< Grant Support >

2024-2027 National Science Foundation DMS-2408928 (PI: Canic, Collaborators: J. Tambaca, L. Grubisic) A comprehensive mathematical and computational framework for next generation stent design
2023-2026 National Science Foundation DMS-2247000 (PI: Canic, co-PI:Wang) Mechanistic modeling of cell encapsulation
2020-2023 National Science Foundation DMS-2011319 (PI: Canic) A computational approach to the design of a bioartificial pancreas
2018-2021 National Science Foundation DMS-1853340 (PI: Canic; Collaborators: J. Tambaca, T. Desai, and L. Grubisic): Development of Mathematical Methods for Next Generation Stent Design
2016-2019 National Science Foundation DMS-1613757 (PI: Canic; Collaborators: M. Bukac and B. Muha): Fluid-elastic structure interaction with the Navier slip boundary condition
2013-2017 National Science Foundation NIGMS DMS-1263572 (PI: Canic; co-PIs: A. Quaini (UH), Dr. S. Little (The Methodist Hospital, Houston)): Collaborative Research: Advancing the Diagnosis and Quantification of Mitral Valve Regurgitation with Mathematical Modeling.
2013-2017 National Science Foundation DMS-1318763 (PI: Canic; co-PI: M. Bukac (University of Pittsburgh)): Fluid-structure interaction with multi-layered structures: a new class of partitioned schemes
2013-2017 National Science Foundation DMS-1311709 (PI: Canic; Collaborator: B. Muha (U of Zagreb, Croatia)): Fluid multi-structure interaction problems
2013-2014 National Science Foundation DMS-1262385 (PI: Canic; co-PI:Quaini(UH)): Post-doctoral Supplement to Coanda effect for incompressible flows in moving domains
2011-2013 National Science Foundation DMS-1109189 (PI: Canic; co-PI: Quaini): Coanda effect for incompressible flows in moving domains
2011-2013 American Heart Association (AHA) grant (Senior Investigator, PI: Dr. S. Little): Multimodality 3D Imaging for the Quantification of Prosthetic Valve Function
2010-2012 Texas Higher Education Board (ARP-Mathematics) 003652-0023-2009 (PI Canic, co-PI Glowinski) Support for research with Drs. Little and Zoghbi of The Methodist Hospital on Computational Modeling of Echocardiographic Assessment of Mitral Regurgitation.
2008-2011 NSF DMS-0806941 (Single PI; Applied Mathematics) Support for research on Moving-boundary problems in blood flow.
2005-2010 NSF/NIH DMS-0443826 (NIGMS Competition) Collaborative Research on Cell Coating of Artificial Surfaces of Cardiovascular Devices. PI: Canic, co-PIs: R. Glowinski (UH), T.W. Pan (UH), Dr. D. Rosenstrauch (Texas Heart Institute) and Dr. C. Hartley (Baylor College of Medicine)
2008-2009 TLCC at UH (co-PI with Azencott and Guidoboni) Post-doc Support for collaboration with Methodist Hospital on Modeling of Echocardiographic Assessment of Mitral Regurgitation
2007-2008 University of Houston GEAR grant.
2006-2008 Texas Higher Education Board (ARP-Mathematics) #003652-0051-2006 Support for research on Mathematics for Cardiovascular Stenting PI: Canic, co-PI: Guidoboni (UH)
2003-2007 NSF DMS-0244343 (Focused Research Group Competition) Support for research on Multi-Dimensional Problems for the Euler Equations of Compressible Fluid Flow and Related Problems PI: D. Wang (Pittsburgh), co-PIs: G-Q. Chen (Northwestern), S. Canic (UH), C. Dafermos (Brown), J. Hunter (UC Davis) T-P Liu (Stanford), C-W Shu (Brown), M. Slemrod (Wisconsin), Y. Zhang (Penn State)
2005 NSF DMS-0503889 Applied Mathematics: Graduate student supplement.
2003-2005 NSF DMS-0337355 Research Experience for Undergraduates-Mathematical Biology.
2003-2006 NSF DMS-0245513 Applied Mathematics Support for research in Hyperbolic Conservation Laws in Blood Flow
2002-2004 Texas Higher Education Board ARP 003652-0112-2001 Advanced Research Program in Mathematics. Support for research in Multi-dimensional hyperbolic conservation laws.
2002-2003 NSF DMS-0225948 Analysis Program (Grant supplement).
1999-2002 NSF DMS-9970310 Classical Analysis Program. Support for research on Nonlinear Waves in One-Dimensional and Multi-Dimensional Conservation Laws
1999-2001 University of Houston TLCC Student Support/
1999-2002 NSF REU Program (co-PI with Edward Dean) Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates
1996-1999 NSF DMS-9625831 Classical Analysis Program. Suport for research on Mathematical Sciences: Nonlinear Wave Interactions in One and Two Space Dimensions
1994-1996 US Department of Energy DEFG0294ER25220. Support for research on Riemann Problems for Nonlinear Conservation Laws.

Largest grants ($1mil and higher):

[1] NSF/NIH NIGMS (PI) Collaborative Research in Mathematical Biology DMS-0443826 ($1,108,347) co-PIs: Profs. R. Glowinski and T.-W Pan, Drs. Rosenstrauch and Hartley.
[2] NSF FRG: Focussed Research Grant on Multi-dimensional Compressible Euler Equations (co-PI with G-Q. Chen (Northwestern), C. Dafermos (Brown), J. Hunter (UC Davis), T-P Liu (Stanford), C-W Shu (Brown), M, Slemrod (U of Wisconsin), Y. Zhang (Penn State) and D. Wang (Pittsburgh) (PI)) $1,000,000