July 31 -- August 4, 2017
University of Houston
The masters class will consist of five
lectures on the following topics.
- Lecture 1: Model theory of metric structures
Introduction to model theory for metric structures, with an emphasis
on its applications to C*-algebras.
- Lecture 2: Axiomatizability and definability
Axiomatizabile classes of C*-algebras. Definable sets and definable properties.
- Lecture 3: Massive C*-algebras
Ultraproducts and central sequence algebras. Algebras with approximately
inner flip, strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras, and ultrapowers.
- Lecture 4: The effect of the Continuum Hypothesis
The number of nonisomorphic ultrapowers of a C*-algebra. An abstract
characterization of the ultrapower of a C*-algebra associated with a
nonprincipal ultrafilter.
- Lecture 5: Omitting types and model-theoretic forcing
Model theory and the Elliott classification programme. Model-theoretic
description of regularity properties of C*-algebras, and applications.
Construction of generic C*-algebras.
These lectures will be accessible to graduate students and
mathematicians with only a basic background on C*-algebra
theory. Open problems and new research opportunities for
beginning researchers will also be discussed.