< Publications >

  1. S. Canic and B. Plohr, Shock Wave Admissibility for Quadratic Conservation Laws. Journal of Differential Equations 118 (2) (1995), 293-335. (ps)
  2. Canic , S., The Role of Limit Cycles in the Stability of Shock Waves, Matematica Contemporanea 8 (1995), 63-88.
  3. S. Canic and B.L. Keyfitz, An Elliptic Problem Arising From the Unsteady Transonic Small Disturbance Equation. Journal of Differential Equations 125 (2) (1996), 548-574. (ps)
  4. S. Canic and B.L. Keyfitz, A Smooth Solution for a Keldysh Type Equation. Communications in Partial Differential Equations 21 (1&2) (1996), 319-341. (ps)
  5. Canic , S. Keyfitz L. B., and D. Wagner, A Bifurcation Diagram for Oblique Shock Interactions in the Unsteady Transonic Small Disturbance Equation, Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, and Applications, (Editors: J. Glimm, M. J. Graham, J. Grove, and B. J. Plohr, World Scientific 1996, 178-187.
  6. Canic , S. and Keyfitz, L. B., Oblique Shock Interaction and the von Neumann Paradox, Shock Waves Vol. I (eds. Sturtevant, B., Schepherd J. E., Hornung H. G.), World Scientific, Singapore 1996, 435-440. (ps)
  7. Canic , S. and Keyfitz, L. B., A Useful Class of Two-Dimensional Conservation Laws,Mathematical Research 87, eds. K. Kirchgaessner, O. Mahrenholtz and R. Mennicken, Akademie Verlag Berlin (1996), 133-137.
  8. S. Canic , Quadratic Systems of Conservation Laws with Generic Behavior at Infinity. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 9(3) (1997), 401-426. (ps)
  9. S. Karni and S. Canic , Computations of Slowly Moving Shocks. Journal of Computational Physics 136 (1997), 132-139.
  10. S. Canic , On the Influence of Viscosity on Riemann Solutions. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 10 (1998), 109-149. (ps)
  11. Canic , S. and Keyfitz, L. B., Riemann Problems for the Two-Dimensional Unsteady Transonic Small Disturbance Equation, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 58(2) 1998, 636-665. (ps)
  12. S. Canic and D. Mirkovic, A Numerical Study of Riemann Problems for the Two-Dimensional Unsteady Transonic Small Disturbance Equation. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 58(5) (1998), 1365-1393. (ps)
  13. Canic , S. and Keyfitz, L. B., Quasi-One-Dimensional Riemann Problems and Their Role in Self-Similar Two-Dimensional Problems, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 144 1998, 233-258.
  14. Peters, G. and Canic , S., On the Oscillatory Solutions in Hyperbolic Conservation Laws, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 1 2000, 287-314. (ps)
  15. S. Canic , B.L. Keyfitz and G. Lieberman, A Proof of Existence of Perturbed Steady Transonic Shocks via a Free Boundary Problem. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics LIII (2000), 484-511. (ps)
  16. Canic , S., Keyfitz L. B., and Kim, E.H., Free Boundary Problems for the Unsteady Transonic Small Distrubance Equation: Transonic Regular Reflection, Methods and Applications of Analysis, 7(2) (2000) 313-336. (ps)
  17. Canic , S. and Mirkovic D. A hyperbolic system of conservation laws arising in modeling endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm, Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications, Vol. 141(1) (2000) 227-236.
  18. Canic , S., B. L. Keyfitz and Kim E.H., Weak shock reflection modeled by the UTSD equation, Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications, Vol. 141(1) (2000) 217-226. (ps)
  19. S. Canic and G. Peters, Nonexistence of Riemann Solutions and Majda-Pego Instability. Journal of Differential Equations 172(1) (2001) 1-28.  (ps)
  20. Canic , S., B. L. Keyfitz and Kim E.H., Mixed Hyperbolic-Elliptic Systems in Self-Similar Flows Bulletin of the Brasilian Mathematical Society, Vol.32(3) (2001) 377-399.
