Editors: D. Bao (San Francisco, SFSU), D. Blecher
(Houston), B. G. Bodmann (Houston), H. Brezis (Paris and Rutgers),
B. Dacorogna (Lausanne), M. Dugas (Baylor), M.
Gehrke (LIAFA, Paris7), C. Hagopian (Sacramento), R. M. Hardt (Rice), S. Harvey (Rice), A. Haynes (Houston), Y. Hattori
(Matsue, Shimane), W. B. Johnson (College Station), M. Rojas (College Station),
Min Ru (Houston), S.W. Semmes (Rice), D. Werner (FU Berlin). Managing Editors: B. G. Bodmann and K. Kaiser (Houston)
ABSTRACT. In the present paper we study functions f which are analytic and
normalized in the open unit disc such that satisfy the following subordination
Some properties of these functions including the radius of starlikeness and convexity,
majoriziation problem, initial coefficient estimates, Fekete-Szegö problem and estimation
of initial logarithmic coefficients and pre-Schwarzian norm are investigated.
ABSTRACT. The Shapiro’s conjecture states that if two non-constant exponential sums
f(z) and g(z) have infinitely many zeros in common, then there exists a non-constant
exponential sum h(z) with infinitely many zeros, such that h(z) is a common factor of
f(z) and g(z) in the ring of exponential polynomials with constant coefficients. In this
paper we prove that if two non-constant exponential sums f(z) and g(z) share 0 IM in ℂ,
and f(z) has at least one zero, then the conclusion of the Shapiro’s conjecture is
ABSTRACT. We prove that a homogeneous Finsler sphere with constant flag curvature
K ≡ 1 and a prime closed geodesic of length 2π must be Riemannian. This observation
provides the evidence for the non-existence of homogeneous Bryant spheres. It also helps
us propose an alternative method proving that a geodesic orbit Finsler sphere
with K ≡ 1 must be Randers. Then we discuss the behavior of geodesics on a
homogeneous Finsler sphere with K ≡ 1. We prove that many geodesic properties for
homogeneous Randers spheres with K ≡ 1 can be generalized to the non-Randers
ABSTRACT. In this paper, we construct new invariant Einstein and Einstein-Randers
metrics on certain homogeneous spaces G∕H of exceptional type, which are arising from
flag manifolds G∕K(H ⊂ K) with two isotropy summands. By viewing these
homogeneous spaces as total spaces over corresponding flag manifolds, we consider
G-invariant metrics on G∕H determined by Ad(K)-invariant inner products on
m′ = To(G∕H). By solving the homogeneous Einstein equations, we obtain
many invariant Einstein metrics on G∕H. Furthermore, based on the results in
Riemannian case, we construct new examples of Einstein-Randers metrics on
Xiaohuan Mo, Key Laboratory of Pure and Applied Mathematics, School of Mathematical
Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China (moxh@math.pku.edu.cn),
and Hongzhen Zhang, Key Laboratory of Pure and Applied Mathematics,
School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
(zhz_93@163.com). Finsler (or spray) manifolds with S-sprays, pp. 795–809.
ABSTRACT. The S-spray plays an important role in discussing Finsler/spray measure
spaces. In this paper, we study the geometry of S-sprays on a manifold. We obtain a lot
of examples of S-sprays. We find necessary and sufficient conditions for the spray induced
by a Randers/(α,β)-metric to be an S-spray. Finally, we give a global rigidity result with
respect to complete S-spray generalized a theorem previously only known in the case of
projectively Ricci flat sprays.
Saminathan Ponnusamy, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology
Mad-ras, Chennai-600 036, India (samy@iitm.ac.in), Ramakrishnan Vijayakumar,
Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Mad-ras, Chennai-600
036, India (mathesvijay8@gmail.com), and Karl-Joachim Wirths, Institut
für Analysis und Algebra, TU Braunschweig, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany
(kjwirths@tu-bs.de). Modifications of Bohr’s inequality in various settings, pp. 811–835.
ABSTRACT. The concept of Bohr radius for the class of bounded analytic functions
was introduced by Harald Bohr in 1914. His initial result received greater interest and
was sharpened-refined-generalized by several mathematicians in various settings–which is
now called Bohr phenomenon. Various generalization of Bohr’s classical theorem is now
an active area of research and has been a source of investigation in numerous other
function spaces and including holomorphic functions of several complex variables.
Recently, a new generalization of Bohr’s ideas was introduced and investigated by
Kayumov et al. In this note, we investigate and refine generalized Bohr’s inequality for
the class of quasi-subordinations.
