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Course Policies and Procedures

Homework (40 percent), Tests (20 percent), Exams (40 percent)
All Exams will be given in class (one hour and half). Students with a valid excuse for missing up to one exam must provide written documentation to that effect, e.g., a medical certificate. No make-up exams will be given.
All Tests will be given in class (half hour).
You may, with impunity, submit up to two assignments up to one class period (not one week) beyond their due date. Subsequent submissions will incur penalties in increments of 10%. Homework submitted later than one class period beyond its due date will not be accepted without a written excuse. Computer program source code must be turned in and must adhere to the programming standards. Homework scores can not be changed one week after they have been returned.
Honor Code Policy:
You are encouraged to discuss homework with your classmates. However, you are expected to individually write up your solutions.

Jiwen He 2011-08-23