Realtime market microstructure analysis: online Transaction Cost Analysis
R. Azencott, A. Beri, Y. Ghadyan, N. Joseph, C.A. Lehalle, M. Rowley (20 pages)
Journal of Quantitative Finance,                                                                                                      2014

Mapping network motif  tunability and robustness into design of synthetic signaling circuits
S. Iadevaia, L. Nakhleh, R. Azencott, P.T. Ram; PLOS ONE 01/2014 ; 9(3) : e91743          2014

Biomarker Signature Discovery From Mass Spectrometry Data
A.Kong , C.Gupta, M.Ferrari, M. Agostini, C.Bedin, A.Bouamrani , E.Tasciotti, R.Azencott
IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology and Bioinformatics ,                                                         2014

Traffic safety: non-linear causation for injury severity
M. Mougeot; R. Azencott;  in "Safety/Security Eng. "
WIT Trans,  vol. 117, DOI: 10.2495/SAFE110221                                                                      2011

Diffeomorphic matching and dynamic deformable surfaces in 3D medical imaging
R.Azencott, R.Glowinski, J.He, R.Hoppe, A.Jajoo, A.Martynenko, S.Benzecry, S.Little, W.Zoghbi
Comput.  Methods in Applied Mathematics, vol. 10, No 3,  pp 235-274,                                2010

Steerlets: A novel approach to rigid-motion covariant multiscale transforms
R.Azencott, B. Bodmann, E. Papadakis;   SPIE Wavelets XIII vol.7446  pp. A1-10            2009

Rigid Motion Invariant Classification of 3D-Textures.
R.Azencott, S. Jain, M. Papadakis; "Inverse Problems and Signal Processing"
Am. Math.Soc. oct 2009 Fall Southeastern Meeting    Boca Raton, Florida                          2009

Risk factors quantification based on mutual information for accidents data
M. Mougeot, R. Azencott; Conf. “Expert Symp. Accident Res.” ESAR, Hannover,             2008

Accurate parameter estimation for coupled stochastic dynamics
R. Azencott, Y. Ghadyan;  Proc. 7th AIMS Conf. "Dyn. Syst., Diff. Equ." Arlington            2008

Controllability approach to Shape Identification by elastic matching
R. Azencott, R. Glowinski, A.M. Ramos ; App. Math. Letters ,  vol 21 pp 861-865,             2008

Distribution Dependent Vapnik-Chervonenkis Bounds
R. Azencott, N. Vayatis , in 'Computational Learning Theory'', Ed. Fischer-Simon
Lect.Notes in Computer Science, vol 1572,  pp 230-240,                                                           1999

Energy minimization method for matching structured object representations
R. Azencott, L. Younes ; in  “Energy minimization in computer vision and pattern recognition” 
Lecture Notes Computer Science   vol  1223, pp 441 - 456                                                        1997

Markov fusion of noisy  images to detect intensity valleys
R. Azencott, B. Chalmond, F. Coldefy; Int. Jour. Comp. Vision. vol 16 , pp 135-145       1995

Boltzmann machines : High order interaction and synchronous learning
R. Azencott,  "Stochastic models in image analysis"  Ed. P.Barone,
Lecture Notes in Statistics. Vol 74. p 14 - 45                                                  Springer 1992

Synchronous Boltzmann machines and Gibbs fields
R. Azencott , "Neurocomputing"  NATO ASI Lect. Notes , vol F68   p 51-62    Springer 1990

Synchronous Boltzmann  machines  and artificial vision
R. Azencott,   Proc. " Neural Networks : Entretiens de Lyon"  p 135-143                Springer 1990

Small random perturbations of dynamic systems :  asymptotic expansions
R. Azencott;   Bull.Soc.Math.France, vol 109,     pp 253-308  ,                                 1985

Schroedinger Equation as « h » tends to zero : a probabilistic approach
R. Azencott, H. Doss;   “Stochastic aspects of classical  and quantum systems”
Ed. Albeverio, Lecture Notes Maths.  vol 1109, pp 1 - 17                                           Springer 1985

Atiyah-Singer Index theorem : Bismut’s approach
R. Azencott,   Seminaire Bourbaki 1984 , Soc. Math. France, Coll. Asterisque,                     1985

Stochastic Taylor Formula and Feynmann integrals
R. Azencott;   in “Seminaire Prob. XVI, Geometrie differentielle stochastique”
Lecture Notes Math. ,vol 921, pp 237-285                                                                    Springer 1982

