MATH  2433 Online  - Spring 2014 - (lecture section 16071, lab section 16072)

Session Times: 

Live lecture sessions:  (2 options)
Option 1:  Tuesday 6:00 - 8:30 pm
Option 2:  Thursday 10:30 am - 1:00 pm

Recitation sessions:(2 options)
Option 1:  Monday 7:30 - 9:00 pm
Option 2:  Friday 2:30 - 4:00 pm

***Please make sure that your email is correct in PeopleSoft - that is how I will contact you concerning class updates***


Since this is an online class there are certain special requirements.

You must have access to a computer and a fast internet connection. Broadband, Cable and DSL connections are the best for this. Good dial-up connections are also suitable. You will need to install Adobe Acrobat Reader 8.1 or higher which is available for free from  You will need access to a printer and scanner (or camera) so that you can complete your written homework and turn it in electronically. Alternatively, you can use a free writing software and a writing tablet to work with the homework directly on your computer. More information about this will be available on the course homepage.

The classes will also incorporate technology into many of the lessons.  It would be helpful to have a graphing calculator and/or access to graphing software.  Some of the software we will use will include Geogebra and Winplot (PC only).  If you have a Mac, you can use the built in graphing calculator (in your utilities folder). 

There will be two online lecture session options (each covering the same material) and two problem session options every week. The completed notes and links to videos and extra examples will be posted for each section covered.  If you cannot attend either lecture session, there will be an alternate assignment for you to do in place of the daily lecture EMCF questions. If you cannot attend either recitation session, there will be an alternate assignment for you to do in place of the daily lab EMCF questions. Attendance will be taken through the session chat log and participation in the EMCF questions.  EMCF questions are electronic multiple choice questions that you will answer online on  More information is in the class syllabus.

Links to the sessions will be available on the online main page.

On campus exams will be given on the following dates:

Test 1: 2/28 and 3/1
Test 2: 4/11 and 4/12
Final: 5/2 through 5/4

Homework Information:

Homework problems will be selected from this list: .   Not all of these problems will be assigned but I strongly suggest you work through all of these problems as you will see them on quizzes, midterms and final exam.  Most homework will be a mix of multiple choice and written problems.