  21. S. Canic , Blood flow through compliant vessels after endovascular repair: wall deformations induced by the discontinuous wall properties. Computing and Visualization in Science. Springer-Verlag. 4(3) (2002) 147-155. (pdf | ps)
  22. Canic , S., B. L. Keyfitz and Kim E.H., A Free Boundary Problem for a Quasilinear Degenerate Elliptic Equation: The Transonic Regular Reflection of Weak Shocks, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. LV (2002) 71-92. (ps)
  23. Canic , Nonexistence of Riemann solutions for a quadratic model deriving from petroleum engineering, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, Vol. 3(4) (2002) 629-665.
  24. Canic , S. and A. Mikelic, Effective Equations Describing the Flow of a Viscous Incompressible Fluid Through a Long Elastic Tube, Comptes Rendus Mechanique Acad. Sci. Paris 330 (2002) pp. 661-666. (pdf | ps)
  25. Canic , S. and E. H. Kim, Weak Shock Reflection Modeled by the Unsteady Transonic Small Disturbance Equation Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems, Theory, Numerics and Applications, (H. Freistuhler and G. Warnecke, editors) , Birkhauser, Basel, 2002, 217-226.
  26. Canic , S. and E. H. Kim, A Class of Quasilinear Degenerate Elliptic Problems. Journal of Differential Equations, 189(1) (2003) 71-98. . (ps)
  27. Canic , S. and E. H. Kim, Mathematical Analysis of the Quasilinear Effects in a Hyperbolic Model of Blood Flow through Compliant Axisymmetric Vessels, Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences, 26 (14) (2003), 1161-1186. (pdf | ps)
  28. Canic , S. and A. Mikelic, Effective equations modeling the flow of a viscous incompressible fluid through a long elastic tube arising in the study of blood flow through small arteries. SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Sys. 2(3) (2003) 431-463. (pdf | ps | movies)
  29. Canic, S., B. L. Keyfitz and E-H. Kim, Self-similar Problems in Multi-dimensional Conservation Laws, Proceedings of IC-SEC Conference on Recent Advance in Computational Science and Engineering, Singapore , December 2002.
  30. Canic , S. A. Mikelic, D. Lamponi, and J. Tambaca, Self-Consistent Effective Equations Modeling Blood Flow in Medium-to-Large Compliant Arteries. SIAM J. Multiscale Analysis and Simulation 3(3) (2005) 559-506 (pdf)
  31. S. Canic, J. Tambaca, A. Mikelic, C.J. Hartley, D. Mirkovic, and D. Rosentrauch. Blood flow through axially symmetric sections of compliant vessels: new effective closed models, Proc. 26th Ann. Conf. EMBS: 379, San Francisco, Sept. 1-4, 2004.` . (pdf)
  32. S. Canic, A. Mikelic and J. Tambaca. A two-dimensional effective model describing fluid-structure interaction in blood flow: analysis, simulation and experimental validation Comptes Rendus Mechanique Acad. Sci. Paris 333(12) 867-883 (2005). (2005). (pdf) movie (wmv)
  33. S. Canic, K. Ravi-Chandar, Z. Krajcer, D. Mirkovic and S. Lapin. A Comparison Between the Dynamic Responses of Bare-Metal {\sc Wallstent} Endoprosthesis and AneuRx Stent-Graft: A Mathematical Model Analysis. Texas Heart Institute Journal 32(4) 19--23 (2005). (pdf)
  34. S. Canic, Z. Krajcer, and S. Lapin. Is the design and mechanical properties of the current generation of stent-grafts for AAA repair suboptimal? A mathematical design of optimal endoprostheses. Endovascular Today. Endovascular Today (Cover Story). May Issue (2006) 48-50. (pdf)
  35. J. Tambaca, S. Canic, A. Mikelic. Effective Model of the Fluid Flow through Elastic Tube with Variable Radius. Accepted Grazer Mathematische Berichte 348 (2005), 91-112
  36. K. Jegdic, B.L. Keyfitz and S. Canic. Transonic regular reflection for the nonlinear wave system. Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations 3(3) (2006), 443-375.
