My Graduation

Hi, I'm Yunhui He

About me

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Houston. My research interests lie primarily in the field of numerical analysis and scientific computing. Specifically, I am interested in finite element methods for the numerical solution of partial differential equation and local Fourier analysis for multigrid methods.

Mailing Address:
Department of Mathematics
University of Houston
3551 Cullen Blvd, Room 641
Houston, Texas 77204-3008


News !

  • In December 2025, my colleagues and I will host the CBMS Conference on Research at the Interface of Applied Mathematics and Machine Learning received support from NSF (DMS-2430460).
  • I have projects for graduate students. If you are interested, you can find the application process here, and more information on the program at the Mathematics Department can be found here.
  • Research Interests

    • Finite Element and Finite Difference Methods
    • Multigrid Methods
    • Local Fourier Analysis
    • Preconditioning
    • Acceleration Methods

    You can find me on:

    My Group

    • Postdoctoral Fellow: Santolo Leveque, Fall 2024--present


    • 2015--2018, PhD in Mathematics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. Supervisor: Prof. Scott MacLachlan
    • 2012--2015, Master of Natural Science in Computational Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. Supervsior: Prof. Hehu Xie
    • 2008--2012, Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China

    Professional Experience

    • 09/2023--present: Assistant Professor at Department of Mathematics, University of Houston
    • 09/2021--08/2023: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Department of Computer Science, The University of British Columbia, Working with Prof. Chen Greif
    • 09/2019--08/2021: Postdoctoral Fellow at Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Waterloo, Working with Prof. Hans De Sterck and Prof. Sander Rhebergen
    • 09/2018--08/2019: Postdoctoral Fellow at Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Working with Prof. Scott MacLachlan


    Submitted Manuscripts

      1. Greif, C., He, Y.: A characterization of the behavior of nonlinear GMRES on linear systems.
      2. He, Y.: Convergence analysis for nonlinear GMRES.
      3. He, Y.: The worst-case root-convergence factor of GMRES(1).
      4. Niu, C., He, Y., Hu, X.: Rejuvenating AMLI-cycle: from Chebyshev polynomial to momentum acceeration.
      5. He, Y.: Some theoretical results on the finite convergence property and the temporary stalling behavior of Anderson acceleration on linear systems.

