Interaction of Three Settling Balls in an Incompressible Viscous
Newtonian Fluid
Three balls sediment in a narrow vertical channel with rectangular
cross section containing an incompressible viscous Newtonian fluid.
We have obtained drafting, kissing, and tumbling many times.
- the dimension of computational domain = (0,1.5)x(0,0.25)x(0,6) initially,
then it moves vertically with the center of the lower one
- The time interval: [0, 15]
- the diameters = 0.2
- the density of balls = 1.25
- the density of fluid = 1
- the viscosity = 0.01
- the mesh size for the velocity field = 1/96
- the mesh size for the pressure = 1/48
- the time step=0.001
- for 10 < t < 15, the averaged mean speed is 5.565, the minimum speed of the ball is 2.713
and the maximum speed of the ball is 8.980.
- for 10 < t < 15, the averaged particle Reynolds number is about 111.3, the minimum is
54.26 and the maximum is 179.6.