  37. S. Canic, Craig J. Hartley, Doreen Rosenstrauch, Josip Tambaca, Giovanna Guidoboni and Andro Mikelic. Blood Flow in Compliant Arteries: An Effective Viscoelastic Reduced Model, Numerics and Experimental Validation. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 34(2006), pp.` 575-592. (pdf)
  38. K. Jegdic, B. L. Keyfitz, and S. Canic. Transonic regular reflection for the Unsteady Transonic Small Disturbance Equation - details of the subsonic solution. Free and Moving Boundaries: Analysis, Simulation and Control, (Roland Glowinski and Jean Paul Zolesio, editors), CRC Press, Boca Raton, Vol 252 (2007) 125-165.
  39. S. Canic, B.L. Keyfitz and E-H. Kim, Free Boundary Problems for Nonlinear Wave Systems: Interacting Shocks.SIAM J. Mathematical Analysis 37(6) (2006) 1947 - 1977. (pdf)
  40. S. Canic, J. Tambaca, G. Guidoboni, A. Mikelic, C.J. Hartley, D. Rosenstrauch. Modeling viscoelastic behavior of arterial walls and their interaction with pulsatile blood flow. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. Volume 67 Issue 1 (2006) Pages 164-193. (pdf)
  41. K. Jegdic, B. L. Keyfitz, and S. Canic. A Riemann Problem for the isentropic gas dynamics equations. Proceedings of the MSRI/AWM Workshop ``The Legacy of Ladizhenskaya and Oleinik.'', Berkeley, CA, (2006) 165-170.
  42. A. Mikelic and S. Canic, Homogenization Closure for a Two-Dimensional Effective Model Describing Fluid-Structure Interaction in Blood Flow. Math Everywhere. Deterministic and Stochastic Modelling in Biomedicine, Economics and Industry, G. Aletti, M. Burger, A. Micheletti, D. Morale (ed.) , Springer Heidelberg, 2007, p. 193-205.
  43. S. Canic. Fluid-Structure Interaction in Blood Flow (extended abstract). The Legacy of Ladyzhenskaya and Oleinik (edt. Krystyna Kuperberg). Proceedings of the MSRI/AWM Workshop ``The Legacy of Ladizhenskaya and Oleinik.'', Berkeley, CA, (2006) 11-15. (pdf)
  44. A Mikelic, G. Giodoboni, S. Canic. Fluid-Structure Interaction in a Pre-Stressed Tube with Thick Elastic Walls I: The Stationary Stokes Problem. Networks and Heterogeneous Media Vol. 2(3) 2007 397-423. (pdf)
  45. S. Canic and D. Rosenstrauch. Use of auricular chondrocytes in lining of artificial surfaces: A mathematical model. IEEE Transactions of Nanobioscience. Vol 7(3) 2008, 240-245.
  46. G. Guidoboni, R. Glowinski, N. Cavallini, S. Canic and S. Lapin. Kinematically coupled time-splitting scheme for fluid-structure interaction in blood flow. Applied Math Letters. 22 (2009), pp. 684-688. (pdf)
  47. J. Hao, T.W. Pan, S. Canic, R. Glowinski, D. Rosenstrauch. A Fluid-Cell Interaction and Adhesion Algorithm for Tissue-Coating of Cardiovascular Implants. SIAM J. Multiscale Modeling and Simulation 7(4) 1669-1694 (2009) (pdf)
  48. T. Li and S. Canic. Critical Thresholds in a Quasilinear Hyperbolic Model of Blood Flow. Networks and Heterogeneous Media 4(3) 527-536 (2009).
  49. G. Guidoboni, R. Glowinski, N. Cavallini, S. Canic. Stable loosely-coupled-type algorithm for fluid-structure interaction in blood flow. Journal of Computational Physics. Vol. 228, Issue 18 6916-6937 (2009). (pdf)
  50. J. Tambaca, Ph.D, M. Kosor, M.S. S. Canic, Ph.D. and D. Paniagua, M.D. Mathematical Modeling of Endovascular Stents. SIAM J Appl Math. Volume 70, Issue 6, pp. 1922-1952 (2010). (pdf)
  51. J. Tambaca, S. Canic and D. Paniagua. A Novel Approach to Modeling Coronary Stents Using a Slender Curved Rod Model: A Comparison Between Fractured Xience-like and Palmaz-like Stents. Applied and Numerical PDEs (eds. W. Fitzgibbon, Yu. Kuznetsov, P. Neittaanmäki, J. Periaux and O. Pironneau), Springer, 41-58 (2010). (pdf)
  52. T. Kim, S. Canic and G. Guidoboni, Existence and Uniqueness of a Solution to a Three-Dimensional Axially Symmetric Biot Problem arising in Modeling Blood Flow. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 9(4) 839-865 (2010). (pdf)
  53. J. Tambaca, S. Canic and G. Guidoboni, Extended Abstract at the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 31st Annual International Conference: "Engineering the Future of Biomedicine"
  54. A. Quaini, S. Canic, G. Guidoboni, R. Glowinski, S. Igo, C. Hartley, W. Zoghbi, S. Little. "Numerical Simulation of an Ultrasound Imaging Model of Mitral Valve Regurgitation". Cardiology (Abstracts) 115: 251--293 (2010).
