Math 3331 - 18120: DE
10:00AM-12:00PM MoTuWeThFr, AH 301, Summer 2, 2014 - Dr.
Jiwen He
Week 5 (6/30--7/4)
Midterm 3 (7/2)
Solutions of Midterm 3
Midterm 3
Solutions of Sample Midterm 3
Sample Midterm 3
Assignment 5 (July 8):
9.5(4, 14, 21, 53);
9.6(3, 10, 14, 17);
9.7(4, 8, 11, 12);
9.8(4, 14, 29, 39);
Lecture 21 (July 3) Review for the Final
Lecture 20 (July 2) 9.8 Higher-Order Linear Equations notes ; Midterm 3
Lecture 19 (July 1) 9.7 Qualitative Analysis of Linear Systems notes ; Review for Midterm 3
Lecture 18 (June 30) 9.5 Higher-Dimensional Systems notes ; 9.6 The Exponential of a Matrix
Week 4 (6/23--6/27)
Midterm 2 (6/24)
Solutions of Midterm 2
Midterm 2
Solutions of Sample Midterm 2
Sample Midterm 2
Assignment 4 (June 30):
8.1(4, 15, 18, 23);
8.2(4, 14, 19, 21);
8.3(1, 6, 7, 9);
8.4(10, 13, 16, 21);
8.5(2, 7, 12, 23);
9.1(4, 16, 21, 25);
9.2(4, 14, 23, 49);
9.3(8, 14, 17, 21)
Lecture 17 (June 26) 9.2 Planar Systems notes ; 9.3 Phase Plane Portraits notes
Lecture 16 (June 25) 8.5 Properties of Linear Systems notes ; 9.1 Overview of the Technique notes
Lecture 15 (June 24) 8.4 Linear Systems notes ; Midterm 2
Lecture 14 (June 23) 8.2 Geometric Interpretation of Solutions notes ; 8.3 Qualitative Analysis
notes ; Review for Midterm 2
Week 3 (6/16--6/20)
Midterm 1 (6/16)
Solutions of Midterm 1
Midterm 1
Solutions of Sample Midterm 1
Sample Midterm 1
Assignment 3 (June 23):
5.2(2, 19, 25, 30);
5.3(4, 11, 14, 19);
5.4(3, 14, 18, 27);
6.1(5, 7, 10, 16);
6.2(4, 7, 18, 28);
6.3(2, 4, 7, 9)
Lecture 13 (June 19)
6.3 Numerical Error Comparisons notes ;
8.1 Definitions and Examples notes
Lecture 12 (June 18) 6.1 Euler's Method notes ;
6.2 Runge-Kutta Methods notes
Lecture 11 (June 17) 5.3 The Inverse Laplace Transform notes ;
5.4 Using the Laplace Transform to Solve Differential Equations notes
Lecture 10 (June 16)
5.2 Basic Properties of the Laplace Transform notes ; Midterm 1
Week 2 (6/9--6/13)
Assignment 2 (June 16):
4.6(2, 8, 10, 13);
4.7(4, 10, 16, 21);
5.1(4, 12, 18, 21)
Lecture 9 (June 12)
4.7 Forced Harmonic Motion notes ;
5.1 The Definition of the Laplace Transform notes ;
Review for Midterm 1
Lecture 8 (June 11)
4.5 Inhomogeneous Equations; the Method of Undetermined Coefficient notes ;;
4.6 Variation of Parameters notes
Lecture 7 (June 10)
4.3 Linear, Homogeneous Equations with Constant Coefficients notes ;
4.4 Harmonic Motion notes
Lecture 6 (June 9)
4.1 Definitions and Examples notes ;
4.2 Second-Order Equations and Systems notes
Week 1 (6/2--6/6)
Assignment 1 (June 9):
3.1(5, 8, 13, 16)
Lecture 5 (June 6) 3.1 Modeling Population Growth notes ;
Review of the Week
Lecture 4 (June 5)
2.8 Dependence of Solutions on Initial Conditions notes ;
2.9 Autonomous Equations and Stability notes
Lecture 3 (June 4)
2.5 Mixing Problems notes ;
2.7 Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions notes
Lecture 2 (June 3)
2.3 Models of Motion notes ;
2.4 Linear Equations notes
Lecture 1 (June 2)
1.1 Differential Equation Models notes ;
2.1 Differential Equations and Solutions notes ;
2.2 Solutions to Separable Equations notes
Syllabus, Homework and Course Information