ABSTRACT. In this paper, for all possible 1 ≤ p,q < ∞, we characterize these
complex-valued symbols f for which the induced Hankel operators Hf are bounded (or
compact) from Fαp to Lαq. In addition, we discuss the Schatten class membership of Hf
on the Hilbert space Fα2.
ABSTRACT. The classical problem of finding conditions on the entire coefficients
Aj(j = 0,1,,k − 1) ensuring that all nontrivial solutions to higher order differential
equations f(k) + Ak−1f(k−1) + + A1(z)f′ + A0(z)f = 0 are of infinite lower order is
being discussed in this paper. In particular, we assume that the coefficients (or most of
them) are Mittag-Leffler functions.
ABSTRACT. In this paper, we study gauge norms on probability spaces and their
associated Lebesgue spaces, both in the scalar and vector-valued cases. We consider
norms that are symmetric with respect to groups of measure-preserving transformations,
and we show that such a group is ergodic if and only if every symmetric gauge norm
dominates 1. When the probability space is a compact group G with Haar measure μ,
we study convolution of Banach algebra-valued functions in Lebesgue spaces. When G is
Abelian and its dual group is linearly ordered, we study the associated Hardy spaces.
When G = T, we characterize the closed densely defined operators on Hα affiliated
with H∞.
ABSTRACT. We study the family of spaces BMO(s)⊂ BMO(1) = BMO, which can be
defined by uniform EXPs conditions on oscillations. These spaces are dual
of H(s)1, which can be defined by atomic decomposition and are themselves
duals of a ”little-o” space V MO(s)⊂ BMO(s). We show results on duality,
distance formulas and M-ideality for these spaces using properties of o-O type
structures. We also show a Sobolev-type embeddings involving Lorentz spaces
ABSTRACT. We introduce the completeness of a pair-base and study the topological
spaces having such a base. We investigate, among the others, Čech-complete spaces and
subcompact spaces have a complete pair-base, and we prove that if a topological space X
has a complete pair-base then X is domain representable. We establish that a
paracompact p-space X must be Čech-complete if it has a countable complete pair-base.
We also show that the property of having a complete pair-base is preserving under
Javier Casas-de la Rosa, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, York University,
4700 Keele St. Toronto, ON M3J 1P3 Canada (olimpico.25@hotmail.com), IvánMartínez-Ruiz, Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas, Benémerita Universidad
Autónoma de Puebla, Ave. San Claudio y Río Verde, Ciudad Universitaria, San Manuel
Puebla, Pue. C.P. 72570, México (imartinez@fcfm.buap.mx), and AlejandroRamírez-Páramo Facultad de Ciencias de la Electrónica, Benémerita Universidad
Autónoma de Puebla, Ave. San Claudio y Río Verde, Ciudad Universitaria, San Manuel
Puebla, Pue. C.P. 72570, México (alejandro.ramirez@correo.buap.mx). Star versions of the Menger property on hyperspaces, pp. 949–960.
ABSTRACT. We employ the notion of πF(Δ)–network to define the combinatorial
principles FELLM(ΠF(Δ),ΠF(Δ)) and FELLM∗(ΠF(Δ)),ΠF(Δ)), which will
be applied to characterize the spaces X whose hyperspace, endowed with the
Fell topology, satisfies the SSM condition and the SM condition. We use the
selection principle SSΔ∗(O,O) to characterize the SSM property for the spaces
K(X), F(X) and [X]1, endowed with the lower Vietoris topology. Finally, we
use the notion of Δ-moving-off family, which generalizes the one of moving-off
family, and we use it to characterize the Menger property for certain subspaces of
Juan Luis García Guirao Departamento de Matemática Aplicada y Estadística.
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, C/ Paseo Alfonso XIII, 30203-Cartagena, Región
de Murcia, Spain (juan.garcia@upct.es), Jaume Llibre Departament de Matemàtiques.
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, 08193-Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
(jllibre@mat.uab.cat) Wei Gao School of Information Science and Technology, Yunnan
Normal University, Kunming 650500, China (gaowei@ynnu.edu.cn). C1 self–maps on some compact manifolds with infinitely many hyperbolic periodic orbits,
pp. 961–974.
ABSTRACT. The aim of the present work is to provide sufficient conditions for having
infinitely many periodic points for C1 self–maps having all their periodic orbits
hyperbolic and defined on a compact manifold without boundary. The tool used for
proving our results is the Lefschetz fixed point theory.