P. Chossat and M. Golubitsky

Iterates of Maps with Symmetry

SIAM J. Math. Anal 19 No. 6 (1988) 423-436.

In this paper the elementary aspects of bifurcation of fixed points, period doubling, and Hopf bifurcation for iterates of equivariant mappings are discussed. The most interesting of these is an algebraic formulation of the hypotheses of Ruelle's theorem (D. Ruelle [1973], "Bifurcations in the presence of a symmetry group," Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 51, pp. 136-152) on Hopf bifurcation in the presence of symmetry.

In the last sections this result is used to show that Hopf bifurcation from standing waves in a system of ordinary differential equations with 0(2) symmetry can lead directly to motion on an invariant 3-torus; indeed, depending on the exact symmetry of the standing waves, one might expect to see three invariant 3-tori emanating from such a bifurcation. The unexpected third frequency comes from drift along the torus of standing waves whose existence is forced by the 0(2) symmetry.