Asymptotic small time expansions for densities of diffusion processes
R. Azencott;  “Probabilites Sem. Univ. Strasbourg”,   Ed. Azema,
Lecture Notes Maths vol 1059     pp 402-498                                               Springer 1984

Large Deviations Theory and Applications           
R. Azencott;  invited  lectures, Saint-Flour Summer school on Probability Theory
Lecture Notes Math , vol 774,        176 pages                                                                Springer  1980

Random mixing of differential equations : Large deviations theory
R. Azencott, G. Ruget; Zeitschrift Wahrscheinlichkeit Geb.  vol 38 pp 1-54                          1977

Homogeneous manifolds with negative curvature
R. Azencott, E.Wilson;   Trans.Am.Math.Soc. vol 215 pp 323-362 ,                                        1976

Poisson spaces of locally compact groups  
R. Azencott; Lecture Notes Math, vol 148,    141 pages   Springer                                            1970

Articles submitted to Reviewed Journals  in 2014

Accuracy of Parameter Estimation for Heston joint SDEs
R. Azencott, Y. Ghadyan, 35 pages
preprint,    submitted to   "Journal of Statistical Physics"  in  march 2014     

Global and regional mitral annulus geometry,  before and after mitral valve repair
S.BenZekry, S.Jain, S.Alexander, Y.Li, A.Aggarwal, A.Jajoo, S.Little, G. Lawrie, R.Azencott, W.Zoghbi
submitted to     "JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging "    in february 2014

Micro-RNA phosphoproteomic analysis identifies miRNA regulators of signaling and cell cycle proteins and presents novel therapeutic opportunities in cancer.
Seviour G., Sehgal V., Luo  Z., Lu Y., Moss T. , Gray J., Mills G. , Azencott R. , Ram P.
submitted to "Cancer Research"  in february 2014.

Identification of functional miRNA-cell cycle networks and novel miRNA chemotherapy combinations
G.Seviour, V.Sehgal, Z.Luo, Y.Lu, T.Moss, F.Zhang, S.Hill, W.Liu, R.Azencott, G.L.Berestein, C.R.Aguayo, R.Roopaimoole, C.Pecot, A.Sood, S.Mukherjee, J.Gray, G.Mills, P.Ram
submitted to  "Cancer Discovery "    (MS# CD-14-0128)        in  january 2014

Option pricing accuracy for  estimated Heston models
R. Azencott, Y. Ghadyan, R. Glowinski (23 pages)
submitted to "International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance" in  december 2013

Publications in Reviewed Journals     

Modeling delay in genetic networks: From delay birth-death processes to
delay stochastic differential equations

C.Gupta,  J.M.Lopez, R.Azencott,  M. Bennett, K.Josic, W.Ott
Journal of Chemical Physics                                                                       accepted   may 2014

Impact of miRNA Sequence on miRNA expression and correlation between
miRNA Expression and Cell Cycle Regulation in Breast Cancer Cells
Z. Luo, Y. Zhao, R. Azencott
PLOS ONE  10.1371 / journal.pone.0095205                                               accepted   april 2014

Biomarker Signature Discovery From Mass Spectrometry Data
A.Kong , C.Gupta, M.Ferrari, M. Agostini, C.Bedin, A.Bouamrani , E.Tasciotti, R.Azencott
IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology and Bioinformatics ,                          accepted   march  2014

Realtime market microstructure analysis: online Transaction Cost Analysis
R. Azencott, A. Beri, Y. Ghadyan, N. Joseph, C.A. Lehalle, M. Rowley (20 pages)
Journal of Quantitative Finance,                                                                      accepted     february 2014

Mapping network motif  tunability and robustness into design of synthetic signaling circuits
S. Iadevaia, L. Nakhleh, R. Azencott, P.T. Ram
PLOS ONE 01/2014 ; 9(3) :  e91743.                  2014

Modeling miRNA-mRNA interactions: fitting chemical  kinetics equations to microarray data
Z. Luo, R. Azencott, Y Zhao
BMC Systems Biology,      vol 8:19,  15 pages,           2014

Large Deviations at Saint-Flour 
R.Azencott, M. Freidlin, S.R.S.  Varadhan
Springer Series     "Probabilities at Saint-Flour"   vol. VIII,  371 pages,  NewYork                   2013

Subsampling and parametric estimation for multiscale dynamics
R. Azencott,.  A. Beri ,  A. Jain, I. Timofeyev
Communications in Mathematical Sciences, vol 11, No 3, pp. 895-926,                                 2013

