Jennifer Marsala
Instructional Designer
University of Houston Department of Mathematics
Current and Past Projects:
- Tutorial: Typing Math in Microsoft Word
Learn to type math in Microsoft Word. Includes manual keystrokes which are valuable for all but are even more vital for those who are visually impaired. - JAWS Tutorial Plus Tips for Accessibility & Math
JAWS screen reader tutorial for sighted teachers and for those who are visually impaired. Includes accessibility tips as well as tips for math with JAWS. - Creating accessible mathematics course materials for students who are visually impaired.
- Taught accessible section of Calculus I (MATH 2413), Spring 2022-Spring 2023.
- Taught accessible section of Precalculus (MATH 2312), Fall 2021.
- Co-authored the following online textbooks, available through CCS:
MATH 2413, Calculus I
MATH 2312, Precalculus
MATH 1314, College Algebra
MATH 1324, Finite Math with Applications
MATH 1300, Fundamentals of Mathematics
MATH 2303, Concepts in Algebra
(Writing MATH 1351, Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning) - Support high school math teachers using the University of Houston's High School Mathematics Quizzes, covering topics in AP Calculus, AP Statistics, Precalculus and Algebra 2.
- TExES 4-8 Teacher Preparation Materials - Preparation for Math Teacher Certification Exams
Created over 20 online quizzes based around the TExES 4-8 Mathematics Competencies, covering a wide range of mathematical topics and concepts. Useful for Texas educators preparing for the TExES 4-8 Mathematics Exam, and educators everywhere who are preparing for other math-based certification exams. Manage the TExES 4-8 Mathematics Preparation online course, assist students with course registration and technical difficulties, monitor and participate in the discussion board. - UH Mathematics Contest - Author of the Geometry high school contest exam (2005-2024). Also coordinate the exam writers and organize the materials for other subject exams.
The following Geometry contest exams are posted online:
2006 Exam
2008 Exam
2009 Exam
2011 Exam
2012 Exam
2013 Exam
2014 Exam
2015 Exam
2016 Exam
2017 Exam
2018 Exam
2019 Exam
2020 Exam
2021 Exam
2022 Exam
2023 Exam
2024 Exam
- Middle School Mathematics Training Materials - developed content for portions of the Measurement and Geometry & Spatial Reasoning Modules
- Create and code math exams for math courses at UH, using LaTeX along with Mathjax to render mathematical expressions and equations.
- Conducted departmental training on the use of The Geometer's Sketchpad software.
- Created CASA tutorial videos - to train instructors to view and build exam content using Courseware.
- Maintain and update numerous departmental websites, improving the appearance and navigation of files in current desktop and mobile web environments.
Past Teaching & Training Experience:
- University of Houston: Taught Calculus I, Precalculus, and College Algebra.
- High School: Taught AP Calculus, Precalculus, Geometry, Algebra 3/Trigonometry, and Technical Math.
- Middle School: Taught 7th and 8th grade mathematics.
- Taught Intermediate Algebra while completing M. Ed in Mathematics at North Carolina State University.
- Presented workshops at the NCTM and NCCTM conventions, comparing the Geometer's Sketchpad software to the TI-92 graphing calculator for use in the Geometry classroom.
- Served as a high school math team advisor.