Math 3338, Probability, 2:30 - 4:00 PM, Tuesday, Thursday SEC 201.

The final exam has been graded and exam papers can be picked up from me in my office. I should be in my office most of Dec, 12-16 between 11 am and 4 pm, and earlier or later by appointment. I will not be available Friday, 12/16, Noon to 1:30 pm.

The average score for the final exam was 113.47 and the standard deviation was 51.33


The textbook is “A First Course in Probability, 9th edition” by Sheldon Ross, published by Pearson.
Here is the syllabus.

Here is a link to the homework assignments.


Your course grade will be based on a weighted average of normalized scores for the final exam, two midterm exams, and homework. The final exam will take place Dec 8, 2-5 PM in SEC 201. I am working on choosing a date for the midterm. I plan to have the first midterm cover chapters 1 through 4 of the textbook. The second midterm will cover chapters 5 and 6, and the final exam will cover the entire course.

Normalized scores. Suppose X is your final exam score, μ is the average score for the final, and σ is the sample standard deviation for the final exam scores. Then

ZX = (X - μ)/σ is your normalized score for the final exam.

In the same way, I compute normalized scores for the total of your homework scores, and for your midterm exam scores.

Your grade will be determined by a weighted average of normalized scores:

Grade = (1/5)*(zHW+ zMT1+ zMT2) + (2/5)*zFinal.

This means that each midterm exam counts (1/5), the Final exam counts (2/5), and the homework total counts (1/5).

The numerical result ‘z’ of this calculation will determine your grade as follows:

z › 1.25 1.0 ‹ z ‹ 1.25 .75 ‹ z ‹ 1.0 .5 ‹ z ‹ .75
A A- B+ B
.25 ‹ z ‹ .5 0 ‹ z ‹ .25 -.25 ‹ z ‹ 0 -.5 ‹ z ‹ -.25
B- C+ C C-
-.75 ‹ z ‹ -.5 -1.0 ‹ z ‹ -.75 -1.25 ‹ z ‹ -1.0 ‹ -1.25
D+ D D- F

If your Final Exam normalized score is higher than your lowest midterm exam normalized score, then I will replace the lowest midterm exam normalized score with the normalized final exam score.