Your letter grade will be determined based on your total
accumulated points distribuated as:
Final Exam = 400.
2 midterm exams = 100 + 100,
4 Highest out 5 Tests =
(40 + 40 + 40 + 40)*5/4
10 Highest out of 12 HWs
= (25+25+25+25+25+25+25+25+25+25)*8/10,
Final Exam (Tuesday, May 12; 11AM--2PM; SEC 203)
final exam & solutions
Teaching Evaluatoin
Please log into
and submit your evaluation online. After you log in, there will be a teaching evaluation link, with one submission for each of mathematics courses. THANK YOU!
Week 14 (4/27--5/1)
Midterm Exam 2 (April 30)
midterm 2 & solutions
Review and the Q&A Session (April 28)
Week 13 (4/20--4/24)
Quiz 5 (April 23)
quiz 5 & solutions
Review (April 21 & 23)
Lecture 22 (April 21)
5.3 Matrix Limites and Markov Chains notes
Key concepts: Matrix Limits, Existence of Limits
Reading: Section 5.3.
Week 12 (4/13--4/17)
Assignment 12 (April 21):
5.2(3, 6, 7, 12, 13, 18)
Lecture 21 (April 16)
5.2 Diagonalizability. notes
Key concepts: algorithm to check diagonalizability; split or non-split polynomials; multiplicity of roots of characteristic polynomial; dimension of eigenspace.
Reading: Section 5.2.
Lecture 20 (April 14)
5.1 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors (cont.). notes
Key concepts: eigenvectors and eigenvalues; diagonalizability; characteristic polynomial; eigenvalues equal roots of characteristic polynomial.
Reading: Section 5.1.
Week 11 (4/6--4/10)
Quiz 4 (April 9)
quiz 4 & solutions
Assignment 11 (April 14):
5.1(5, 8, 9, 12, 14, 20)
Some remarks on selected problems
Lecture 18 & 19 (April 7 & 9)
5.1 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. notes
Key concepts: eigenvectors and eigenvalues; diagonalizability; characteristic polynomial; eigenvalues equal roots of characteristic polynomial.
Reading: Section 5.1.
Review (April 7)
Week 10 (3/30--4/3)
Assignment 10 (April 7):
4.2(1, 3, 5, 9, 14, 23);
4.3(4, 9, 11, 13, 15, 21)
Some remarks on selected problems
Lecture 17 (April 2)
4.3 Properties of Determinants notes
Key concepts: determinant of product of matrices is product of determinants; determinant is nonzero if and only if matrix is invertible; determinants of elementary matrices; determinant of transpose; effect of column operations.
Reading: Section 4.3.
Lecture 16 (March 31)
4.2 Determinants of Order n. notes
Key concepts: geometry of determinants of nxn-matrices; inductive definition of determinants in general; linearity with respect to fixed row; effect of row operations.
Reading: Section 4.2.
Quiz 3 (March 31, New Date)
quiz 3 & solutions
Week 9 (3/23--3/27)
Assignment 9 (March 31):
3.4(1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 12);
4.1(2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 12)
Review (March 26)
Lecture 15 (March 26)
4.1 Determinants of Order 2. notes
Key concepts: geometry of determinants of 2x2-matrices; linearity with respect to fixed row.
Reading: Section 4.1
Lecture 14 (March 24)
3.4 Solving systems of linear equations. Computational. notes
Key concepts: Gaussian elimination and reduced row echelon form; solving systems of linear equations in reduced row echelon form.
Reading: Section 3.4.
Week 8 (3/9--3/13)
Assignment 8 (March 24):
3.2(3, 5, 6, 7, 14, 17);
3.3(2, 3, 8, 10, 12, 14)
Lecture 13 (March 12)
3.3 Solving systems of linear equations. Theoretical. notes
Key concepts: consistent and inconsistent systems; homogeneous and non-homogeneous systems; relation of solutions and null space; criteria for existence of solutions.
Reading: Section 3.3.
