Office: PGH 667
Email: shanyuji@math.uh.edu
Tel: (713) 743-3454
Fax : 713-743-3505
Spring 2023 : Analysis
- Course Math 3333
- Section 17784
- Instructor Dr. Shanyu Ji
- Office 667 PGH, shanyuji@math.uh.edu
- Prerequisite Math 2433 and 3325
- Text Analysis, by Steven R. Lay, 5th edition, Prentice Hall
- Grading
- Homework: 40%
- Exam I 15%
- Exam II 15%
- Final Exam 30 %
- The course This course is an introduction to Analysis. It will cover
limit, continuity, differentiation and integration for functions of one variable and functions of several variables, and some selected applications.
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Current Address: Department of Mathematics, PGH Building, University of Houston, Houston, Texax 77204-3008
Phone: (713) 743-3500 - Fax: (713) 743-3505