April-May 2014 Workshop
" Kernel Based Automatic Learning "
a series of 16 lectures (open access) organized on the UH Campus by
Robert Azencott
with the collaboration of a group of UH graduate students
Audrey Cheong, Tasadduk Chowdury, Nandini Deka, Kedar Grama, Aixia Guo, Zhuo Liu, Murad Megjhani, Behrang Mehrparvar, Viktoria Muravina, Nikolaos Mitsakos, Burcin Ozcan, Erte Pan, Danil Safin, James Winkle, Yan Xu, Shihay Zhao
These lectures were integrated into R. Azencott's UH graduate course on
" Data Mining and Kernel based Automatic Learning "
Lecture slides are downloadable below and cover the following topics
Kernel Learning
" SVM Learning : Multi-Class Discrimination " by Viktoria Muravina
" SVM Learning : Kernel Parameters Selection "by Nandini Deka
" Online Learning with Multiple Kernels " by Audrey Cheong
" Deep Learning : Kernel Analysis of Networks Layers " by Behrang Mehrparvar
Kernel Clustering
" Support Vectors Clustering " by Zhuo Liu
" Kernel Methods for Clustering " by Kedar Grama
" Kernel based Clustering " by Erte Pan
Kernel Regression
" Kernel Regression : Travel Time Prediction " by Danil Safin
" Kernel Regression : Time Series " by Nikolaos Mitsakos
Artificial Vision applications
" Object Recognition : Kernel Based Dictionaries " by Murad Megjhani
" Object Recognition : SVM Learning " by Tasadduk Chowdury
" Robot Vision : Kernelized Bayes Rule " by Yan Xu
Genomics and Proteomic applications
" Gene Functions : Kernel Based Identification " by James Winkle
" Phylogenetic Profiles Classification : Tree Kernels " by Burcin Ozcan
" Protein Sequences Classification : HMM based Kernels " by Shihay Zhao
" Microarray Data : Key Genes Selection by SVM " by Aixia Guo