According to the UH Final Exam schedule, the Final Exam for this class will be Wednesday, May 6, 11-2 pm online at Blackboard, with the Lockdown Browser and Respondus Monitor. You will need a computer, a broadband internet connection, and a working webcam. Here is a review sheet. Here is the review sheet with answers.
Exam 2 in this course took place Wednesday, April 1, 7-9 pm. The average score was 65.74 and the standard deviation was 22.94. The grading curve is:
A |
93-100 | B- |
69-75 | D+ |
47-52 |
A- |
87-92 | C+ |
64-68 | D |
41-46 |
B+ |
81-86 | C |
58-63 | D- |
36-40 |
B |
76-80 | C- |
53-57 | F |
≤ 35 |
Here are some notes on determinants.
Exam 1 took place Friday, February 21. The average score was 68.4 and the standard deviation was 22.4. The grading curve is in the table below:
A |
95-100 | B- |
74-78 | D+ |
53-57 |
A- |
90-94 | C+ |
69-73 | D |
48-52 |
B+ |
85-89 | C |
64-68 | D- |
42-47 |
B |
79-84 | C- |
58-63 | F |
≤ 42 |
Quiz 6 has been graded. Answers: 1e, 2c, 3c, 4b, 5c, 6a, 7c, 8b, 9c, 10b, 11f, 12f,
Quiz 7 has been graded. Answers: p. 197: FFFTF TTTFF, p. 207: TFTFT TTFTT,
p. 215: FFTFF FTTFF, p. 224: FFF TFT, p. 231: TFFFT FFFFT, p. 238 TFTFT FFTTT
Textbook: “Linear Algebra” fifth edition, by David C. Lay, Steven R. Lay, Judi J. McDonald, published by Pearson, ISBN-13: 978-0321982384, ISBN-10: 9780321982384. Caution: Check reviews before purchasing the e-text version.
Office: 615 PGH
Office Hours: MW 1:10-2:30, available by appointment almost any time except MWF 10-11, 12 - 1, F 2-3 PM.
Phone: 713-743-3460
Email: dwagner "at" uh "dot" edu
The syllabus for the course is here. The homework assignments are here. Homework will be collected and graded weekly. There will also be online quizzes given at casa. Register at CASA soon.
Prerequisites: Credit for or concurrent enrollment in Math 1432.
Online video lectures are available here. I really like these lectures., but they don't align with our text very well.
There will be two hour exams during the semester.
Grading. For each exam, and for the semester totals of homework grades and of quiz grades, I will compute an average μ and standard deviation σ. If X is your score on exam one, and the average and standard deviation for exam one are μ1 and σ1, then your normalized score for exam one is:
z1 = (X-μ1)/σ1.
Your grade will be determined by a weighted average of normalized scores:
Grade = 0.19*(z1 + z2) + 0.38*zFinal + 0.12*zHomework Total + 0.12*zQuiz Total .
This means that each hour exam counts 19%, the Final exam counts 38%, the Homework Total counts 12%, and the Quiz total counts 12%.
The numerical result of this calculation will determine your grade as follows:
z › 1.25 | 1.0 ‹ z ‹ 1.25 | .75 ‹ z ‹ 1.0 | .5 ‹ z ‹ .75 |
A | A- | B+ | B |
.25 ‹ z ‹ .5 | 0 ‹ z ‹ .25 | -.25 ‹ z ‹ 0 | -.5 ‹ z ‹ -.25 |
B- | C+ | C | C- |
-.75 ‹ z ‹ -.5 | -1.0 ‹ z ‹ -.75 | -1.25 ‹ z ‹ -1.0 | ‹ -1.25 |
D+ | D | D- | F |
If your Final Exam normalized score is higher than your lowest hour exam normalized score, then I will replace the lowest hour exam normalized score with the normalized final exam score.