  55. S. Canic, A. Mikelic, G. Guidoboni. "Existence of a Unique Solution to a Nonlinear Moving-Boundary Problem of Mixed type Arising in Modeling Blood Flow". IMA Volume 153: Nonlinear Conservation Laws and Applications edited by Alberto Bressan, Gui-Qiang Chen, Marta Lewicka, and Dehua Wang, pp 235-256 (2011) (pdf)
  56. A. Quaini, S. Canic, D. Paniagua. "Numerical Characterization of Hemodynamics Conditions near Aortic Valve After Implantation of Left Ventricular Assist Device." J Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. 8(3), 785-806, 2011. (pdf)
  57. A. Quaini, S. Canic, G. Guidoboni, R. Glowinski, S. Igo, C. Hartley, W. Zoghbi, S. Little. "Validation of a Computational Fluid Dynamics Model to Study the Assessment and Severity of Mitral Regurgitation." Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology Vol. 2 (no. 2), 77-89 (2011). DOI: 10.1007/s13239-011-0038-6, 2011. (pdf)
  58. O. Boiarkine, D. Kuzmin, S. Canic. G. Guidoboni, A. Mikelic. "A Positivity Preserving ALE Finite Element Scheme for Convection-Diffusion Equations in Moving Domains." Journal of Computational Physics 230 (2011) 2896-2914. (pdf)
  59. S. Canic, J. Tambaca. "Cardiovascular Stents as PDE Nets: 1D vs. 3D." IMA J. Appl. Math 77(6): pp 748-770, 2012. Electronic version doi: 10.1093/imamat/hxs047. (pdf)
  60. Annalisa Quaini, Ph.D.; Suncica Canic, PhD; Roland Glowinski, PhD; Stephen Igo; Craig J Hartley, PhD; William Zoghbi, M.D.; Stephen Little, M.D. "Validation of a 3D computational fluid-structure interaction model simulating flow through an elastic aperture". Journal of Biomechanics. Vol. 45, Issue 2, Pages 310-318 (2012)
  61. J. Tambaca (PhD), S. Canic (PhD), M. Kosor (MS), R.D. Fish (MD), D. Paniagua (MD). "Mechanical Behavior of Fully Expanded Commercially Available Endovascular Coronary Stents". Texas Heart Institute Journal (Laboratory Investigation) 38(5) 495-501 (2011). (pdf)
  62. Martina Bukac, S. Canic, R. Glowinski, J. Tambaca, A. Quaini. "Fluid-structure interaction in blood flow capturing non-zero longitudinal structure displacement". Journal of Computational Physics 235 (2013) 515-541. (pdf)
  63. S. Canic, B. Muha, and M. Bukac "Stability of the Kinematically Coupled Beta-Scheme for fluid-structure interaction problems in hemodynamics" Journal for Numerical Analysis and Modeling. Vol 12, Number 1. pp 54-80, 2015.
  64. B. Muha and S. Canic "Existence of a weak solution to a nonlinear fluid-structure interaction problem modeling the flow of an incompressible, viscous fluid in a cylinder with deformable walls." Archives for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 207(3), pp. 919-968, 2013. (pdf)
  65. Passerini, T., Quaini, A., Villa, U., Veneziani, A., Canic, S. Validation of an open source framework for the simulation of blood flow in rigid and deformable vessels. ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2013, Vol 1 A (2013)
  66. M. Bukac and S. Canic "Longitudinal displacement in viscoelastic arteries: a novel fluid-structure interaction computational model, and experimental validation", Journal Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 10(2), pp. 258-388, 2013. (pdf)
  67. S. Canic and B. Muha. "A nonlinear moving-boundary problem of parabolic-hyperbolic-hyperbolic type arising in fluid-multi-layered structure interaction problems" American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) on Applied Mathematics (series), Volume 8. Book title "Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications." (F. Ancona, A. Bressan, P. Marcati, A. Marson., eds.) pp 389-399, 2014.
