0.4   Two Useful Commands

Two commands that you will use frequently are

  1. Copy
  2. Paste.

Web browsers differ in how they handle these commands. Life is much easier if they work smoothly on your system. The idea is to copy-and-paste text to and from applets.

Here we describe an approach which often works. Experiment a little to see if it works for you.

The first thing you will need is someplace to copy-and-paste to. We recommend opening a text editor to run along with your web browser. For example, Windows users might want to use Notepad. Start your text editor now.

Let's try to copy information from a Java applet and paste it into your text editor. Click on the Compute! button on the next applet.

Select some of the output text you produced. Then pick "Copy" from the "Edit" menu on your web browser (all of the popular browsers have Edit menus). Now switch to your text editor. You should be able to just switch windows; you can leave the web browser going. Finally, select "Paste" from the Edit menu on your text editor.

If all went well, you now have a way to keep a lasting record of results from computations done in the web browser. Alternatively, some people like to simply take notes by hand on paper.

Whatever approach you use, the important thing is that you keep a record of the numerical experiments you perform. Being able to look back at your experiments is very useful in seeing relationships which lead to conjectures in this course.

Finally, bear in mind that the copy-and-paste process should also work in the other direction. You should be able to copy information from one place and paste it into the input fields of Java applets. In general, this is less important than going the other way, but it might be handy from time to time.

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