Comparative Evaluation of Mitral Valve Strain by Deformation Tracking in 3D-Echocardiography
S.BenZekry, G.Lawrie, S.Little, W.Zoghbi, J.Freeman, A.Jajoo, S.Jain, J.He, A.Martynenko,  R. Azencott
CardioVascular Engineering and Technology. Volume 3, issue 4,  11 pages,                           2012

Estimation of the rate and effect of new beneficial mutations in asexual populations
W Zhang, V Sehgal, D. Dinh, R.R. Azevedo, T. Cooper, R Azencott
Theoretical Population Biology, Vol 81, Issue 2,  pp 168–178,                                                 2012

Rigid Motion Invariant Classification of 3D-Textures
S. Jain, , M. Papadakis, S. Upadhyay, R. Azencott
IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 21 (5) : pp 24449-2463 ,                                                            2012

miRNA Regulatory Circuits in ES Cells Differentiation:  Chemical Kinetics Modeling    
Z. Luo, X. Xu, P. Gu , D. Lonard, P. Gunaratne, A. Cooney, R. Azencott ,
PLOS ONE 10.1371/journal.pone.0023263   vol 6 ,  issue 10  , 17 pages ,         2011

Parametric Estimation of Stationary Stochastic Processes under Indirect Observability 
R. Azencott, A. Beri  I. Timofeyev
Journal of Statistical Physics  Volume 144, Number 1, pp 150-170 ,                       2011

Adaptive Sub-sampling for Parametric Estimation of Gaussian Diffusions
R. Azencott, A. Beri,  I. Timofeyev
Journal of Statistical Physics Vol 139, Issue 6 , pp 1066-1089,                 2010

Diffeomorphic matching and dynamic deformable surfaces in 3D medical imaging
R.Azencott , R.Glowinski, J.He, R.Hoppe , A.Jajoo, A.Martynenko,
S.Benzecry, S.Little, W.Zoghbi
Comput.  Methods in Applied Mathematics, vol. 10, No 3,  pp 235-274,                2010

A controllability approach to Shape Identification by elastic matching
R. Azencott, R. Glowinski, A.M. Ramos ;
Applied Mathematics Letters ,  vol 21 pp 861-865,                                                     2008

Refined Exponential Rates in Vapnik-Chervonenkis inequalities
R. Azencott, N. Vayatis
ComptesRendus Acad. Sciences vol 332 serie I, p.563-568   Paris  France  ,          2001

Texture classification using windowed Fourier filters
R. Azencott, JP. Wang, L. Younes
IEEE Trans.  Pattern Analy. Machine Intelligence vol 19 n°2   pp 148-152 ,          1997

Transfer function estimation, film fusion, and image restoration
R. Azencott, B. Chalmond, J.P. Wang 
CVGIP : Graphical models and image processing,  vol 58, pp 65-74 ,                      1996

Markov fusion of noisy  images to detect intensity valleys
R. Azencott, B. Chalmond, F. Coldefy
Int. Jour. Comp. Vision. vol 16 , pp 135-145                                                                 1995

Synchronous Boltzmann machines and curve identification tasks
R. Azencott, A.Doutriaux, L.Younes
Network (vol  4) ,  pp 461-480,                                                                         1993

Synchronous Boltzmann machines and artificial vision
R. Azencott, J. Lacaille, L. Younes ;  invited survey article
Courrier CNRS, vol  79,  3 pages,      Paris,                                                                     1992

Image compression and back propagation
R. Azencott, B. Angeniol, and  M. Mougeot
Neural Networks,   Vol 4,   p 467 - 476 ,                                                                          1991

Small random perturbations of dynamic systems :  asymptotic expansions
R. Azencott;  
Bull.Soc.Math.France vol 109     pp 253-308  ,                                                             1985

Random mixing of differential equations : Large deviations theory
(Melange d'equations differentielles et grands ecarts a la loi des grands nombres)
R. Azencott, G. Ruget
Zeitschrift Wahrscheinlichkeit Geb.  vol 38 pp 1-54                                                     1977

Homogeneous manifolds with negative curvature
R. Azencott, E.Wilson
Trans.Am.Math.Soc. vol 215 pp 323-362 ,                                                   1976

Large Deviations and slow learning processes
R. Azencott, G.Ruget
Comptes Rendus Acad. Sciences, Paris, France vol 281 serA pp 529-532 ,            1975

Homogeneous manifolds with negative curvature
R. Azencott, E.Wilson
Comptes Rendus Acad. Sciences, Paris, France, vol 278 serA pp 561-562 ,           1974

