James West

Calculus II (online course) --

Fall 2020 -- (lecture section  13121, lab section  13122)

***Please make sure that your email is correct in PeopleSoft. Otherwise you will miss important announcements from me.***

Syllabus Link

Office Hours:  MWF 10 - 11 a.m. and by appointment via Microsoft Teams

Live lecture sessions:

Lab times:

If at any time you need extra help, please email me to set up an online meeting.

Since this is an online class there are certain special requirements.

You can find the University of Houston technology requirements here.

There will be two online help sessions each week. The completed notes and links to videos and extra examples will be posted for each section covered. Lectures will be given asynchronously via prerecorded videos. There will be participation questions (Poppers) embedded in these recordings. Participation will also be measured via interaction with the class via Teams. This includes attending and participating in lectures, making posts in the Discussion Channel, completing polls and quizzes, and other activities. Homework and online quizzes will be available on www.casa.uh.edu.  

Course information will be posted on the CASA website at www.casa.uh.edu and/or on our Microsoft Teams page.

Online exams will be given on the following dates:


Test 1:  Online Closing September 3rd

Test 2:  September 26th

Test 3:  October 17th

Test 4:  November 14th

Final Exam:  December 12th