  68. T. Passerini, A. Quaini, U. Villa, A. Veneziani, S. Canic "Validation of an open source framework for the simulation of blood flow in rigid and deformable vessels", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering Volume 29, Issue 11, pages 1192-1213, 2013. (pdf)
  69. B. Muha, S. Canic. "Existence of a solution to a fluid-multi-layered-structure interaction problem." Journal of Differential Equations 256, pp. 658-706 (2014). (pdf)
  70. M. Bukac, S. Canic, R. Glowinski, B. Muha, A. Quaini. "A Modular, Operator-Splitting Scheme for Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems with Thick Structures." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. Vol 74 (8), pp. 577-604 (2014) (pdf)
  71. Passerini, T., Quaini, A., Villa, U., Veneziani, A., Canic, S. Validation of an open source framework for the simulation of blood flow. ASME 2013 Conference on Frontiers in Medical Devices: Applications of Computer Modeling and Simulation, FMD 2013. Article number FMD2013-16125; 2013.
  72. S. Canic, B. Muha, and M. Bukac. Fluid-Structure Interaction in Hemodynamics: Modeling, Analysis, and Numerical Simulation. Book Chapter (Chapter 2) in Fluid-Structure Interaction and Biomedical Applications (Bodnar, Galdi, Necasova eds.) in Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics (Series Title), Birkhouser Basel 2014.
  73. A. Bressan, S. Canic, M. Garavello, M. Herty, and B. Piccoli, "Flows on networks: recent results and perspectives." European Mathematical Society (EMS Surveys in Mathematical Sciences. Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 47-111 (2014)
  74. B. Muha and S. Canic. "A Nonlinear, 3D Fluid-Structure Interaction Problem Driven by the Time-Dependent Dynamic Pressure Data: A Constructive Existence Proof." Communications in Information and Systems (CIS), Vol 13, No.e3, 357-397, 2013. (pdf)
  75. Steffen Basting, Annalisa Quaini, Roland Glowinski and Suncica Canic. Comparison of time discretization schemes to simulate the motion of an inextensible beam. Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications-ENUMATH 2013, Lecture Notes in C omputational Science and Engineering, Vol. 103, Abdulle, A., Deparis, S., Kressner, D., Nobile, F., Picasso, M. (Eds.), 2015.
  76. S. Mabuza, D. Kuzmin, S. Canic, M. Bukac. A conservative positivity preserving scheme for reactive solute transport problems in moving domains. Journal of Computational Physics 276(1), 563-595 (2014) (pdf)
  77. Dr. Arash Kheradvar (Corresponding Author), Elliott M Groves, M.D., M.Sc.; Craig A Simmons, Ph.D.; Boyce E Griffith, Ph.D.; S. Hamed Alavi, Ph.D.; Robert T Tranquillo, Ph.D.; Lakshmi P Dasi, Ph.D.; Ahmad Falahatpisheh, Ph.D.; K. Jane Grande-Allen, Ph.D.; Craig J Goergen, Ph.D.; Mohammad R K Mofrad, Ph.D.; Frank P T Baaijens, Ph.D.; Suncica Canic, Ph.D.; Stephen H Little, M.D. "Emerging Trends in Heart Valve Engineering: Part III. Novel Technologies for mitral valve repair and replacement." Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 43(4), pp. 858-870, 2015.
