< Students and Post-docs >

Post-doctoral Associates:
Felix Brandt (2025-2027) (PhD Adviser: M. Hieber (Darmstadt, Germany )
Krutika Tawri (2022-2025) (PhD Adviser: R. Temam (Indiana)
Yifan Wang (2014-2020) (PhD Adviser: D. Liu (Louisiana Tech))
LingLing Shi (2014-2015) (PhD Adviser: A. Quarteroni (UH))
Steffen Basting (2013-2014) (PhD Adviser: E. B\"{a}nsch (U of Erlangen))
Boris Muha (2009-2012) (PhD Adviser: Z. Tutek (U of Zagreb, Croatia))
Maroje Marohnic (2010-2011) (PhD Adviser: J. Tambaca (U of Zagreb))
Analisa Quaini (2009-2010) (PhD Adviser: A. Quarteroni (EPFL))
Oleg Boiarkine (2008-2012) (PhD Adviser: J. Kuznetsov (UH))
Giovanna Guidoboni (2006-2008) (PhD Adviser: G. Padula (U of Ferrara)). Co-supervised with R. Glowinski. Currently at IUPUI.
Jian Hao (2006-2008) (PhD Adviser: G. Padula (U of Ferrara)). Currently at IUPUI.
Serguei Lapin (2006-2007) (PhD Advisers: R. Glowinski and S. canic (UH)). Currently at U of Washington at Pullman.
Fabien Marpeau (2008-2009) (PhD Adviser: M. Langlais (U of Bordeaux)). Currently Research Associate at a Geophysics Company in Houston.
Jegdic Katarina (2006-2008) (PhD Adviser: R.L. Jerrard (U of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign)). Co-adviser with B. Keyfitz. Currently at U of Houston-Downtown.
Graduate Students:
Amy Dai (2023-present) Ph.D. student. U of California, Berkeley.
Andrew Scharf (2021-present) Ph.D. student. U of California, Berkeley.
Jeffrey Kuan (2019-2023) Ph.D. student. U of California, Berkeley.
Prajakta Bedekar (2015-2018) Ph.D. student. U of Houston
Lan Zhang (2009-2014) Ph.D. student co-supervised with D. Kuzmin. U of Houston.
Sibusiso Mabuza (2010-2014) Ph.D. student. U of Houston
Martina Bukac (2009-2013) Ph.D. student. U of Houston.
Yao Yu (2010-2012) Ph.D. student. U of Houston, Mathematics.
Taebeom Kim (2004-2009) Ph.D. U of Houston, Mathematics. Currently at UT Health Science Center Houston.
Mate Kosor (2004-2008) Ph.D. student. U of Houston, Mathematics. Currently Assistant Professor at University of Zadar, Croatia.
George Peters (1994-1997) Ph.D. Iowa State University, Mathematics. Currently Assistant Professor at Greenwille College.
Ramae Hamrin (1994-1996) M.S. Iowa State University, Mathematics.
Kelly Buss (2000-2002) M.S. U of Houston, Mathematics.
Cynthia Chmielewski (2004-2006) M.S. U of Houston, Mathematics. Currently at MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Undergraduate Students (REU mentor):
Anothony Chen (2018-2020) U of California, Berkeley. (Honors Program)
Acara Elaine Turner (2004-2006) U of Houston, Mathematics. (Honors Program)
Vanessa Jaramillo (2004-2005) U of Houston, Engineering.
Joy Chavez (2004-2007) U of Houston, Mathematics. (Honors Program)
Hassan Khalil (2003-2004) U of Houston, Mechanical Engineering.
Rickin Patel (2004-2006) U of Houston, Mathematics.
Darryl Roy (2000-2000) U of Houston, Computer Science.
Jimmy Pritts (1999-2000) U of Houston, Mathematics.
Alysa Burns (2000-2000) U of Houston, Mathematics.
Andrea Young (2001-2001) Penn State and U of Houston, Mathematics.
Jerome Coulon (2002-2002) U Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and U of Houston, Mathematics.
Elyse Delavaud (2002-2002) U Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and U of Houston, Mathematics.
Jafis Barlas (2000-2000) U of Houston, Physics.