
Department of Mathematics

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 > Directions/maps

 > Undergraduate

For further information, or to suggest a colloquium speaker, please contact the organizer.

To subscribe to the Colloquium mailing-lists, please email the organizer.

Directions to the Mathematics Colloquium

The colloquia are usually held on Wednesday at 3pm in a room that changes each semester.
One possible location is PGH 646, the seminar room in the Mathematics Dept.

The Mathematics Dept. is on the top floor of Philip Guthrie Hoffman (PGH) hall.

Here is a campus map with directions, search for PGH or its full name.
It is best to enter the campus through entrance 1, on Calhoun Rd. and University Dr.
You can get directions from the booth (the star on the right on the map below).
  • It is easiest to use the Welcome center parking garage on the left of the entrance, and walk to PGH.
  • Or, use the Stadium parking garage. There is a separate entrance for visitors.
  • Alternatively, ask at the booth. You might be able to buy a temporary permit there (not sure they still sell them).

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