonic small disturbance equation [with Mirkovic] (ps)
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics,
Vol. 58(5),1365 - 1393(1998).
Quasi-one-dimensional Riemann problems and their role in
self-similar two-dimensional problems [with Keyfitz]
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis,
144 (1998),223 -258.
A useful class of two-dimensional conservation laws [with Keyfitz]
Mathematical Research, Vol 87, eds. K. Kirchgaessner et al., Akademie Verlag Berlin
(1996), pp. 133-137.
Weak shock reflection A free boundary problem
for a quasilinear degenerate elliptic equation: regular reflection of
weak shocks [with Keyfitz and
Kim] (ps)
Nonlinear degenerate elliptic equationsCommunications
on Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. LV (2002)71 -92.
Free boundary problems for the unsteady transonic small
disturbance equation: transonic regular reflection [with Keyfitz and Kim] (ps)Methods
Applications of Analysis, 7 (2) (2000)313 -336.
A proof of existence of perturbed steady transonic shocks
via a free-boundary problem [with
Keyfitz and Lieberman] (ps)Communications in Pure and Applied
Mathematics, Vol. LIII
(2000), 484-511.
Weak shock reflection modeled by the unsteady transonic
small disturbance equation [with
Keyfitz and Lieberman] (ps)Hyperbolic
Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications, Vol. 141 (1)
(2000)217 -226.
Oblique shock interactions and the von Newmann Paradox [with Keyfitz] (ps)Proc. 20th International Conference on
Shock Waves, Vol. I
(eds. Sturtevant B., Schepherd J.E., Hornung H.G.).
A bifurcation diagram for oblique shock interactions in
the unsteady transonic small disturbance equation [with Keyfitz and Wagner]Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, and
Applications, Editors: Glimm et
al., World Scientific, Singapore (1996), pp. 178-187.
An elliptic problem
arising from the unsteady transonic small disturbance equation [with Keyfitz] (ps)
Journal of Differential Equations,
Vol. 125 (1996), pp. 548-574.
A smooth solution for a Keldysh type equation [with Keyfitz] (ps)Communications in Partial Differential
Equations, Vol. 21
(1996), pp. 319-340.
A class of quasilinear degenerate
elliptic problems [with Eun Heui Kim]
Differential Equations, 189(1) (2003) 71-98.
Shock wave admissibility for conservation laws that change type Shock wave admissibility
for quadratic conservation laws [with Plohr] (ps)
Journal of Differential Equations,
Vol. 118 (1995), pp. 293-335.
The role of limit cycles in the admissibility of shock
wavesMatematica Contemporanea, Vol. 8 (1995), pp. 63-88.
Quadratic systems of conservation laws with generic
behavior at infinity (ps)Journal of Dynamics and Differential
Equations, Vol. 9(3)
(1997), pp. 401-426.
A global approach to shock wave admissibilityAnais do 19th Coloquio Brasileiro
Matematica, (1992), pp. 199-216.
On the influence of viscosity on Riemann solutions (ps)Journal of Dynamics and Differential
Equations, Vol. 9(4)
(1997), pp. 663-703.
Nonexistence of Riemann solutions for a quadratic model
deriving from petroleum engineeringNonlinear
Analysis: Real World Applications, Vol. 3(4) (2002)
Oscillation waves in systems of conservation laws [with G. Peters] (ps)Nonlinear Analysis: Series B.
Nonexistence of Riemann solutions and Majda-Pego
instability [with G. Peters]
(ps)Journal of Differential Equations 172(1)
(2001) 1-28.
Shock capturing for slowly moving shocks Computations of slowly
moving shocks [with S. Karni]
Journal of Computational Physics
(136) 1997, no. 1, pp. 132-139.