    Refereed Publications

      1. He, Y., Olshanskii, M.: A preconditioner for the grad-div stabilized equal-order finite elements discretizations of the Oseen problem, accepted, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing.
      2. Greif, C., He, Y.: Monolithic multigrid for the marker-and-cell discretization of the Stokes-Darcy equations, accepted, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics.
      3. Nataj, S., He, Y.: Anderson acceleration for nonlinear PDEs discretized by space-time spectral methods, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 167: 199--206, 2024.
      4. De Sterck, H., He, Y., Krzysik, O.: Anderson acceleration as a Krylov method with application to asymptotic convergence analysis, Journal of Scientific Computing, 99(1), 12, 2024.
      5. Greif, C., He, Y.: Block preconditioners for the Marker and Cell discretization of the Stokes-Darcy equations , SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 44(4), 1540-1565, 2023.
      6. He, Y. : A Vanka-based parameter-robust multigrid relaxation for the Stokes-Darcy Brinkman problems, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, e2514, 2023.
      7. Greif, C., He, Y.: A closed-form multigrid smoothing factor for an additive Vanka-type smoother applied to the Poisson equation, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, e2500, 2023.
      8. Thompson, J., Brown, J., He, Y.: Local Fourier analysis of p-multigrid for high-order finite element operators, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 45(3), S351-S370, 2023.
      9. He, Y. : Optimal smoothing factor with coarsening by thee for the MAC scheme for the Stokes equations, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 132:63-72, 2023.
      10. He, Y. : Novel mass-based multigrid relaxation schemes for the Stokes equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 440, 127665, 2023.
      11. He, Y., Liu, J. : Smoothing analysis of two robust multigrid methods for elliptic optimal control problems, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 44(1):1-26, 2023.
      12. He, Y., Liu, J., Wang, X. : Optimized sparse approximate inverse smoothers for solving Laplacian linear systems, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 656:304-323, 2023.
      13. He, Y. : A novel multigrid method for elliptic distributed control problems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 419, 114771, 2023.
      14. Adler, J.H., He, Y., Hu, X., MacLachlan, S.P., Ohm, P.: Monolithic multigrid for a reduced-quadrature discretization of poroelasticity, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 45(3), 2023.
      15. De Sterck, H., He, Y.: Linear asymptotic convergence of Anderson Acceleration: fixed-point analysis, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 43(4):1755-1783, 2022.
      16. He, Y., Liu, J. : A Vanka-type multigrid solver for complex-shifted Laplacian systems from diagonalization-based parallel-in-time algorihtms, Applied Mathematics Letters, 132, 108125, 2022.
      17. Voronin, A., He, Y., MacLachlan, S., Olson, L., Tuminaro, R.: Low-order preconditioning of the Stokes equations, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 29(3):e2426, 2022.
      18. He, Y., Rhebergen, S., De Sterck, H.: Local Fourier analysis of multigrid for hybridized and embedded discontinuous Galerkin methods, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 43(5):S612-S636, 2021.
      19. Wang, D., He, Y., De Sterck, H.: On the asymptotic linear convergence speed of Anderson acceleration applied to ADMM, Journal of Scientific Computing, 88(2):38, 2021.
      20. He, Y.: A generalized and unified framework of local Fourier analysis using matrix-stencils, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 42(3):1096-1118, 2021.
      21. He, Y.: Independence of placement for local Fourier analysis, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 28(6):e2388, 2021.
      22. De Sterck, H., He, Y.: On the asymptotic linear convergence speed of Anderson acceleration, Nesterov acceleration, and nonlinear GMRES, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 43(5):S21-S46, 2021.
      23. Brown, J., He, Y., MacLachlan, S.P., Menickelly, M., Wild, S.: Tuning multigrid methods with robust optimization and local Fourier analysis, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 43(1):A109-A138, 2021.
      24. Farrell, P.E., He, Y., MacLachlan, S.P.: A local Fourier analysis of additive Vanka relaxation for the Stokes equations, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 28(3):e2306, 2021.
      25. He, Y., MacLachlan, S.P.: Two-level Fourier analysis of multigrid for higher-order finite-element discretizations of the Laplacian, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 27(3):e2285, 2020.
      26. Brown, J., He, Y., MacLachlan, S.P.: Local Fourier analysis of Balancing Domain Decomposition by Constraints algorithms, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 41(5):S346-S369, 2019.
      27. Zhang, N., Han, X., He, Y., Xie, H., You, C.: An algebraic multigrid method for eigenvalue problems and its numerical tests, East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, accepted 2019, 11(1), 1-19, 2021.
      28. He, Y., MacLachlan, S.P.: Local Fourier analysis for mixed finite-element methods for the Stokes equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 35:161-183, 2019.
      29. Adler, J. H., He, Y., Hu, X., MacLachlan, S.P.: Vector-potential finite-element formulations for two-dimensional resistive magnetohydrodynamics, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 77(2):476-493, 2019.
      30. He, Y., Li, Y., Xie, H., You, C., Zhang, N.: A multilevel Newton's method for eigenvalue problems, Applications of Mathematics, 63(3):281-303, 2018.
      31. He, Y., MacLachlan, S.P.: Local Fourier analysis of block-structured multigrid relaxation schemes for the Stokes equations, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 24(3):e2147, 2018.
      32. Zhang, X., He, Y.: Modified interpolatory projection method for weakly singular integral equation eigenvalue problems, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, accepted 2015, 35(2):327-339, 2019.
      33. Chen, H., He, Y., Li, Y., Xie, H.: A multigrid method based on shifted-inverse power technique for eigenvalue problems, European Journal of Mathematics: 1(1):207-228, 2015.

    PhD Thesis

      1. He, Y.: Local Fourier analysis for saddle-point problems, PhD Thesis, August 2018.

    Other Manuscripts

      1. He, Y., Li, Y.: Parameter-robust Braess-Sarazin-type smoothers for linear elasticity problems, arXiv , 2022
      2. Greif, C., He, Y.: A note on using the mass matrix as a preconditioner for the Poisson equation, arXiv , 2021
      3. He, Y., Xie, H.: Convergence analysis of shift-inverse method with Richardson iteration for eigenvalue problem , arXiv , 2018

    Teaching Experience

    • S 2025: MATH 2318 (Linear Algebra), University of Houston
    • F 2024: MATH 2318 (Linear Algebra), University of Houston
    • S 2024: MATH 3363 (Introduction to Partial Differential Equations), University of Houston
    • F 2023: MATH 4364 (Introduction to Numerical Analysis in Scientific Computing), University of Houston
    • F 2022: MATH 100 (Differential Calculus), The University of British Columbia
    • F 2022: CPSC 402 (Numerical Linear Algebra), The University of British Columbia
    • W 2021: SYDE 211 (Calculus III and ODE), Online, University of Waterloo
    • F 2020: SYDE 211 (Calculus III and ODE), Online, University of Waterloo
    • W 2020: MATH 127 (Calculus I), University of Waterloo
    • F 2019: MATH 217 (Calculus III), University of Waterloo
    • F 2018: MATH 1000 (Calculus I), Memorial University