  78. M. Bukac, S. Canic, B. Muha, R. Glowinski. "An operator splitting approach to the solution of fluid structure interaction in hemodynamics." Chapter in Springer Series in Scientific Computation (Eds. R. Glowinski, S. Osher, Y. Yin) pp. 732-772 2016. (pdf)
  79. M. Bukac, S. Canic, B. Muha. "A partitioned scheme for fluid-composite structure interaction problems" Journal of Computational Physics. Volume 281, 15 January 2015, Pages 493-517 (2015). (pdf)
  80. Arash Kheradvar (Corresponding Author), Elliott M Groves, M.D., M.Sc.; craig J Goergen, Ph.D.; S. Hamed Alavi, Ph.D.; Robert T Tranquillo, Ph.D.; Craig A Simmons, Ph.D.; Lakshmi P Dasi, Ph.D.; K. Jane Grande-Allen, Ph.D.; Mohammad R K Mofrad, Ph.D.; Ahmad Falahatpisheh, Ph.D.; Boyce E Griffith, Ph.D.; Frank P T Baaijens, Ph.D.; Stephen H Little, M.D.; Suncica Canic, Ph.D. "Emerging Trends in Heart Valve Engineering: Part II. Novel and Standard Technologies for Aortic Valve Replacement", Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 43(4), pp. 844-857, 2015.
  81. Arash Kheradvar (Corresponding Author), Elliott M Groves, M.D, M.Sc.; Lakshmi P Dasi, Ph.D.; S. Hamed Alavi, Ph.D.; Robert T Tranquillo, Ph.D.; K. Jane Grande-Allen, Ph.D.; Craig A Simmons, Ph.D.; Boyce E Griffith, Ph.D.; Ahmad Falahatpisheh, Ph.D.; Craig J Goergen, Ph.D.; Mohammad R K Mofrad, Ph.D.; Frank P T Baaijens, Ph.D.; Stephen H Little, M.D.; Suncica Canic, Ph.D., "Emerging Trends in Heart Valve Engineering: Part I. Solutions for Future." Annals of Biomedical Engineering 43(4), pp. 833-843, 2015.
  82. S. Canic, B. Piccoli, J.-M. Qiu and T. Ren. Runge-Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Traffic Flow Model on Networks, Journal of Scientific Computing. 63, pp. 233-255, 2015.
  83. S. Mabuza, S. Canic, B. Muha. Modeling and analysis of reactive solute transport in deformable channels with wall adsorption-desorption, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 39(7), pp. 1780-1802, 2016. (pdf)
  84. B. Muha, S. Canic. Fluid-structure interaction between an incompressible, viscous 3D fluid and an elastic shell with nonlinear Koiter membrane energy. Interfaces and Free Boundaries . 17(4), pp. 465-495, 2015. (pdf)
  85. Arash Kheradvar (Corresponding Author), Elliott M Groves, M.D., M.Sc.; Ahmad Falahatpisheh, Ph.D.; Mohammad K Mofrad, Ph.D.; S. Hamed Alavi, Ph.D.; Robert Tranquillo, Ph.D.; Lakshmi P Dasi, Ph.D.; Craig A Simmons, Ph.D.; K. Jane Grande-Allen, Ph.D.; Craig J Goergen, Ph.D.; Frank Baaijens, Ph.D.; Stephen H Little, M.D.; Suncica Canic, Ph.D.; Boyce Griffith, Ph.D: "Emerging Trends in Heart Valve Engineering: Part IV. Computational Modeling and Experimental Studies." Annals of Biomedical Engineering . 43(10), PP. 2314-2333, 2015.
  86. Paolo Zunino (Corresponding Author), Josip Tambača; Elena Cutrì; Suncica Čanić; Luca Formaggia; Francesco Migliavacca. "Integrated stent models based on dimension reduction. Review and future perspectives," Annals of Biomedical Engineering . 44(2), pp. 604-617, 2016. (pdf)
  87. A. Quaini, S. Canic, R. Glowinski. "Symmetry breaking and Hopf bifurcation for incompressible viscous flow in an expansion channel" International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics . 30(1), pp. 1780-1802, 2016. (pdf)
  88. M. Bukac, S. Canic, B. Muha. "A nonlinear fluid-structure interaction problem in compliant arteries treated with vascular stents" Applied Mathematics and Optimization. 73, pp. 433-473, 2016. (pdf)
  89. L. Shi, S. Canic, A. Quaini, T-W. Pan. "A Study of Self-Propelled Elastic Cylindrical Micro-swimmers using Modeling and Computation" Journal of Computational Physics . 314, pp. 264-286, 2016. (pdf)
  90. B. Muha and S. Canic. Existence of a weak solution to a fluid-structure interaction problem with the Navier slip boundary condition. Journal of Differential Equations. 260(12), pp. 8550-8589, 2016. (pdf)
  91. S. Basting, A. Quaini, S. Canic. Extended ALE Method for fluid-structure interaction problems with large structural displacements. Journal of Computational Physics. 331, pp312-336, 2017. (pdf)
  92. S. Canic, M. L. delle Monache, B. Piccoli, J.-M. Qiu, J. Tambaca. Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Nets and Networks In Handbook of Numerical Analysis for Hyperbolic Problems (Elsevier) Vol. 18, pp. 435–463 2017.