Behaviour of diffusion semi-groups at infinity
R. Azencott;  
Bull.Soc.Math.France vol 102   pp 193-240                                                                  1974

Diffusion processes on differentiable manifolds
R. Azencott; 
Comptes Rendus Ac. Sci. ; Paris,  vol 276 serA pp 363-365                                       1973

Diffusion processes on differentiable manifolds
R. Azencott;  
Comptes Rendus Ac. Sci.  Paris,  vol 274, pp 651-654, series A                 1972

Stability of group representations and Haar spectrum
R. Azencott, W.Parry 
Trans.Am.Math.Soc. vol 172 pp 317-327                                                                      1972

Anosov Diffeomorphisms and Bernouilli schemes
R. Azencott;   Comptes Rendus Ac. Sci. Paris  vol 270 ser A pp 1105-1107           1970

Random walks on locally compact groups
R. Azencott;   Comptes Rendus Ac. Sci. Paris vol 268 serA.pp 1406-1409             1969

Poisson spaces of Lie groups
R. Azencott;   Comptes Rendus Ac. Sci. Paris vol 268 serA pp 139-142             1969

Poisson spaces of locally compact groups
R. Azencott;   Comptes Rendus Ac. Sci. Paris vol 267 ser A pp 513-516                 1968

Poisson spaces of semi-simple Lie groups
R. Azencott;   Comptes Rendus Ac. Sci. Paris vol 266 serA pp 970-973                  1968


Books and Monographs

Large Deviations at Saint-Flour 
R.Azencott, M. Freidlin, S.R.S.  Varadhan
Springer Series     "Probabilities at Saint-Flour"   vol. VIII,  371 pages,  NewYork    2013

Simulated annealing : Parallelization techniques  
R. Azencott, editor,  with contributions by
R.Azencott, O.Catoni, C.Grafigne, L.Younes, A.Trouve, M.Dreyfus, P.Garda, H.Lutton  
Interscience    ( Wiley) ,    242 pages,                                                    New York    1992

Time Series of irregular observations 
R. Azencott, D. Dacunha Castelle
3rd edition, Japanese version, reviewed and  augmented 206 pages ,           Tokyo   1989

Time Series of irregular observations    
R. Azencott, D. Dacunha Castelle
2nd edition, English version, augmented, 198 pages, Springer Verlag,   NewYork   1985

Series d’observations irregulieres
R. Azencott, D.Dacunha Castelle
1st edition, French version , 190 pages  , Masson,                                   Paris,      1983

Geodesics and small time behaviour of diffusions on manifolds    
R. Azencott, editor,  with contributions by
R.Azencott,  P. Baldi, A. Bellaiche, L. Elie, M. Chaleyat-Maurel
Publ. Soc Math France  , Coll. Asterisque  vol 84-85;   250 pages             Paris,       1982

Large Deviations theory and Applications          
R. Azencott; invited advanced course, Saint-Flour Summer school on Probability Th.
Lecture Notes Math , vol 774        176 pages   Springer-Verlag              NewYork  1980

Homogeneous manifolds with negative curvature     
R. Azencott, E.Wilson
Memoirs American Math.Soc.   vol 8 ;  178   , 101 pages                                        1976

Poisson spaces of locally compact groups  
R. Azencott
Lecture Notes Math vol 148        141 pages   Springer-Verlag ,             NewYork      1970

Elements of Algebraic Geometry   
R. Azencott, P. Berthelot
based on F. Bruhat  Univ.Paris course, 120 pages,  Publications ENS Ulm,     Paris  1966


Book Chapters

Large deviations and small perturbations of dynamic systems
in book "Large Deviations at Saint-Flour"  (R.Azencott, M. Freidlin, S.R.S.  Varadhan)
Springer Series     "Probabilities at Saint-Flour"   vol. VIII,  p 1- 217,  NewYork              2013

Traffic safety: non-linear causation for injury severity
M. Mougeot; R. Azencott in book "Safety and Security Engineering "                                                                              editors : M. Guarascio, G. Reniers, C.A. Brebbia, F. Garzia
Series: WIT Transactions,   vol. 117 , 11 pages   DOI: 10.2495/SAFE110221                  2011

SEM-images analysis for Quality Control of Nanoparticles,
S. Alexander, R. Azencott, B. Bodmann, A. Bouamrani, C. Chiappini, M. Ferrari, X. Liu, E. Tasciotti,
in book  "Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns",
Lect. Notes Comp. Sci., v. 5702, p 590-597, Springer ,                                                                2009