Lecture 12 (March 10)
3.2 Rank and Inverses notes
Key concepts: rank of matrix; simplifying matrices; calculating inverses.
Reading: Section 3.2.
Week 7 (3/2--3/6)
Assignment 7 (March 10):
3.1(2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12)
Midterm Exam 1 (March 5, New Date)
midterm 1 & solutions
Quiz 2 (March 3, New Date)
quiz 2 & solutions
Lecture 11 (March 3)
3.1 Elementary matrix operations. notes
Key concepts: elementary matrices and operations.
Reading: Section 3.1.
Week 6 (2/23--2/27)
Assignment 6 (March 3):
2.5(2, 4, 7, 9, 12, 14)
Some remarks on selected problems
Review (February 26)
Lecture 10 (February 24)
2.5 Change of bases, 2.6 Dual spaces notes
Key concepts: change of coordinate matrices; similar matrices; dual spaces and dual bases; transposes
Reading: Section 2.5 and 2.6.
Week 5 (2/16--2/20)
Assignment 5 (February 26):
2.3(2, 10, 12, 13, 16, 23);
2.4(2, 3, 6, 7, 15, 17)
Some remarks on selected problems
Lecture 9 (February 19)
2.4 Invertibility and Isomorphisms notes
Key concepts: isomorphisms and inverses; every finite dimensional vector space is isomorphic to coordinate space.
Reading: Section 2.4.
Lecture 8 (February 17)
2.3 Composition of linear transformations notes
Key concepts: compositions of maps; basic properties of compositions; multiplication of matrices.
Reading: Section 2.3.
Week 4 (2/9--2/13)
Assignment 4 (February 19):
2.1(6, 11, 12, 20, 24, 35);
2.2(2, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16)
Some remarks on selected problems
Lecture 7 (February 12)
2.2 Properties of linear transformations, Matrices notes
Key concepts: injective, surjective, bijective maps of sets; isomorphisms of vector spaces; coordinates with respect to a basis; matrices with respect to bases; the vector space of linear transformations.
Reading: Section 2.2.
Lecture 6 (February 10)
2.1 Linear transformations notes
Key concepts: maps of sets; linear maps of vector spaces; kernels and images; nullity and rank, Dimension Theorem.
Reading: Section 2.1.
Quiz 1 (February 10, New Date)
quiz 1 & solutions
Week 3 (2/2--2/6)
Assignment 3 (February 10):
1.6(4, 9, 17, 20, 26, 34)
Some remarks on selected problems
Review (February 5)
Lecture 5 (February 3)
1.6 bases and dimension notes
Key concepts: finite bases; constructing generating sets; finding bases; Replacement Theorem; dimension.
Reading: Section 1.6.
Week 2 (1/26--1/30)
Assignment 2 (February 3):
1.4(3, 5, 10, 12, 15, 17);
1.5(3, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17)
Some remarks on selected problems
Lecture 4 (January 29)
1.5 Linear dependence and independence notes
Key concepts: linear dependence and independence; Properties of Linear Dependence and Linear Independence
Reading: Section 1.5.
Lecture 3 (January 27)
1.4 Linear combinations and systems of linear equations notes
Key concepts: linear combinations; solving systems by row reductions; span of a subset; generating sets
Reading: Section 1.4
Week 1 (1/20--1/23)
Assignment 1 (January 29):
1.2(6, 8, 13, 16, 17, 21);
1.3(8, 9, 19, 23, 29, 30)
Some remarks on selected problems
Lecture 2 (January 22)
1.3 Subspaces notes
Key concepts: subspace characterizations; intersection of subspaces; sum of subspaces; direct sum of vector spaces; transpose of matrix, symmetric and skew- or anti-symmetric matrices; trace of matrices, diagonal matrices; upper/lower triangular matrices.
Reading: Section 1.3.
Lecture 1 (January 20)
1.2 Vector Spaces notes
Key concepts: vector space axioms; row vectors, column vectors, matrices; functions, polynomials.
Reading: Sections 1.1 & 1.2, Appendix C.