  93. C. Puelz, S. Canic, B. Riviere, C.G. Rusin. Comparison of reduced models for blood flow using Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin methods. Applied Numerical Mathematics. Vol 115, pp. 114–141 2017. (pdf)
  94. S. Canic, M. Galovic, M. Ljulj, J. Tambaca. A dimension-reduction based coupled model of mesh-reinforced shells. SIAM J Applied Mathematics Vol. 77, No. 2 : pp. 744-769 2017. (pdf)
  95. D. Forti, A. Quaini, M. Bukac, S. Canic, S. Deparis. A monolithic approach to fluid-composite structure interaction. Journal of Scientific Computing. 72(1) pp. 396-421 2017. (pdf)
  96. Steffen Basting, Annalisa Quaini, Suncica Canic and Roland Glowinski On the implementation and benchmarking of an extended ALE Method for FSI problems Fluid-Structure Interaction: Modeling, Adaptive Discretizations and Solvers. RICAM Publication by De Gruyter (Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (Austria) To appear 2017.
  97. Y. Wang, A. Quaini, S. Canic, M. Vukicevic, SH Little. 3D experimental and computational analysis of eccentric mitral regurgitant jets in a mock imaging heart chamber Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology (CVET) 8(4):419-438 (2017)
  98. M. Bukac, S. Canic, B. Muha. A partitioned scheme for FSI with slip. RIMS Kokyuroku Proceedings of the Workshop "Mathematical Analysis of Viscous Incompressible Fluid", November 14-16, 2016, Kyoto. To appear.
  99. Y. Wang, A. Quaini, S. Canic. A Higher-Order Discontinuous Galerkin/Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian Partitioned Approach to Solving Fluid–Structure Interaction Problems with Incompressible, Viscous Fluids and Elastic Structures. Journal of Scientific Computing 76(1), 481-520, 2018.
  100. S. Canic, M. Galic, B. Muha, J. Tambaca. Analysis of a linear 3D fluid-stent-shell interaction problem. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP), Vol 70, Issue 2, pp. 38 (2019)
  101. Y. Wang, S. Canic, M. Bukac, J. Tambaca. Fluid-structure interaction between pulsatile blood ow and a curved stented coronary artery on a beating heart: a four stent computational study. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 35(15), 679-700, 2019.
  102. B. Muha, S. Canic. A generalization of the Aubin-Lions-Simon compactness lemma to problems on moving domains. Journal of Differential Equations 266(12) pp. 8370 (2019) 266(12) 8370-8418, 2019.
  103. Y. Wang, S. Canic, G. Kokot, A. Snezhko, I.S. Aranson. Quantifying the role of hydrodynamic interactions on the onset of collective states in ensembles of magnetic colloidal spinners and rollers. Physical Review Fluids 4(1) 013701, 2019.
  104. S. Canic. New Mathematics for Next Generation Stent Design. SIAM News, April 2019. https://sinews.siam.org/Details-Page/new-mathematics-for-next-generation-stent-design
  105. S.Canic, Y.Wang, D.Paniagua, J.Ramirez, L.Paniagua, R.Quintana, H.Jneid, A.E.Denktas. Computational Mathematical Analysis Of Different Stent Geometries And Arterial Wall Response In Tortuous Coronary Artery Circulation, Vol. 140, No. Suppl 1, Interventional Trements, Abstract 15896 (2019).
  106. S.Canic. Recent Progress on Moving Boundary Problems American Mathematical Society Current Events Bulletin, 2019-2020.
  107. S.Canic, M. Galic and B. Muha ANALYSIS OF A NONLINEAR, MOVING BOUNDARY, 3D FLUID-MESH-SHELL INTERACTION PROBLEM Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 373, pp. 6621-6681, 2020.