Simulated Annealing and Image analysis, with comments by J.M. Morel,
R. Azencott;
in book “Selected Papers Soc.Math.France” (edit. J.M. Kantor)                                               2003

Distribution-Dependent Vapnik-Chervonenkis Bounds
R. Azencott, N. Vayatis , in Computational Learning Theory, Eds. P. Fischer, H. Simon
Lect.Notes in Computer Sciences, vol 1572, pp 230-240,                                                           1999

An energy minimization method for matching structured object representations
R. Azencott, L. Younes ;
in book “Energy minimization methods in computer vision and pattern recognition” 
Lecture Notes Computer Science   vol  1223, pp 441 - 456                                                        1997

Non homogeneous transfer function estimation for X-rays films fusion
R.Azencott, J.P. Wang ;
in book  “Tomographic image reconstruction”
CMLA ,vol 9336,  Publ. ENS Cachan,    France                                                                            1993 

Parallel annealing :interacting multiple searches
R. Azencott, C.Graffigne;
in book "Simulated annealing : Parallelization techniques " pp 81-90   
Intersciences,  Wiley                                                                                                                           1992

Parallel annealing : basic techniques
R. Azencott;  
in book "Simulated annealing : Parallelization techniques"  pp 37-46  
Intersciences,  Wiley                                                                                                                           1992

Large deviation framework for sequential and parallel annealing
R. Azencott;  
in book "Simulated annealing  : Parallelization techniques” pp 11-24  
Intersciences,  Wiley                                                                                                                           1992

Simulated annealing: speed of convergence and acceleration techniques
R. Azencott;  
in book "Simulated annealing : Parallelization techniques  "  pp 1-10 
Intersciences,  Wiley                                                                                                                          1992

Bayesian 3D path search in Images of seismic data 
R. Azencott, B. Chalmond, P. Julien;
in book  “Stochastic Models in Image Analysis" Editor P. Barone,
Lecture Notes in Statistics. Vol 74, Springer-Verlag p 46 - 74                                                     1992

Edge detection and segmentation of textured images
R. Azencott, C. Graffigne, C. Labourdette;
in book "Stochastic models in image analysis" Editor P. Barone,
Lecture Notes in Statistics. Vol 74, Springer-Verlag p 75 – 88                                    1992

Edge detection and segmentation of textured images
R. Azencott, C. Graffigne, C. Labourdette;     
in book "Stochastic models in image analysis"  Editor P. Barone,  
Lecture Notes in Statistics. Vol 74, Springer-Verlag p 75 – 88                                   1992

Boltzmann machines : High order interaction and synchronous learning
R. Azencott,     
in book  "Stochastic models in image analysis"     Editor P.Barone,
Lecture Notes in Statistics. Vol 74. p 14 - 45 Springer-Verlag                                                     1992

Synchronous Boltzmann machines and Gibbs fields
R. Azencott,
in book "Neurocomputing"       Editors F. Fogelman- Y. Hierault
NATO ASI Lecture Notes Series,  vol F68    p 51-62    Springer-Verlag                    1990

Image compression through backpropagation
R. Azencott, M. Mougeot, B. Angeniol;
in book  "NeuroComputing"  Ed. F. Fogelman- Y. Hierault
Nato Asi Lecture Notes Series, vol F- 68   p 333-336    Springer-Verlag                   1990

Schroedinger Equation as « h » tends to zero : a probabilistic approach
R. Azencott and H. Doss;  
in  book “Stochastic aspects of classical  and quantum systems” Edit. Albeverio,
Lecture Notes in Maths. Springer-Verlag  vol 1109, pp 1 - 17                                                    1985

Asymptotic small time expansions for densities of diffusion processes
R. Azencott; 
in book “Probabilites Sem. Univ. Strasbourg”,   Editor J. Azema,
Lecture Notes Maths vol 1059     pp 402-498    Springer-Verlag                                                1984

Stochastic Taylor Formula and Feynmann integrals
R. Azencott; 
in book “Seminaire Prob. XVI, Geometrie differentielle stochastique”
Lecture Notes Math.vol 921 pp 237-285   Springer-Verlag ,                                                       1982

Diffusion Processes on the Heisenberg group
R. Azencott ;
in book  "Geodesiques et diffusions" Editor R. Azencott
Publications Soc Math France  , Collection Asterisque  vol 84-85   pp 227-236     1981

