Fluidization of 1204 spheres in a 2D like bed filled with an incompressible viscous Newtonian Fluid
Fluidization of 1204 spheres in a 2D like bed with rectangular cross
section containing an incompressible viscous Newtonian fluid: U=4
- the inflow velocity = 4
- the dimension of computational domain = (0,0.635)x(0,20.32)x(0,70.22592).
- the density of spheres = 1.14
- the density of fluid = 1
- the viscosity = 0.01
- the mesh size for the velocity field h =0.06858 (so there are 11X297X1025 grid points)
- the mesh size for the pressure = 2 h
- the time step=0.001 or 0.0005