  108. M. Bukac and S. Canic A partitioned numerical scheme for fluid-structure interaction with slip Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 16, article 8, 35 pages, 2021.
  109. S. Canic. Fluid-structure interaction in incompressible, viscous fluids. Chapter in: Springer's CIME Lecture Notes (Analysis Series) "Progress in Mathematical Fluid Dynamics" M. Ruzicka and L. Berselli Eds. (2020)
  110. S.Canic. Moving Boundary Problems Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 58(1), 79-106, 2021.
  111. J. Kuan and S.Canic. Deterministic ill-posedness and probabilistic well-posedness of the viscous nonlinear wave equation describing fuid-structure interaction. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 374, 5925-5994, 2021. Published electronically: April 28, 2021.
  112. S. Canic, Y. Wang, and M. Bukac. A Next-Generation Mathematical Model for Drug Eluting Stents. SIAM J. Appl. Math., 81(4), 1503–1529 2021.
  113. Jillian Kunze. Mathematical Model Reveals Possible Role of Drug-Eluting Stents in Artery Re-closure: SIAM News highlight about the SIAM J Applied Math manuscript ``A Next-Generation Mathematical Model for Drug Eluting Stents'', 2021. Accepted 2021.
  114. Lorena Bociu, Suncica Canic, Boris Muha, Justin Webster. Multilayered poroelasticity interacting with Stokes flow. SIAM J Math Analysis. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 53-6 (2021), pp. 6243-6279
  115. Jeffrey Kuan and Suncica Canic A stochastically perturbed fluid-structure interaction problem modeled by a stochastic viscous wave equation Journal of Differential Equations Vol 310, 2022, pp. 45-98.
  116. Suncica Canic, Luka Grubisic; Domagoj Lacmanovic; Matko Ljulj; Josip Tambaca. Optimal design of vascular stents Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Volume 394, 1 May 2022, 114853.
  117. Yifan Wang, Suncica Canic, Martina Bukac, Charles Blaha, Shuvo Roy. Mathematical and Computational Modeling of a Poroelastic Cell Scaffold in a Bioartificial Pancreas. Fluids, vol. 7, issue 7, p. 222. (2022)
  118. Jeffrey Kuan, Suncica Canic, and Boris Muha Existence of a weak solution to a regularized moving boundary fluid-structure interaction problem with poroelastic media Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 351(S1) pp1-30 (2023)

  119. J. Kuan, T. Oh, and S. Canic. Probabilistic global well-posedness for a viscous nonlinear wave equation modeling fluid-structure interaction Applicable Analysis 101(12), 4349-4373, 2022

  120. Jeffrey Kuan, Suncica Canic Well-posedness of solutions to Stochastic Fluid-Structure Interaction. Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 26, (4) 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00021-023-00839-y

  121. Suncica Canic, Luka Grubisic, Matko Ljulj, Josip Tambaca, and Marcel Maretic. Geometric optimization of vascular stents modeled as networks of 1D curved rods. Journal of Computational Physics Vol. 494, pp 112497, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2023.112497

  122. Jeffrey Kuan, Suncica Canic and Boris Muha Fluid-poroviscoelastic structure interaction problem with nonlinear coupling Journal de Mathématiques Pures at Appliquées 188, 345-445 (2024)

  123. Krutika Tawri and Suncica Canic Existence of martingale solutions to a nonlinearly coupled stochastic fluid-structure interaction problem Submitted 2023.

  124. Martina Bukac, Suncica Canic, Boris Muha and Yifan Wang. A Computational Algorithm for Optimal Design of Bioartificial Organ Scaffold Architectures Submitted PLoS Computational Biology 2024. BIORXIV/2024/589695

  125. Suncica Canic, Jeffrey Kuan, Boris Muha, Krutika Tawri Deterministic and Stochastic Fluid-Sturcture Interaction (Book) Accepted for publication by Springer in Birkhäuser´s “Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics” Book Series 2024.

  126. Suncica Canic, Boris Muha, Krutika Tawri Existence and Regularity Results for a Nonlinear Fluid-Structure Interaction Problem with Three-Dimensional Structural Displacement Submitted. arXiv 2409.06939