Cramer Transforms and small time diffusions processes
R. Azencott ;
in book  "Geodesiques et diffusions" Editor R. Azencott
Publications Soc Math France  , Collection Asterisque  vol 84-85   pp 215-226     1981

Local and Global Estimates for  the density of  diffusion processes
R. Azencott ; 
in book  "Geodesiques et diffusions" Editor R. Azencott
Publications Soc Math France , Collection Asterisque  vol 84-85   pp 131-150      1981

Diffusions processes on differentiable manifolds
R. Azencott ;   
in book  "Geodesiques et diffusions" Editor R. Azencott
Publications Soc Math France  , Collection Asterisque   vol 84-85   pp 17-32        1981

Robustness of  R-estimators
R. Azencott;   
in book  "Estimation robuste" Editor D. Dacunha-Castelle
Publications Soc Math France  , Collection Asterisque    vol 43,  pp 189-202         1977

Parameters Estimation through Rank Tests
R. Azencott;  
in book   "Estimation robuste" Editor D. Dacunha-Castelle,
Publications Soc Math France  , Collection Asterisque    vol 43,  pp 41-64 ,           1977

Methods of localization and diffusions on manifolds
R. Azencott;
in book "Invited Lecture Series",  63 pages
Publications of Istituto Matematico "Ulisse Dini"       Firenze,    Italy                   1971



Patents (inventor R. Azencott)

Patent  1  : A method for anomaly detection

Non supervised algorithmics for automatic learning of critical features and anomaly detection in signal analysis
Patent delivered : Europe N° 00 410 009 5 ; USA N° 09 519 597                                  2003

Patent  2 :  A method to monitor process performance indicators

Auto-adaptive rigorous probabilistic computation of global performance score, based on simultaneous analysis of large heterogeneous families of dynamic performance indicators.
Patent delivered : Europe N° 00 410 069 9 ; USA N° 09 784 134                                             2003

Patent  3 :  A system for automatic real time identification of specific sounds

Automatic live audio-surveillance systems for urban buses, trains, airplanes, etc. implying on board microphones and associated hardware plus sound identification software, auto-calibrated by off line automatic learning.
Patent delivered : Europe N° 03 054 14                                                                                          2003

Patent  4  :  A technique for geometric shapes identification of curves

Automatic on line analysis of sensor recorded signals to detect occurences of specific families of fuzzy geometric shapes with self-calibration by automatic learning.
Patent delivered : Europe N° 00 410 036.8 ; USA N° 09 616 055                             2003

Patent  5  :  A system for content driven navigation in multimedia databases

Automatic content indexation algorithms and softwares for large databases of  images and texts; automated  iterative browsing among documents with similar contents.
Patent delivered  : Europe N° 00 410 103.6 ; USA N°  09 783 621                     2002


Conference Proceedings

Patient specific  diffeomorphic modeling of Mitral Valves deformations              
R. Azencott (Invited Lecture)                                                                                                                
International Workshop  "Shapes Spaces" , Johns Hopkins Univ. , Baltimore,  may  2013

Option Pricing Errors due to Parametric Estimation Errors                   
R. Azencott (Invited Lecture)                                                                                                                
International Colloq. "Quantitative Finances" , Univ. Paris 7, Paris , march 2012

Parameters estimation for Heston price and volatilitySDEs                                                                                            
R. Azencott (Invited Lecture) 
Seminar "Probability and applications ", Univ.del Aquila , Roma , Italy,  feb. 2012                                                                                                                                      

3D-rigid motion invariant discrimination and classification of 3D-textures                                                 
S. Upadhyay, S. Jain, M. Papadakis, R. Azencott                                                                                      
Proceedings SPIE sept 2011                                                                                                                                          

Optimal control in image processing
R.Azencott , R.Glowinski, R.Hoppe , J.He, A.Jajoo, Y.Li, A.Martynenko,
S.BenZekry, S.Little , W.Zoghbi
Proceedings Int. Conf. on Optimal Control (Heidelberg 2010), Springer, 2011

Subsampling in Parametric Estimation of SDEs coefficients
I. Timofeyev, R. Azencott, A. Beri                                                                                                                    
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 12/2010

Speckle Noise tracking in Echocardiographies
R. Azencott, Y. Li, D. Khoury ,
Proc. IPCV'09 Conf. "Image Proc., Comp. Vision, Patt. Rec." Las Vegas ,              2009

Steerlets: A novel approach to rigid-motion covariant multiscale transforms
R.Azencott, B. Bodmann, E. Papadakis,
Proceeedings Editors Goyal, Papadakis ,Van der Ville
Proc. SPIE   `Wavelets XIII', vol.7446,  pp. 74460 A1-10,                    2009

