Seminar on Partial Differential Equations
Spring 2017
All talks in PGH 646A, Friday at 3:00 PM
Click here for Fall 2017
Click here for Fall 2016
January 20
Dr. Editha Jose, University of the Philippines, Los Baños. “Asymptotic Behavior of Approximate Controls” [abstract] |
February 17
Professor Silvia Jimenez Bolanos, Colgate College, “Navier Slip Condition for Viscous Fluids on a Rough Boundary” [abstract] |
February 24
Professor Irwin Goldberg, St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, “Solutions to Time-Dependent End-Condition Problems in Elasticity: Determination of Propagation and Reflection of Elastic Waves in a Semi-Infinite Bar.” [abstract]
March 3
March 10
March 17 |
Spring Break |
March 24
March 31
April 7
Dr. Isaac Harris, Texas A&M University “A Direct Method for reconstructing inclusions from Electrostatic Data”
[abstract] |
April 14
Dr. Changhui Tan, Rice University “Self-organized dynamics: aggregation and flocking”
[abstract] |
April 21
April 28 |
May 5 |
Professor Eric Bonetier, Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, Grenoble, France “The spectrum of the Neumann-Poincaré operator for domains with corners
” [abstract] |
Small changes/shifts in the dates may
be possible.