Responsibilities of Officers
- Call officer meetings throughout the year.
- In consultation with the faculty advisor and other officers, decide on
chapter goals for the academic year and events that will accomplish those goals.
- Supervise other officers as events are conceived, organized, and executed.
- Set dates for events and activities.
- Issue formal invitations to outside speakers.
- Coordinate with the Treasurer to make sure cost of events is reasonable and within budget.
- Serve as liaison between the faculty advisor and other officers.
- Coordinate with other student organizations.
- Ensure that everything is running smoothly and that chapter activities are
contributing to the annual goals.
- Serve as the face of the AMS graduate chapter and embody the values it promotes.
Vice President
- Assist with any of the President's requests.
- Handle the logistics of events (e.g., reserving rooms,
obtaining materials for events, making reservations,
filling out visitor request forms for outside speakers)
by either doing these tasks or delegating them to other
officers and then supervising.
- Admit new members and compile a membership list at the beginning of each academic year.
- Facilitate coordination and communication among officers.
- Update the website with current information, announcements of upcoming events, and
records of finished events.
- Ensure the website looks professional and aesthetically pleasing (including
keeping it free of spelling and grammar errors).
- Post photos to the website from all events and activities.
- Curate and create resources for the website that provide a service to current students in
the department (e.g., professional development items, orientation materials for new
students, written descriptions of "folklore facts" that students are expected to know but
are not written down officially).
- Use the website to (1) provide a service to students in the department, and (2) serve as
a record of chapter activities and student involvement that will remain for
future students, officers, and faculty advisors.
- Keep records of the AMS chapter account, including the initial balance
and all expenditures throughout the year.
- Keep receipts (or electronic copies) for all expenditures.
- Make sure that officers are following all UH procedures needed to receive
reimbursement (e.g., visitor request forms are filed prior to events,
sales tax is removed from purchases when applicable, only items eligible
for reimbursement are purchased).
- Make sure that reimbursements are requested as soon as possible after events;
Keep track of the Speedtype Account Number for the AMS Graduate Chapter account
and the UH Tax Exemption numbers.
- Follow-up with department staff when reimbursements are slow or problematic;
Keep the president and faculty advisor informed of the current balance in the
AMS Graduate Chapter account.
Communications Secretary
- Compose advertisements and promote events to increase participation.
- Send out email communications to members or the math department.
- Take photos at all events and give them to the webmaster afterward.
- Maintain the AMS Graduate Chapter's Facebook page.
- Provide the Webmaster with information related to events so they can be
posted to the website (e.g., advertisements prior to events, photos afterwards).
- Handle inquiries about the AMS chapter or its events from non-members,
referring such communication the faculty advisor or president when necessary.
- Proofread the website to assist the Webmaster with keeping information on the
website current and correct.
- Seek ways to promote our chapter in news sources both locally and nationally
(e.g., via UH news or AMS publications).
Faculty Advisor
- Provide guidance and advice.
- Answer questions about department policy or rules.
- Help with problems that arise.
- Communicate with the AMS when needed.
- Request AMS funds at the beginning of each academic year.
- File a final financial report with the AMS every June.
- Ensure that officers are fulfilling their responsibilities.