Option price sensitivity to modeling errors in the stochastic dynamics
R. Azencott, Y. Gadhyan, R. Glowinski
Proc. SIAM Conf. Maths for Industry: Challenges and Frontiers,             2009

SEM-images analysis for Quality Control of Nanoparticles
R. Azencott, S. Alexander, B. Bodmann, A. Bouamrani, C. Chiappini, M. Ferrari, X. Liu, E. Tasciotti, 
Proc. Comp. Anal. Images Patterns., Lect. Notes Comp. Sci., v. 5702, p 590-597, Springer 2009

Accurate parameter estimation for coupled stochastic dynamics
R. Azencott, Y. Ghadyan,  
Proc. 7th AIMS Conf. "Dynamical Syst., Diff. Equ. and Appl." Arlington,              2008

Isotropic Multiresolution analysis for 3D-Textures in Cardiovascular Imaging
S. Alexander, R. Azencott, E. Papadakis
Proc. Wavelets XII, SPIE 2007, p 1-12, vol 6701,        2007

Online health monitoring of mechanical hazards in Formula 1 car races
R. Azencott, C.A. Lehalle
Proc. FISITA World Automotive Congress    2004

Auto adaptive monitoring of complex industrial processes
R. Azencott, C.A. Lehalle
Proc. Congress “Fiability of production lines”  Madrid, Spain    2004

Auto adaptive analysis of engine noise  / vibrations  for online diagnosis
R. Azencott, J. Besnard, C.A. Lehalle
Proceed. “Automobile and Railway comfort: Acoustics, Vibratory, Thermal”
International Congress ,  Douai, France          2004

Piecewise Affine Perceptrons can emulate stable nonlinear controls
R. Azencott, C.A. Lehalle
Proc. IEEE Int. Symposium  on Intelligent Control,  Cambridge  USA     1999

Stability of nonlinear control by piecewise affine neural networks
R. Azencott, C.A. Lehalle
Proc. Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks   Edinburgh, UK 1999

Piecewise affine neural networks and nonlinear control
R. Azencott, C.A. Lehalle
Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks, 1998 Skovde, Sweden
Conf. Publication No 470                                                                         1999

Automatic control by piecewise affine neural networks
R. Azencott, C.A. Lehalle
Proc. Conf. “Nonlinear control Theory/Appl.” CransMontana, Switzerland ,      1998

Large deviations theory and Vapnik exponential bounds for learning speed
R. Azencott; invited lecture at Brown University 50 th anniversary
Internat. Colloquium , Maths Dept , Brown University, Providence USA 1997

Tomographic reconstruction of axisymmetrical objects from one view by model approximation
J.M. Lagrange, I. Dauty, R. Azencott
Proc. International. Conf  on Image Processing,                                    1997

Robust recognition of buildings in large compressed aerial scenes
R. Azencott, F. Durbin, J. Paumard
Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Processing ,        Lausanne 1996

Multiscale identification of buildings in large compressed aerial scenes
R. Azencott, F. Durbin, J. Paumard
Proc. Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition   ICPR 96          Vienna      1996

A distance for elastic matching in object recognition
R. Azencott,  F. Coldefy, L. Younes
Proc. Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition   ICPR 96          Vienna      1996

Automated camera detection of defects using Markov Random Fields
R. Azencott, J.F. Yao
Proceedings of 12th Int. Congress Pattern Recognition, Jerusalem,          1996

Geodesics in diffeomorphisms groups : deformation distance between shapes
R. Azencott;  in “Stochastic structures and Monte-Carlo optimisation" 
International Mathematics Congress,  Cortona            Italy             1994


Stochastic Neural Nets applied to optimization  and pattern recognition
R. Azencott;   in Proc. Int. Summer School “Image analysis and automatic learning”
Le Breau , France   Publications EDF / CEA / INRIA                  1994

Markov Random Fields in image analysis : a 1986-1992 survey
R. Azencott;  in DEA Prob. Stats lecture notes  
8 pages, Publi Univ. Paris Sud                                                      1992

Non supervised image segmentation and multi-level Markov Random fields
R. Azencott, C. Graffigne
Proc. 11th  IAPR Cong. “Image Speech and Signal Analysis”, La Haye                 1992

Adaptive smoothing and Markov fields for “valleys” detection on images
R. Azencott, B.Chalmond,F.Coldefy  
Proc. 11th  IAPR Cong. “Image Speech and Signal Analysis”, La Haye                 1992

