Instructor Office: 694 PGH2. Goals and Objectives:
Office Hours: M,W: 4-5 or by appointment
Phone Number: 513-7443
E-mail address:
TA: Diego Vela Avilez (E-mail: )
TA tutoring hours: T 10-11am and Th 4:30-5:30pm
TA tutoring location: Fleming 11
This is typically the first rigorous theorem/proof-type course taken by undergraduate students and is preparatory to the more advanced mathematics curriculum, especially math courses numbered 3334 and higher. The aim of the course is to teach students mathematical reasoning and the construction of proofs in the environment of Real Numbers. I will not assume any prior knowledge on proofs but I expect studenmts to have a solid background in Calculus and Linear Algebra. During this course, students will develop their ability to think deductively, analyze mathematical statements, and apply mathematical ideas to the solution of new problems. The material covered during the course is centered on the theory underpinning one-dimensional calculus, and includes the concepts of real number system, function, limit, continuity, differential and integral calculus.3. Textbook:
The emphasis of this course is on MATHEMATICAL PROOFS rather than calculus-type problems.
Analysis with an Introduction to Proof, Fifth or Sixth Edition, by Steven R. Lay, Prentice-Hall, 2013, 20244. Homework and Examinations:
I encourage you to work the homework assignments regularly and carefully. The only way to learn how to write proofs (and hence truly understand the mathematical concepts involved) is by working on your own, and not by watching someone else doing the work for you. Homework assignmnts will require for you to write simple proofs based on the material of the lectures. You are encouraged to discuss the homework with other students and/or with me or my TA. Eventually, you should be able to work on your own so that you can sove problems in class during a quiz, a test and the final exam. You are strongly encouraged to work as many problms as possible from your textbook. The homework problmes I assign, togetehr with the examples and problems discussed in class, represent the minimum requirement to learn the material. Additional practice is highly recommended to gain more confidence on the subject.Grading:
Every week I will collect the homework and/or administer a short quiz (10 min) based on the homework. The quiz will be administered at the beginning of the lecture and the homework is due date at 2:30pm. If theer is a quiz and you are forced to miss it, you can email you hoework to me and the hw score will count as your quiz score. No late homework submissions will be accepted. A late or missed HW will receive a 0 score. Homework should be submitted in a "professional" form which allows a grader to read your solutions without unnecessary effort or ambiguity. In particular, your homework/quiz solution should either be handwritten in a neat and legible form; if you submit scanned pages for your homework, they should be perfectly legible; submitted pages should be ordered with clear indication of which problem is being solved; if your homework solution consists of more than one page, pages must be stapled. Collected homework that does not satisfy these guidelines might receive up to a 50% penalty in the score. The agregated homework and quiz assignments will count 30% towards the final grade.
Note: If there is a quiz and you are unable to take it due to circumstances beyond your control, you can submit your homework (by email) and this will replace your quiz score. If not, you will quiz score will be 0. In this situation where you submit a homework as a replacemenet for the quiz, the homework should be sent no later than 2:30pm on the due date.
HOMEWORK PROBLEMS: (the list below will be updated during the semester)
Homework 1 - DUE 1/27 - Homework solution ----- QUIZ 1 and Solution.
Homework 2 - DUE 2/5 -- Homework solution ----- QUIZ 2 and Solution.
Homework 3 - DUE 2/17 - Homework solution ----- QUIZ 3 and Solution.
Homework 4 - DUE 3/3 - Homework solution ----- QUIZ 4 and Solution.
Homework 5 - DUE 3/17 - Homework solution ----- QUIZ 5 and Solution.There will be three tests in class counting 40% towards the final grade on MON FEB 10, MON MAR 24, MON APR 21 ). The worst of your 3 tests, will be half-dropped; that is, the 3 tests counts 40% towards the final grade, where the best two tests will count 16% each, the worst one will count 8%.
The final exam counts 30% towards the final grade. This is scheduled on MON MAY 5, 2-4 pm.
Makeup tests will be allowed for justified and unavoidable absences (e.g., a car accident, a medical or family emergency). In this situation, you need to inform me as soon as possible to arrange for a make up quiz. If you know that you will miss a test/quiz, you need to contact me in advance. All arrangements for make-ups must be made via email. If you miss a test or quiz without justification, you will get a zero score.
Tests with solutions (to be updated during semester):Test 1 , Test 1b , Test 2, Test 3
The grade will be determined according to a set point scale: 90%-100%: A, 80%-89%: B, 70%-79%: C, 60-69% D; F is less than 60% (+ and - will also be used).5. Topics and estimated lectures allocated to each topics:
Chapter | Sections | Lectures | Topics |
3 | 10-14 |
4/5 | Preliminaries and Real Numbers |
4 | 16-19 |
6/7 | Sequences |
5 | 20-23 | 3/4 | Limits and Continuity |
6 | 25-28 |
3/4 |
Differentiation |
7 | 29-31 | 3/4 | Integration |