Edited by
M-O. Bristeau, INRIA Rocquencourt, Le Chesnay, France
G. Etgen, University of Houston, USA
W. Fitzgibbon, University of Houston, USA
J.L. Lions, Collège de France, Paris, France
J. Périaux, Dassault Aviation, Saint Cloud, France
M.F. Wheeler, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Computational science can loosely be defined as the endeavour to develop and analyse models for the simulation and control of complex processes. This is achieved by making optimal use of computer resources and by drawing upon a variety of disciplines, techniques and theories. With the emergence of advanced computational and information technologies, computational science now has a significant impact on engineering, physical, biological, management and social sciences.
The contributions in this state-of-the-art volume range from theoretical and numerical topics to practical implementations. The subject matter includes modelling, mathematical and numerical analysis, differential equations, linear algebra, optimization, domain decomposition, computational fluid dynamics, computational mechanics, elasticity, structures, computational physics and chemistry, electromagnetics, control theory and other applications.
This volume is dedicated to Roland Glowinski on the occasion of his 60th birthday. It is aimed at the next generation of scientists, applied mathematicians, computer scientists, practitioners and engineers who will define computational science within the context of the challenging scientific, industrial, economic and societal problems of the 21st century.
Published by JOHN WILEY & SONS
ISBN 0.471.97.298.3
Research achievement: an analysis
List of authors
Remarks about metastability
R. Jordan, D. Kinderlehrer, F. Otto
Global solutions to the system of the motion of elastic strings
L. Ta-tsien, L. Da-qian
Regularity results for the solution of the Cauchy problem to Navier-Stokes equations
J. Necas
Analyticity, and the lack thereof, of semigroups arising from
thermo-elastic plates
R. Triggiani
Roundoff induces a chaotic behaviour for eigensolvers applied to highly
nonnormal matrices
T. Braconnier, F. Chaitin-Chatelin
About Newton-Krylov methods
J. Erhel
New approaches to large scale eigenanalysis
D. C. Sorensen
An approach to continuation using Krylov subspace methods
H. F. Walker
Adaptive algorithms and a posteriori error estimates on partitioned meshes
R. E. Bank, J. Périaux
Parallel domain decomposition for reaction-diffusion problems
M. Bercovier, N. Volfovsky, H. Parnas
Parallel solutions of optimal-control problems by time-domain decomposition
M. Berggren,M. Heinkenschloss
An analytic basis for multigrid methods for the stabilized finite
element methods for the Stokes problem
Z. Cai, J. Douglas Jr
Numerical quadratures and mortar methods
L. Cazabeau, C. Lacour, Y. Maday
Local inexact Newton multilevel FEM for nonlinear elliptic problems
P. Deuflhard, M. Weiser
An analytical study of the optimal speed of convergence of iterations in
DDM under certain shape assumptions of domains
H. Fujita, N. Saito
A fictitious domain method for Navier-Stokes equations
V. Girault, R. Glowinski, H. López, J.-P. Vila
Parallel solution of the wave equation using higher order finite elements
M. Kern
Iterative analysis of finite element problems with Lagrange multipliers
Y. Kuznetsov
On embedding techniques for 2nd-order elliptic problems
A. Rieder
Sharp estimates on intergrid transfer operators for
P1-nonconforming element and Morley element
Z. Shi, Z. Xie
Non-overlapping domain decomposition methods
R. Verfürth
A non-oscillatory modified method of characteristics algorithm
R. Bermejo
On the self-stabilization of Galerkin-finite element methods for flow problems
T. Chacon-Rebollo, A. D. Delgado
Generalized cell-centered finite volume methods: application to two-phase flow in porous media
G. Chavent, J. Jaffré, J.E. Roberts
On an operator related to the convergence of Uzawa's algorithm for the Stokes equation
M. Crouzeix
Computational sciences in environmental applications
R. E. Ewing
Remarks on a parallel algorithm for the Navier-Stokes equations
E. Fernández-Cara
Distributed Lagrange multiplier methods for particulate flows
R. Glowinski, T. Hesla, D. D. Joseph, T.-W. Pan, J. Périaux
Glowinski-Pironneau method for 3D -equations
J.-L. Guermond, L. Quartapelle
A preconditioned GMRES algorithm for compressible and incompressible flows
S. Idelsohn, N. Nigro, M. Storti
Numerical solution of the incompressible fluid flows using lattice Boltzmann method
