Houston Journal of Mathematics
The page Electronic-Editions provides links to all published volumes, supplementary issues, and to the backfiles. Most of our institutional subscribers link to this page.
HJM provides also a complete Index of all published issues, from Vol. 1, 1975 on. For convenient browsing, the index comes in five year increments.
All browsers provide Page Search through "Ctrl F". Some search engines, e.g., Yippy (http://itools.com/tool/yippy-web-search) provide site searches.
In any single issue, papers appear in a certain order according to their
primary subject classification:
algebra, geometry, topology, linear
analysis, non-linear analysis.
Our electronic editions
contain all essential bibliographical data, and provide direct links to PDF
paper files.
From 1997 on, the electronic issues include specifically prepared HTML abstracts, in plain English, with mathematical notation kept at a minimum. These abstracts have to be self contained, that is, for HJM there are no “secured references” or “enhanced abstracts.” The electronic issues contain also complete author information together with the list of editors who were responsible for any particular issue.
Occasionally, an electronic issue may contain an editorial and other material. Our electronic issues are meant as enhanced replicas of the corresponding print editions. In order to assure that our electronic editions remain meaningful for later generations, we are using only the most basic HTML code. From the huge repertoire of UNICODE we use only the most commonly recognized Greek letters and mathematical symbols.
The electronic issues are maintained only by HJM, and are assigned individual URL’s. This policy assures integrity of content and reliable results of web based search engines.