Detection of seismic horizons : Gibbs fields techniques
R. Azencott, T.Carlier, JL.Guiziou, JF.Yao
Proc. 6th Conf.Image Analysis and Image Processing  Como Italy 1991 
Published by World Scientific  Singapore       1992

Smooth contour lines in images and Boltzmann machines
R. Azencott, J.Lacaille 
Proceedings. International . J. Conf. Neural Nets, July 1991 Seattle,
Published by   World Scientific,  Singapore                    1991

Contour lines extraction in images by synchronous Boltzmann machines
R. Azencott,  J.Lacaille  
Actes Congres « Neuro-Nimes »   p 507 – 518,   Nimes, France 1991

Unsupervised learning for the visual cortex
R. Azencott, M.Mougeot
Proceedings Int.J.Conf. Neural Nets    July 1991 Seattle
Published by   World Scientific,  Singapore    1991

Proceedings of 1990 Int. Autumn School : “Object Oriented Languages”
R. Azencott
Proceedings Editor  and Scientific Director 
Publ. Thomson / Inst. ENS Ulm,  Jouy-en-Josas, France             1990

Self-organization of orientation selective cells in the visual cortex
R. Azencott, M.Mougeot 
Proceedings. Neurosciences Congress., Aussois, France               1990

Synchronous Boltzmann machines and outline based image classification
R. Azencott, A.Doutriaux,  L.Younes
Proceedings IEEE Neural Networks Confer. Paris1990 ,
Kluwer Ac Publ.  Boston,  1990

Synchronous Boltzmann  machines  and artificial vision
R. Azencott  
Proceedings " Neural Networks : Les Entretiens de Lyon"  p 135-143   
Springer-Verlag    1990

Proceedings of 1989 Int. Autumn School: Image Analysis and Artificial Vision
R. Azencott :     Proceedings Editor  and Scientific Director 
Publ.  Thomson / Inst. ENS Ulm,  Jouy-en-Josas, France            1989

Simulated Annealing
R. Azencott ;       
Lecture 697  in “Actes du Seminaire Bourbaki” 1988 , Editor Bourbaki
Publications Soc. Math. France, Collection Asterisque ,  p 223-237,        1989

Mandrake, expert software and algorithms for time series forecast
R. Azencott, B. and Y. Girard, R. Astier, P. Jacoubowitz, M.M. Martin
in  Proceedings of 8th Int. Symp. on Forecasting       Amsterdam              1988

Proceedings of 1988 Int. Autumn School “Image Analysis and Artificial Vision”
R. Azencott;  Proceedings Editor  and Scientific Director 
Publ. Thomson / Inst. ENS Ulm,  Jouy-en-Josas, France             1988

Image analysis and Markov fields
R. Azencott;  in Proc Int.Conf on Industrial andAppl.Maths,  S.I.A.M. 87  Paris
Publ.  S.I.A.M. Philadelphia               1988

Proceedings of 1987 Internat. Autumn School  “Artificial Intelligence”
R. Azencott;  Proceedings Editor  and Scientific Director; 
Publ. Thomson / Inst. ENS Ulm,  Jouy-en-Josas, France             1987

Gibbs fields, simulated annealing and low level vision tasks
R. Azencott;  in  Proc. “Shape Recognition and Artificial Intelligence”   Antibes
Publ. AFCET , Actes RFIA 87,  vol II ,  pp 1183-1191,               1987

Nuclear magnetic resonance imagery: restoration by Markov modeling and Annealing                           
R. Azencott, B. Chalmond                                                                                                                                
11th Colloquium "Traitement du signal et des images",  pp. 559-560    1987

Simulated Annealing and Image analysis
R. Azencott;    
Proc. Annual Conference Soc Math. France 1986,
“Mathematics and ArtificialVision”  Publi. Soc.Math.France , 16 pages ,               1986

Atiyah-Singer Index theorem : Bismut’s approach
R. Azencott ;       
“Actes Seminaire Bourbaki 1984” , Editor Bourbaki
Publications Soc. Math. France, Collection Asterisque,               1985

Martin boundaries of random walks on locally compact groups
R. Azencott and P.Cartier 
in Proceedings 6th Berkeley Symposium on Prob.Stat. vol 3, pp 87-129                 1970

Poisson Spaces
R. Azencott,   in Proc. Colloque Probability and Algebraic Structures pp 23-31
Clermont Ferrand , France , CNRS Publications,               1969