N. Satofuka, T. Nishioka
A fluid particle motion simulation method
A.-K. Tornberg, R. W. Metcalfe, R. Scott, B. Bagheri
Numerical experiments on non-equilibrium effects in rarefied high velocity flows
J.-F. Bourgat
Numerical simulation of turbulent flows on unstructured meshes by using
finite element methods
J.-P. Chabard, F. Archambeau, O. Bonnin, D. Laurence, G. Pot
The simulation of 3D unsteady inviscid compressible flows with moving boundaries
K. Morgan, L. B. Bayne, O. Hassan, E. J. Probert, N. P. Weatherill
Some problems and paths to next century unsteady multiscale CFD
P. Perrier
Modeling and simulation of blood flow problems
A. Quarteroni, A. Veneziani
Turbulence modeling
M. Ravachol
A few issues of future simulation tools in computational fluid dynamics
for aeronautical applications
B. Stoufflet
Thermal diffusion effects in multicomponent flows
A. Ern, V. Giovangigli
Analysis and numerical simulation for models of binary alloy solidification
F. Gaillard, J. Rappaz
Some mathematical and numerical aspects of reduction in chemical kinetics
B. Larrouturou, B. Sportisse
Computational challenges in theoretical chemistry
B. M. Pettitt, P.E. Smith
Variational methods for biomedical computing
W. Lawton, N. Lek, T. Poston, R. Raghavan, S. R. Ranjan, R. Viswanathan, Y. P. Wang, Y. Yu
Coupling 1D and 2D mixed simulation of heterogeneous semiconductor devices
A. Marrocco
Thermoelectrical simulation of electrodes for reduction furnaces
A. Bermúdez, J. Bullón, F. Pena
Optimal shape design for radar cross section minimisation: the case of cylindrical bodies
J. Blum, M. Mandallena
Exact controllability methods for calculation of 3D time-periodic Maxwell solutions
M.-O. Bristeau
An asymptotic approach of the scattering of electromagnetic waves by thin
coatings with ferromagnetic materials
P. Joly, C. Poirier
Application of exact controllability and genetic algorithms to the
problem of scattering waves
J. Periaux, B. Mantel, H. Q. Chen
A criterion for stability of structures in the neighbourhood of a limit-point
E. Absi, A. Rigolot
Homogenization of a transmission problem in 2D elasticity
L. Baffico, C. Conca
On the role of the interface in the constructive or approximate solution of junction problems
R. L. V. González, E. Rofman
Convergence rates for semidiscrete FEM approximations of dynamic nonlinear shallow shells
I. Lasiecka, R. Marchand
Domain decomposition techniques for nonlinear elasticity problems
P. Le Tallec, M. Vidrascu
Investigation of a class of inverse problems on optimal boundaries
V. Agoshkov
Augmented Lagrangian and total variation methods for recovering
discontinuous coefficients from elliptic equations
T. F. Chan, X.-C. Tai
Aspects of optimal control on aerodynamics
A. Dervieux, J.-A. Désidéri, N. Marco
Aerodynamic design
A. Jameson
Some relations between two strategies for solving optimal control
problems with bilinear constraints
T. Kärkkäinen, P. Neittaanmäki
Fuzzy optimization method
H. Kawarada, H. Suito
Control theoretic methods for the computation of special solutions of differential equations
G. Auchmuty
Smart structures and super stability
A. V. Balakrishnan
Penalization methods applied to nonlinear elliptic unilateral problems
A. Bensoussan, L. Boccardo
Approximate controllability and obstruction phenomena for quasilinear diffusion equations
J. I. Díaz, A. M. Ramos
A rapid prototyping workstation for design of distributed parameter control systems
C. LaVigna, M. Mattice, H. G. Kwatny, G. L. Blankenship
On the approximate controllability with global state constraints
J. L. Lions
Sensitivity of functionals
G. Marchuk
Approximate controllability of the semilinear heat equation: boundary control
E. Zuazua
On numerical schemes for computing the price of look-back options
G. Barles, C. Daher, M. Romano, C. Tezier
An industrial vision of scientific computation for the 21st century
P. Bohn
Crisis or mutation in high-performance computing
P. Caseau
Filtering techniques in parallel computing
A. Ecer, H. U. Akay, N. Gopalaswamy
The description of the geographic spread in infectious disease
W. E. Fitzgibbon, M. Langlais
Vector finite elements and C++
F. Hecht, O. Pironneau
Numerical studies of the Gauss lattice problem
H. B. Keller
A robust resolution for the Zakai equation and infinitesimal generator of the asymptotic filtering
P. Malliavin
Coifman wavelet systems: approximation, smoothness and computational algorithms
J. Tian, R. O. Wells Jr, J. E. Odergard, C. S. Burrus