News Archive
For frequent updates on my research activity, connect with me on LinkedIn
12/2021: I am an invited speaker at RAMSES, which will be held in hybrid format (in person at SISSA, Italy) 12/14-17/2021.
09/2021-05/2022: I'll be a William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Fellow at the Harvard Radcliffe Institute. Here is the article announcing the 2021-2022 fellows.
02/2021: I have co-organized the mini-symposium Reduced Order Methods for Parametric CFD Problems at the SIAM CSE 2021, which will be held online, 03/01-05/01/21.
01/2021: I am co-organizing the mini-symposium Advances in Intrusive and Non-intrusive Order Reduction Techniques for Flow Analysis, Control, and Optimization at WCCM-ECCOMAS 2020, which will be held online, 01/11-15/21.
01/2020: I am co-organizing the mini-symposium Recent Advances in Scientific Computing and Applications at the AMS Fall Central Sectional Meeting, which will be held in online, 09/12-13/20.
01/2020: I am co-organizing the mini-symposium Advances in Intrusive and Non-intrusive Order Reduction Techniques for Flow Analysis, Control, and Optimization at WCCM-ECCOMAS 2020, which will be held in Paris (France), 07/19-24/20. Postponed for COVID-19 pandemic.
01/2020: I am an invited speaker at RAMSES: Reduced order models; Approximation theory; Machine learning; Surrogates, Emulators and Simulators, which will be held in Trieste (Italy), 06/30-07/02/20. Postponed for COVID-19 pandemic.
01/2020: I'll give a talk at the ICERM workshop Model and dimension reduction in uncertain and dynamic systems, which will be held at Brown University, 03/23-27/20.
01/2020: I am an invited speaker at Scientific Computing Around Louisiana (SCALA) 2020, which will be held at LSU, 02/7-8/20.
01/2020: I'm co-organizing the International Workshop on Reduced Order Methods, which will be held at the Institute for Mathematical Sciences of the National University of Singapore (Singapore), 05/17-21/2021. The co-chair is Gianluigi Rozza.
07/2019: Congratulations to Kayla Bicol for successfully defending her thesis!
07/2019: I have co-organized the mini-symposium Reduced Order Modeling for Parametric CFD Problems at the 2019 International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, which will be held in Valencia (Spain), 07/15-19/19.
06/2019: I'm going to attend the 8th International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, which will be held in Sitges (Spain), 06/3-5/19. I'll present my research and co-host mini-symposium Advanced models and reduced methods in fluid and fluid-structure interaction problems.
05/2019: I'm co-organizing the Computational Methods for PDEs Summer School, which will be held at Colorado State University (USA), August 3-9, 2019. The other organizers are W. Bangerth, J. Dannberg, T. Heister, and N. Sharma.
04/2019: Congratulations to Kayla Bicol for winning the Women and Gender Resource Center's Distinguished Service to Women Award!
04/2019: I'll give a talk at 2019 AWM Research Symposium, which will be held at Rice University, 04/6-7/19.
04/2019: Congratulations to Krithika Rathinakumar and Daewa Kim for successfully defending their thesis!
01/2019: I have co-organized the mini-symposium Reduced Order Methods for Parametric CFD Problems at the 2019 SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, which will be held in Spokane (USA), 02/25-03/01/19.
01/2019: I'm co-organizing the International Workshop on Reduced Order Methods, which will be held at the Institute for Mathematical Sciences of the National University of Singapore (Singapore), 05/17-21/2021. The co-chair is Gianluigi Rozza.
10/2018: I'll give a seminar at Brown University on 11/30/18.
09/2018: I'll give a talk at 2018 Texas Women in Mathematics Symposium, which will be held at the University of Houston, 11/17-18/18.
09/2018: I'll give a seminar at the Center for Thermo-Fluid Mechanics of the University of Houston on 10/30/18.
09/2018: I'll give a talk at First Annual Meeting of SIAM TX-LA Section, which will be held at Louisiana State University, 10/5-7/18.
09/2018: I'll give a seminar in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Pittsburgh on 09/25/18.
05/2018: I'm going to attend the workshop Numerical Analysis of Coupled and Multi-Physics Problems with Dynamic Interfaces, which will be held in Oaxaca (Mexico), July 29-August 3, 2018.
05/2018: I'm going to attend the 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, which will be held in New York City (USA), 07/22-27/18. I'll present my research and co-host mini-symposium Reduced Order Methods for Parametric CFD problems.
05/2018: I'm going to attend the 2018 International Conference on Spectral and High Order Methods, which will be held in London (UK), 07/9-13/18. I'll present my research and co-host mini-symposium Advanced Models and Methods in CFD.
05/2018: I'm going to attend the Sixth European Conference on Computational Mechanics, which will be held in Glasgow (UK), 06/11-15/18. I'll present my research and co-host mini-symposium Advances in Reduced Basis techniques for flow problems in analysis, control, and optimization.