Toward blueprints for network architecture, biophysical dynamics, and signal transduction
Stephen Coombes, Brent Doiron, Kresimir Josic and Eric
We review mathematical aspects of biophysical dynamics, signal transduction and
network architecture that have been used to uncover functionally significant re-
lations between the dynamics of single neurons and the networks they compose.
We focus on examples that combine insights from these three areas to expand our
understanding of systems neuroscience. These range from single neuron coding to
models of decision making and electrosensory discrimination by networks and pop-
ulations, as well as coincidence detection in pairs of dendrites and the dynamics of
large networks of excitable dendritic spines. We conclude by describing some of the
challenges that lie ahead as the applied mathematics community seeks to provide
the tools that will ultimately underpin systems neuroscience.
Current Address: Department of Mathematics, PGH Building, University of Houston, Houston, Texas 77204-3008
Phone: (713) 743-3500 - Fax: (713) 743-3505