A mathematical model of cancer radiovirotherapy
D. Dingli, M.D. Cascino, K. Josic, S.J. Russell, and Z.
Cancer virotherapy represents a dynamical system that requires mathematical
modeling for complete understanding of the outcomes. The combination
of virotherapy with radiation (radiovirotherapy) has been recently shown
to successfully eliminate tumors when virotherapy alone failed. However, it
introduces a new level of complexity. We have developed a mathematical model,
based on population dynamics, that captures the essential elements of
radiovirotherapy. The existence of corresponding equilibrium points related
to complete cure, partial cure, and therapy failure is proved and discussed.
The parameters of the model were estimated by fitting to
experimental data. By using simulations we analyzed the influence
of parameters that describe
the interaction between virus and tumor cell on the outcome of the therapy.
Furthermore, we evaluated relevant therapeutic scenarios for
radiovirotherapy, and offered elements for optimization.
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Current Address: Department of Mathematics, PGH Building, University of Houston, Houston, Texas 77204-3008
Phone: (713) 743-3500 - Fax: (713) 743-3505